Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: July 2017

July 9, 2017

Handle It

Champions make the competition study them; they don’t care what they are facing, they know they can handle anything.
If you are a true Champion you don’t study the opposition; you make your opposition study you. You set the standard that everyone else is trying to reach. You know that no matter comes your way, you can handle it and be successful. You were created to be awesome and it’s time to go to the next level. There will be adversity that you will have to face. Don’t try to avoid it, but go through it. You own this! Be careful that you don’t settle for second best. It’s not easy being relentless and unstoppable. If it were then everyone would be. It’s not talent, but a choice. You have to be mentally tough enough to handle it. Don’t let another day go by without getting better. Are you ready to be able to handle anything?

July 8, 2017

Behavior Patterns

Do you have behaviors in your life that you want to change?
Maybe it’s a habit, a bad attitude, or even negative thoughts. No matter what you may want to change in your life, you have to start by changing your mind. You have to change your thinking so that your thoughts are in line with the truth. Remember, your life will go in the direction of your thoughts. You can’t just allow any old thought or image to play in your mind. You have to choose right thoughts. The easiest way to change your thoughts is by speaking the truth. When you say “orange,” you probably won’t start thinking about an apple. So line your thoughts up with your destiny. Your purpose in life is dependent on your thoughts and words. Stay positive. Stay strong. Stay at it. Don’t ever allow your thoughts to stop you from going higher. Are your behaviors helping or hurting you today?

July 7, 2017

Raise the Bar

A Champion can’t even define success because they keep raising the bar on what that means.

Records where meant to be broken. What at one time was supposed to be success is now not even average. That is because those that are unstoppable keep changing the definition of success. To be the greatest of the greatest you have to keep raising the bar. You are never satisfied where you are at. When you become content and satisfied then you will not stay at the top for very long. I encourage you today to keep striving to be your best. Don’t compete against others but rather compete against yourself. When you find your true north, your purpose, your reason for being you will never have another boring, wasted, timing killing day. You will crave the end result of what you are doing. Keep raising your own personal bar. Being a Champion will mean you have to be relentless in your pursuit of being the best. Today you will change the definition of success in whatever it is you do. Are you ready to raise the bar?

July 6, 2017

Your Pep Talk

We’ve all had seasons when the challenges of life feel overwhelming.

During those times, it’s tempting to talk about how bad things are. Maybe you received a bad medical report, or maybe you’re facing a financial situation. But the more you talk about something, the bigger it becomes in your mind. Instead, you’ve got to dig your heels in and say, “No, I am not going to give life to that defeat. I am not going to speak sickness over myself. I’m not going to speak lack. I’m not going to speak fear. I’m choosing a different report. I believe the truth about my life. I am a Champion. I am relentless. I am unstoppable!” Remember, even if you don’t see how things could ever work out, don’t quit. You’ve got to speak to those situations in your life. You got this! Start today speaking the Champion truth about your life. Take charge of your destiny. You only have one shot in your life, make it count. What are you speaking over your life today?

July 5, 2017

Baggage Check Time

What’s happened in your past is not nearly as important as what is in your future.

Where you’re going is much more significant than where you’ve been. But if you stay focused on the past, you’ll get stuck where you are. This is the reason a lot of people don’t have joy or enthusiasm for life. They’re dragging around all of this negative baggage from the past. Somebody offended them last week, and they’ve got that stuffed in their resentment bag. Last month, they lost their temper and said some things they shouldn’t have. They’ve got that in their guilt and condemnation bag. Ten years aogo, they lost a friend. They still don’t understand it. They’ve got that hurt and pain in their disappointment bag. They carry around their bag of regrets, all the things they wished they would have done differently. Life is too short to live that way. Learn to travel light. Every morning when you first get up, forgive the people that did you wrong the day before. Forgive your spouse for what they said. At the start of the day, let go of the disappointments, the setbacks from yesterday. Start every morning fresh and new. You were not designed to carry around all that baggage. Let it go and move forward. Are you ready to let go of the baggage?

July 4, 2017

Your Preparation

Repetition alone doesn’t bring rewards; it is the quality of preparation thats brings quality performance.
You can do something over and over again, but if you are doing it wrong, it will always be wrong. The quality of your repetitions is what will take you to the next level. Take the time to get it right. The only short cut is to get it right the first time and then keep repeating the process. Most people aren’t going to put in the time and hard work of quality preparation. They measure once and have to go look for another piece of wood when they cut wrong. Making sure your preparation is of the highest quality will assure that you don’t have to stop and go looking. Make sure there is excellence in all that you do. Being a Champion takes Champion-like preparation. No one said being unstoppable would be easy. It’s not easy, but worth the work that you put into become the best at what you do. Is your preparation of Championship quality?

July 3, 2017

The Prize

Winning a championship will be the hardest thing you’ll ever do in your life because every Champion wants the same prize.

Being number one in whatever it is you do is very difficult to accomplish. Being average, middle of the pack, that is the easy way out. You won’t be dealing with those. You will dealing with other Champions. Don’t let that bother or slow you down for a second. This should be your incentive to be the best. Being unstoppable, you crave the competition to be number one. You will find that being a relentless, a Champion puts you in rare air. There aren’t many that go that far in being the best. Most give up before they get to the top. The work is to hard, the hours too long, the sacrifice too much. Don’t let this be you. Are you doing the work of a Champion today?

July 2, 2017


A lot of people get stuck in life because they’ve been hurt or betrayed, and they end up settling where they are.

They allow the disappointment to keep them from their destiny appointment. Don’t let that be you! Don’t let what somebody did or didn’t do for you be an excuse to live sour. Don’t let a bad break, a divorce, a betrayal or a bad childhood cause you to settle where you are. Move forward and be unstoppable. Move forward and into your destiny. Move forward and you’ll move up to a new and higher level. The loss of someone close to you will not prevent you from your life plan. The business that didn’t make it, the relationship that didn’t work out did not stop the plan for your life. Now, the real question is: are you going to get stuck, fall into self-pity, become bitter, let the past poison your future? Or, are you going to shake it off and move forward knowing that your best days are still up ahead?

July 1, 2017


If you want to perform at a level of a Champion you must practice at a level of a Champion.

Allen Inversion, former NBA star, made a joke about practice that is still played on YouTube. However, practice is what develops the Champion in you. The way you practice is how you will perform. Whether you are an athlete, stay at home mom, business man or a student it holds true. Your preparation makes all the difference. Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect. How you prepare to do what you do is how you will preform what you do. Don’t take for granted your practice time. Make each repetition count. Learn and grow during practice. By changing your perspective about preparation and practice will make all the difference in how you perform. If you desire to be a Champion, to be unstoppable, then it starts with practice. How do you practice today?

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