Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 13, 2017

Back Talkers

When people talk behind your back, remember they’re exactly where they belong…behind you.

You can’t let what other people say behind your back affect you. I know at times it can be hurtful but you have to be strong. People will say things about you to try to bring you down to their level. The thing is when they talk about you it only takes them farther down. Separate yourself from those that have nothing better to do than try to bring you down. You’re better than that. You are a Champion. When they see that what they are saying doesn’t affect you the way they want it to; then they will go on to someone else. Also, don’t get caught up in listening to these people talk about other people. Know that if they are talking about others, chances are they are talking about you too. Be the person you were created to be, not what someone else tries to make you out to be. No, you’re not perfect but none of us are. We all have made mistakes and made bad decisions, but you have greatness inside you. Get back up and keep moving forward. Leaving those back talkers farther and farther behind.

October 26, 2017

You aren’t a Champion unless you are helping others become a Champion.

Your purpose isn’t about you; it’s about others. In order for you to be a Champion you have to be bringing others with you. A Champion will be a teacher/mentor/leader. To say it’s lonely at the top, means that you’re not at the top; you’re just alone. If you’re at the top there will be others there will you. The one’s that brought you up and the one’s you are bring up with you. A Champion isn’t afraid to reach out and help others. A Champion will teach and show what they have learned alone the way. It takes being secure in who you are to be a Champion. You’re not worried about the others being better than you because of what you have taught them. It is your purpose to make them better because of what you have taught them. Your legacy as a Champion is that you helped others become a Champion. Look around you. Are there others making the way to the top with you? It is the mark of a Champion. Are you helping others become a Champion today?

September 1, 2017

Your Actions

Let them know you are a Champion by your actions, not your words or emotions.

A Champion allows their actions to speak for them. Pretenders and contenders use words and hype to get attention. A Champion knows that won’t work. People get tired of all the hollering and acting out. Just go do work. Do what you do best and let people see your results. Being unstoppable means you don’t have to do much talking. Your actions speak for you. You know what to do and you go do it. Be the leader that shows others you will do what needs to be done. Be the difference in the world around you with your actions. Today it seems like people like to do talk more about how great they are and what they can do. However, all that doesn’t mean anything unless you are unstoppable and relentless. A Champion knows that if you have to do a lot of talking then you aren’t there yet. Take your game to the next level by being a person of little talk but strong actions. What is speaking for you today?

July 3, 2015

Want It

Wanting something won’t get you anywhere.

People are always wanting, but far too few are actually doing something. I have heard it said that, people need more backbone not wishbone. There is no doubt about it. The thing that often stops people is the start. You have to start in order to finish. Also, your start is important. How you start will have a major impact on how you finish. Let’s move from wanting to doing. There is still so much to be done in making a difference in the world, we can’t afford to wait any longer. It’s time to begin now. Don’t waste anymore of your life. It’s time to start living the life you were created to live. No more sitting on the sidelines, time to get in the game. Are you ready to go from wanting to doing?

June 29, 2015


Have you ever spent time with a small child or baby and had them mimic your every sound or action?

To them it’s a fun game, but internally, they are learning by watching and copying everything you do. They just watch and do the same thing. That’s because we are all prewired to be imitators. Just like little children, we are all still imitators. So many people today end up imitating what they see in the world, on TV, in the news and magazines. But we need to imitate those that have gone before us and succeeded in what we want to succeed in. If you want to be a difference maker then be an imitator, not a copy cat, but do what they have done to succeed. If you need to change your actions today, change what you are imitating by simply changing your focus. Who are you imitating today?

April 23, 2015


Do you ever feel an inner “alarm” going off when you know you shouldn’t be doing something?

As soon as we feel that uneasiness, we need to stop and evaluate what’s going on. Too often, people override that feeling thinking they’ll sort it out later, but then they have to deal with things that they could have avoided. The time to respond is the time when you sense the alarm. You may be in the middle of a conversation and the alarm goes off. You know you’re supposed to walk away. Don’t ignore it. Or, you’re about to purchase something. You’re about to make some plans and you feel that check, that uneasiness, that alarm. That’s not random. If you will learn to listen, you can stay away from trouble. Don’t ignore it and make life more difficult; instead, quickly obey. Don’t override the alarms. Are you listening to the alarms today?

April 1, 2015

Words and Actions

Let them know you are a Champion by your actions, not your words or emotions.

A Champion allows their actions to speak for them. Pretenders and contenders use words and hype to get attention. A Champion knows that won’t work. People get tired of all the hollering and acting out. Just go do work. Do what you do best and let people see your results. Being unstoppable means you don’t have to do much talking. Your actions speak for you. You know what to do and you go do it. Be the leader that shows others you will do what needs to be done. Be the difference in the world around you with your actions. Today it seems like people like to do talk more about how great they are and what they can do. However, all that doesn’t mean anything unless you are unstoppable and relentless. A Champion knows that if you have to do a lot of talking then you aren’t there yet. Take your game to the next level by being a person of little talk but strong actions. What is speaking for you today?

October 10, 2014


Athletes that perform at their best when their best is needed have learned to live in the present moment and are know they are unstoppable.

Everybody is good at the beginning of the game. However, it is the ones that are relentless the entire game, especially when it’s on the line. Whatever your game is you have to be able to come through at crunch time. Whether its closing a major deal, passing that test, or whatever it is you do. Being a Champion means you are the best when the situation is the toughest. You don’t get too far ahead in thinking nor do you stay in the past. Being a Champion means you are in the now. Be where your feet are. You are unstoppable when others are stopping. Be consistent and steady. Show others that you are the best, you don’t have to tell them. Be the last one standing at the end of the day. You have what it takes to be the best today. Are you in the now and unstoppable?

September 29, 2014

Actions and Words

Let them know you are a Champion by your actions, not your words or emotions.

A Champion allows their actions to speak for them. Pretenders and contenders use words and hype to get attention. A Champion knows that won’t work. People get tired of all the hollering and acting out. Just go do work. Do what you do best and let people see your results. Being unstoppable means you don’t have to do much talking. Your actions speak for you. You know what to do and you go do it. Be the leader that shows others you will do what needs to be done. Be the difference in the world around you with your actions. Today it seems like people like to do talk more about how great they are and what they can do. However, all that doesn’t mean anything unless you are unstoppable and relentless. A Champion knows that if you have to do a lot of talking then you aren’t there yet. Take your game to the next level by being a person of little talk but strong actions. What is speaking for you today?

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