Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: August 2013

August 3, 2013


The ability to eliminate distractions and focus is not easy but will help you get better at everything you do.

So many people today find themselves caught up in the day-to-day busyness of life, driven to do more in less time. It seems people constantly strive to find ways to cram more into their already overcrowded schedules. But at the same time, God is constantly inviting us to step away from the hectic pace of life and come to Him to find rest. He invites us to be still before Him, to get quiet so we can hear His voice and set our hearts and minds at peace. Every day, you should take time to read and meditate on God’s promises. Make it a point to spend time with God throughout the day. When you get quiet, say, “God, I love You, today. Lord, thank You for my life, my family, my dreams.” That’s what is going to keep you strong. That’s what’s going to keep you moving forward in the right direction. Today, make it a point to be still before God. Quiet your mind of all the things on your agenda and just focus on Him. Let Him love you, let Him speak to your heart, and let Him fill you with peace and strength each and every day. Are you eliminating distractions in your life?

August 2, 2013

People Pleasing

In life, there will always be people who try to squeeze you into their mold; people who try to pressure you into being who they want you to be.

They may be good people. They may mean well. But the problem is that they aren’t your creator. They didn’t breathe life into you. They didn’t equip you, empower you or anoint you; God did! If you’re going to be all that God created you to be, you can’t focus on what everybody else thinks. If you change with every criticism, trying to win the favor of others, then you’ll go through life being manipulated and letting people squeeze you into their box. You have to realize that you can’t keep every person happy. You can’t make everyone like you. You’ll never win over all of your critics. Instead of trying to please people, when you get up in the morning, ask the Lord to search your heart. Ask Him if your ways are pleasing to Him. Stay focused on your goals. If people don’t understand you, that’s okay. If you lose some friends because you wouldn’t let them control you, they weren’t true friends anyway. You don’t need other’s approval; you only need God’s approval. Keep your heart and mind submitted to Him and be free from people pleasing. Are you avoiding people pleasing?


August 1, 2013


In life, you must keep a balance, continue to do your best, and avoid being overly affected by the situation.

Sometimes it’s easy to get so focused on our dreams and goals that we tune out everything else. We can get to the point where we’re not going to be happy until we see those things happen. But I’ve found that if we have to have something in order to be happy, our lives are out of balance. When our goals and dreams start to frustrate us; when we lose our peace and don’t enjoy life, that’s a clear sign that we’re holding on too tightly. What’s the solution? You’ve got to release it. Freedom comes when you say, “God, I’m turning it all over to You. You know my desires and what’s best for me. I’m choosing to trust You and trust Your timing.” When we learn to be content whatever the circumstances, it takes away the power of the enemy. It takes away his ability to frustrate us. Not only that, but by our actions we are showing our determination. When you choose to trust in God’s timing, you can live in peace, you can live in joy, and you can rest in Him knowing that He has good things in store for your future. Today, find freedom in contentment and rest in His everlasting peace. Are you living in balance today?

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