Monthly Archives: May 2023
May 31, 2023
Stronger Than Ever
Whatever happens, you’ll get through this and we’ll be stronger than ever before.
In life you are going to face opposition, especially on your journey as a Champion. The adversity is going to be bigger and stronger all the time. However, know that you will overcome and be much stronger because of it. It’s not the adversity that necessarily makes you a Champion, but it does reveal that you are a Champion. Don’t stress over the outcome because you are unstoppable. You play until you win and nothing else. You are strong now, but you will continually grow stronger as you move forward. Honestly, I am excited about your quest. I know you are going to accomplish awesome things in your life. Use your purpose to shape your destiny. Use you gifting to be the difference on other’s life’s. You are very special and unique, so use that to make it to the next level in your life. Are you strong?
May 30, 2023
Being Mentally Dominate
Physical dominance can make you great. Mental dominance is what ultimately will make you unstoppable, a Champion.
Now days everyone has talent. The difference maker then is; mental dominance. The mental game is what will enable you to be the Champion you want to be. All the talent in the world will only get you so far and will only keep you for so long. Talent levels will start to decrease in time. However, the mental conditioning will make you stronger than your opponent. When others are falling by the side, you will continue going higher. Why do we neglect to train our minds? I encourage you today to begin a mental conditioning program. You will see results faster than you may even expect. There is such a demand today for excellence in every field, not just sports. Take your game, whatever it may be, to the next level. It is a must if you really want to be the Champion you were created you to be. To be unstoppable you must have mental toughness. If you truly desire the highest level of your destiny and purpose; mental dominance has to be there. Are you mentally dominant today?
May 29, 2023
No Whining
There are a lot of average people walking around who have Champion buried inside them, but are not trained or willing to do the work needed.
Being average is a choice. You were created to be a Champion. You have the seeds of greatness inside you. However, you have to do the work to grow the seeds. It takes work to be a Champion. You have to do the work and the training to bring it out. It is hard work, takes sacrifice and discipline. Don’t take the easy way out. Do what you do to be great. It is truly disappointing knowing that so many people go their grave with never bringing out the relentless Champion out. It’s not too hard. You have what it takes. You can do this. There are people around you that will be there to help you. Then in time you will be able to help those around you too. Take the time to do the work to be unstoppable. No more excuses. No more whining. Are you doing the work to be a Champion today?
May 28, 2023
Strong Values
Values will provide your safety net for when you fall.
On your way to being a Champion you will fall. Embrace the falls, don’t avoid them. Your values are what will keep you safe when you hit bottom. They will give you the guidance to get back up and going forward again. As long as you are striving to be a Champion there are going to be times when you fall. So don’t worry about that, your values will keep you going. They are you lifeline when you are alone. Being unstoppable at times meaning you have to go it alone. There are lessons you have to learn that can only be learned alone. The question is; what are your values and how strong are they? Check your values today because falls will happen. Are they strong enough to keep you going? Be a Champion today. Have you strengthened your values?
May 27, 2023
Do you ever feel like things in your life are out of control?
Usually that happens when we allow our circumstances to dictate our thoughts and attitudes. You might say, “Well, the economy is wreaking havoc on my business.” Or, “This relationship is just too far gone.” But today is the day to take your life back!Take your life back by taking your thoughts back. Don’t allow the negative to have access any longer. Instead, meditate on the truth daily and allow the truth to sink down deep into your being. Today, as you take captive every thought and you are setting yourself up for victory. You are positioning yourself to take your life back! Are you in or out of control of your life today?
May 26, 2023
Champion’s Purpose
You aren’t a Champion unless you are helping others become a Champion.
Your purpose isn’t about you; it’s about others. In order for you to be a Champion you have to be bringing others with you. A Champion will be a teacher/mentor/leader. To say it’s lonely at the top, means that you’re not at the top; you’re just alone. If you’re at the top there will be others there will you. The one’s that brought you up and the one’s you are bring up with you. A Champion isn’t afraid to reach out and help others. A Champion will teach and show what they have learned alone the way. It takes being secure in who you are to be a Champion. You’re not worried about the others being better than you because of what you have taught them. It is your purpose to make them better because of what you have taught them. Your legacy as a Champion is that you helped others become a Champion. Look around you. Are there others making the way to the top with you? It is the mark of a Champion. Are you helping others become a Champion today?
May 25, 2023
Staring at Hopelessness
When you seem hopeless, things you can’t explain happen and change your life forever.
I believe that hope may be more important than oxygen to sustain life. You can’t live without either one. However, so many people are still walking around, but without hope, they are dead inside. The amazing thing though, is for someone who is unstoppable, when life seems hopeless, something happens to bring back hope and changes your life. I have been close to the brink of hopelessness and it’s not a good place to be. It is a cold, dark, lonely place. But I knew I could not and would not stop. You have to be relentless in these times. Never allowing giving up to enter your mind. This is where Champions are produced. If you are looking at a situation that seems hopeless; then know that something is about to happen that will turn it around. Your life is about to change for the better. Stay the course. Don’t give up. Be a Champion. Are you staring at hopeless today?
May 24, 2023
Great Rewards
There is no privilege greater than the pressure to be a Champion, and no greater reward than earning the respect and awe of others.
I challenge you today to respond to the internal pressure to be a Champion. The price of being unstoppable is high, but the payoff is higher. We all want the rewards of being a Champion, but few are willing to put in the work. There are days when you just don’t feel like doing what it takes to be relentless. Those are the days when you have to double your effort. Do something that you don’t want to do. Champions don’t go by their feelings. Champions go by what has to be done and then do it. Remember, do or do not; there is no try. Determine today that you will do the work of a Champion. Whatever your field is, do your work with excellence. There is absolutely no reason or excuse for you not to be the best at what you do. You were created for this. This is your day. Be the Champion that you know you are supposed to be. Are you ready to do the work of a Champion?
May 23, 2023
We Strong
Whatever happens, you’ll get through this and we’ll be stronger than ever before.
In life you are going to face opposition, especially on your journey as a Champion. The adversity is going to be bigger and stronger all the time. However, know that you will overcome and be much stronger because of it. It’s not the adversity that necessarily makes you a Champion, but it does reveal that you are a Champion. Don’t stress over the outcome because you are unstoppable. You play until you win and nothing else. You are strong now, but you will continually grow stronger as you move forward. Honestly, I am excited about your quest. I know you are going to accomplish awesome things in your life. Use your purpose to shape your destiny. Use you gifting to be the difference on other’s life’s. You are very special and unique, so use that to make it to the next level in your life. Are you strong?
May 22, 2023
Higher Heights
It should be your desire that you continually progress, that you reach higher heights and go to new levels.
During times like these, it’s easy to get discouraged and allow fear to creep in. But instead, why don’t you focus on the fact that you are a Champion. There is nothing too difficult for you; nothing is impossible, nothing is beyond your ability. You are safe. You are cared for. No matter what you may be going through today, you can trust that God is for you. Instead of getting down and depressed over your circumstances, look up and get a vision of God turning that situation around. Do what you do and let the rest go. You have what it takes. You are unstoppable, a relentless Champion! Face the situation and know that; you got this. Are you in control today?