Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: February 2012

February 29, 2012

Goals Along the Way

Goals are like mile markers along the way to your destiny. You have to have a vision; a Roadmap to Your Destiny. Get a mental picture of where you are going in your life.

So few people have a true mental picture of where they are going in their life.  They don’t have a plan as to where they desire to go with their life.  When we don’t have a plan or a picture, we will not have options and choices in our life.  We will be controlled and told what to do by everyone else if we don’t take the necessary steps.  You may have never had a plan for your life until now.  It is not too late to develop a plan; a roadmap for your destiny today.  It is has been said that only 3% of people today have a written plan of goals for their life.  Goals are good, they enable us to go from point to point, level to level.  Just don’t get complacent when you reach a goal and stop your journey.  Today is the day you can begin to develop a plan for your life.  God created you with a purpose and it is up to us to live it out.  He has gifted you and given you what you need to walk out your destiny. 

If you have any questions about your destiny and plan feel free to go

February 28, 2012

Manic Monday

If you dread and dislike Monday’s or any day of the week; then something is missing in your life. If you are living out your destiny and living in your purpose day in and day out; you will not dread any day of the week.

There are people going about their day to day business and are miserable.  They dread Monday’s and live for the weekends.  So they are miserable 5 days out of 7.  That is no way to live.  Matter of fact that is not living, that is just getting by.  When you see someone that is alive and never looks at their job as work, then you have found someone that is living their destiny.  If you you are walking in your destiny, operating in your purpose then you don’t dread Monday’s or any day for that matter.  When you are in your zone, then there really is no separation between you and what you do.  You see, you are what you do in your destiny.  There is not a job you go to and then your destiny. The two are one in the same.  Take a look at your life. Are you happy with your day to day or are you miserable.  God never intended for you to simply exist and be miserable your entire life.  Even during the tough times, you still have a joy and peace when you are living your destiny.  Take an inventory today and see where if you are living or not. 

February 27, 2012

You Got the Goods

You are so blessed! You are awesome! You are wonderful, more than able, you are a person of destiny.

You were born with a purpose for your life. You were created full of destiny. You have a specific gift and talent. There is something that you do that no one else in the world can do just like you do.  You were born at a destined time and place to fulfill your destiny.  You have all you will ever need inside of you to finish your purpose. There is no one that is not good enough to have a purpose. You are smart, capable, and just the right person to get it done.  Never let anyone talk you out of your destiny.  Don’t stop learning, growing, stretching out of your comfort zone. When we step out into our purpose, our destiny it can be scary, but that’s also the fun part.  It is an adventure, it’s exciting, it’s like nothing else you have ever experienced.  Don’t sell yourself short, don’t doubt in who you are and what God has placed in you. God will make a way where you don’t think you make it. God will open doors you never saw before.  Take the first step toward your destiny and get ready for the adventure of your life.

February 26, 2012

Take a Little Time

Before you unload on someone and give them a piece of your mind. Find out why they are acting the way they are towards you.  Chances are there is a good reason for their actions.

We don’t know the pain and heart ache that someone may be experiencing. We need to be more sensitive to someone’s situation.  When we stop judging people and start healing people we will find their actions towards us will change.  When someone is rude to us we feel like we have to be rude right back. We have no good reason for it, but maybe they did in the first place.  They may be going through a terrible situation at home.  They may be experiencing things you never thought possible.  Start loving them, offering them hope, giving them encouragement.  Give them a shoulder to lean on rather than the cold shoulder.  It may be their fault, they may be in the wrong for what is going on, but we aren’t called to be their judge and jury. We are called to help the hurting, to comfort those that are in distress. Rather than a piece of your mind, give them a peace of mind. 

February 25, 2012

They Driving You

That very person that you are praying for God to take out of your life; could very well be the very person that God placed in your life to take you to the next level. 

There will always be people in your life that rub you the wrong way.  We are to love everyone, but it can be difficult to like everyone.  Sometimes, even when we like a person, that person may not like us for some reason or another.  God has strategically placed certain people in your life to sharpen you. To enable you to go to the next level in your destiny.  This is most likely the person that you are praying to God for Him to take them out of your life.  Make a note, that when you sharpen an iron object that sparks fly and it gets heated.  There will be people in your life that you feel this from when you are around them.  Best thing to do is learn from them what it is you are supposed to learn and then maybe they will be removed from your life. However, once you over the obstacle that they are in your life to help you overcome, you may feel differently about them.  Just know that God is in control and knows every move in advance.  He sees you and knows your heart.  Don’t try to pray all the problem out of your life, but rise above the problem.  

February 24, 2012

I See You

Too often we judge people before we know their situation. We put a critical or judgmental title on them without knowing why they are the way they are. We need to see things from their perspective instead of stereotyping them.

We don’t know what is going on in their life. We just see the addiction, the behavior, the fault.  We weren’t put in people’s life to judge them but to encourage them. We are to be dealers of hope, not dealers of misery to them.  We should see through eyes of compassion not criticizing.  We should see them through the eyes of love not judgement.  When we see their why it will change us.  We all have a story; you have a story, I have a story.  We judge people through our past. This is not fair to them.  We may be strong in an area where they are weak.  We are quick to talk down to them, judging them.  Remember that it’s only by the grace of God that you aren’t dealing with that addiction, that mindset, that insecurity, that abuse.  We have the choice of seeing people through understanding, forgiving, compassionate eyes.  We can all find fault and criticize, but love will overcome all their mistakes.  We don’t have to magnify their issues and problems, but we should help them to walk through their dark times, their wilderness and come out better.  Change your perspective today and see folk the way you want to be seen. Through the eyes of love. 

February 23, 2012

Good Word

Take the time today to speak a blessing over your life. We hear people speak curses over their life and never realize what they have done.  To think it is funny or okay to demean yourself or speak negative words over your life is wrong.

Don’t be against yourself. There are so many things going us today, circumstances, people, life seems to be against us most of the time. The last thing you need is to be going against yourself.  It is just as wrong to criticize yourself as it someone else.  You will never break out of the negative cycles you are in if you don’t change your words.  I challenge you today to take five minutes a day to speak positive things over your life.  “I am full of purpose,” I am healthy,” I am a masterpiece,” I am good looking,” “I am beautiful,” “I am loved.”  Start your day by speaking a blessing over your life and see your life change.  There will be work to do, but to be positive and growing, takes work. It is easy to be negative and defeated. You don’t have to do anything to get those results.  Be a blessing speaker today. Little by little you will see your life change for the better. Speak victory not defeat. Your life will move toward your words. Make the decision today to build your life up by speaking what God has said about you. Go to His Word and find the verses that talk about how He feels toward you.  Today can be the first day of the brand new you!

February 22, 2012

Positive Words

Our words play a major role in determining our destiny. What you keep saying will be your focus and where you end up. Make sure you talk what your destiny in a positive way.

We need to be speaking words of affirmation, encouragement, positive, building up words.  Just listen to those around you and hear what they are saying. Most people today are talking negative, self-depreciating, defeated words.  They are talking about how they will never make it, never get out of debt, never be healthy, never have a good marriage.  Trouble is, that is right where they end up.  Just because you may be in that place right now, don’t talk it, begin to speak words of life into your situation. Say what the Word of God says about your life. Begin to see yourself healed, healthy, in a great marriage, debt free, finishing school, in a great job.  Start to talk about having the life God wants you to have.  Change your words, change your world.  You give life to your faith with what you say.  Today begin blessing your life with your words rather than cursing your life with your words. Rather than complain; start to compliment. You hear every word you say and you believe what you say about you; so make it positive, up lifting words. You will see your life go to a whole new level.  Today is your day; begin speaking life!

February 21, 2012

Make My Day

When you start your day, don’t just spend time thinking about yourself or how you can make your own life better. Think about ways you can make someone else’s life better, too! Ask yourself, “Who can I encourage today? Who can I build up?” You have something to offer those around you that no one else can give. Someone in your life needs your encouragement. Someone in your life needs to know that you believe in them. We are responsible for how we treat the people He’s placed in our lives. He’s counting on us to bring out the best in our family and friends.

Ask the Lord to give you creative ways to encourage those around you. As you sow seeds of encouragement and bring out the best in others, God will send people along your path that will build you up, too. Keep showing kindness so you can move forward into the blessing and freedom He has for you!

February 20, 2012

Can You Believe It

There is incredible power in what you believe.  What you believe is greater than your bank account balance, greater than the medical report, greater than the troubled situation you are facing right now.  What you believe supersedes your circumstances every time.

Why? Because with God, all things are possible to those that believe.  He can turn a situation completely around in a second.  God is ready and willing. He has healing, restoration, promotion, prosperity, and favor ready to go.  The only problem is we don’t believe it.  God’s power is only activated when we believe.  Do you believe in the incredible greatness of God’s power today? Do you believe that God is able or that He cares.  You may have plenty of reasons to be discouraged and depressed, but God is saying, “If you only believe, you will see My power in new ways.”  Make up your mind.  You’re going to be a believer and not a doubter.  You may not se how it will happen, but that is not your responsibility; your part is to believe.  Right now, behind the scenes, God is arranging things in your favor.  Release your faith and believe.  Note that I didn’t say wish, but believe.  Have faith today in God!

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