Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

September 7, 2024

Your Purpose

Our purpose is greater than our challenges.

I could not write anymore and enough would have been said. In your life you will face some serious challenges but know that your purpose is far greater. Always know that your purpose will be defined by your challenges. Many think that once they have discovered their purpose they won’t have challenges. Nothing could be farther from the truth. When you discover your purpose you will see an increase in your challenges. Welcome the challenges that come your way. Learn how to overcome them. You will gain in your destiny and purpose each time you come up against a challenge in life. To be a Champion you will have to know your purpose in higher than any challenge. No challenge that comes up against you will be able to stop you because you are unstoppable. A relentless person will attack the challenge until they have won. It’s time to get serious about your purpose. What is your purpose?

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