Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

April 28, 2014

Run To The Battle

The very moment you first feel fear, you have to resist it.

In other words, you have to act against it. If you make the mistake of thinking about your fears and start thinking about all the reasons why you can’t do what God is telling you to do, then it won’t be long before you develop a negative mindset that will keep you stuck where you are. In the Bible, when God told David to go fight Goliath, it says that David run toward the battlefield. In other words, he didn’t think about it. He didn’t allow fear to grip his heart and talk him out of it. He just did what God wanted him to do. So many people today are just sitting on the sidelines of life. They have tremendous potential on the inside, but they keep letting the enemy talk them out of doing what God wants them to do. Every time they get a vision of victory for their life, the enemy brings fear; and they just swallow his lies hook, line and sinker. Don’t let that be you! Instead, run toward your battlefield. Are you defeating your fear today?


April 27, 2014

It’s That Time

So many people today are missing out on joy, peace and success because they keep giving in to fear.

They are afraid to make a decision, they are afraid to confront issues, they’re afraid to step out into their destiny, they’re afraid of the past, and they’re afraid of the future! We don’t have to live that way. Always remember, fear is not from God. You have to make a decision to deal aggressively with fear. You can’t be passive and expect to live in victory. The only way to conquer fear is to confront it head-on with the truth. Know who you are, not what others say about you. You are a champion and it’s time to live like one. It’s time to regain the joy, peace, and success that you have been missing out on. Are you ready to get back in the game today?


April 17, 2014

Fear Not

So many people today are missing out on joy, peace and victory because they keep giving in to fear.

They are afraid to make a decision, they are afraid to confront issues, they’re afraid to step out into their destiny, they’re afraid of the past, and they’re afraid of the future! But we don’t have to live that way. Always remember, fear is not from God. God has given you power, and His power is greater than any other power in the universe! You have to make a decision to deal aggressively with fear. You can’t be passive and expect to live in victory. The only way to conquer fear is to confront it head-on with the truth. Are you defeating fear today?


March 8, 2014

Fear and Frustration

So many people today are living uptight, worried and anxious about the future, filled with frustration and fear.

In their mind there may be good reason, but understand, living that way is not how you were created. You shouldn’t be filled with anxiety and frustration; you were designed to live in peace. The next time you’re tempted to worry or be anxious about something, remember to choose peace. Don’t let fear control your life. There will be all kinds of things that will attack your mind, but stand strong. It may just be that you need to change your perspective. Look at that situation from a different angle. Also, always find the truth of the matter, not the facts, but the truth. The truth will always over ride the facts. Fill your mind with peace and truth. Guard what goes into your mind at all times. Be diligent in your thought process. You have an awesome mind, don’t let it work against you. Are you guarding your mind today?


January 29, 2014

Fear Thoughts

The most powerful, liberating things we can do is to break from the fear-based thinking that dominates the world.

So many people today are living with less than their best because they’ve allowed fear to come in and take root in their lives. Fear is the greatest weapon used to try to hold us back. Fear is not from God. We know that fear brings torment. It’s designed to paralyze us and keep us from our destiny. The good news is that God is greater than fear. His power in you is greater than any power that comes against you. You have to close the door on fear. See, fear can’t have access to your life unless you open a door and give it access. That’s why we have to be careful about what we watch, what we listen to, what we read, and what we say. When we open ourselves to fear, we give it opportunity. If you’ve allowed fear to steal from you in any area of life, today you can be free — you can be finished with fear. Conquering fear starts by making the choice to close the door on fear by receiving God’s love. Receive His truth and speak His truth. Let Him set you free and lead you into victory as you close the door on fear. Are you ready to get fear out of your life today?


October 22, 2013

Knock Knock

Attack what you fear, and the fear will eventually disappear.

Fear knocks at the door, selling you the worst case scenario. Fear tells you, “You’re going to lose your job. Your marriage is over. Your business is falling apart. Your child is done. It’s all downhill from here.” When those thoughts come, you don’t have to buy in. You don’t have to accept those thoughts. Here’s the key: when fear knocks, let truth answer the door. Don’t give those thoughts of fear the time of day. Don’t let them intimidate you. Answer back with truth. “God, You said the number of my days You would fulfill. God, You said Your plans for me are for good and not evil. God, You said what’s meant for my harm You would turn around and use to my advantage.” If you’ll keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, it’s like keeping the door locked on an intruder. Fear has no right in your life. Remember, the battle is in your mind. The enemy is after your thoughts. Don’t give him the time of day; and when fear knocks, let the truth answer the door. Who is answering your door when fear knocks?

October 16, 2013

Overcoming Fear

Fear always presents itself much bigger than it really is.

It’s always the worst-case scenario. It always tries to get you worried, anxious, uptight and panicked. Fear’s goal is to separate you from God by trying to get you to doubt His Word. When  fear comes, recognize that it has no power unless you give it power. Don’t give it power by speaking what fear speaks. Don’t give it power by meditating on it. Instead, let the power of the truth rise up within you. Say what God says. Remember, no matter how big fear presents itself, it’s no match for the power of truth. God is bigger than your problems and bigger than fear. Never let fear stop you from reaching your destiny. Be the difference maker you were created to be today. Never, never, give up. Are you overcoming fear today?


October 15, 2013

Fear of Failure

Don’t allow fear of failure to cause you to fail.

When you make a mistake, unfortunately, the critics come out of the woodwork. People will tell you, “You’re all washed up. It’s too late.” If you wear that label, it will keep you from the amazing future God has in store. God says, “My mercy is bigger than any mistake.” God says, “I can still get you to your destiny.” God says, “I will give you beauty for those ashes. I’ll pay you back double for the unfair things that have happened.” You wouldn’t be alive unless God had another victory in your future. Why don’t you take off the “washed up” label? Take off the “failure,” “guilty,” “condemned” labels and put on some new labels: redeemed, restored, forgiven, bright future, new beginning. Always remember, you have been made in the image of God. God did not make any mistakes. You are the perfect size. You have the right personality, the right gifts, the right looks, the right skin color. You are not an accident. God designed you precisely for the race that is laid out for you. You are fully equipped for this life, and His mercy is greater than any mistake you could make. Embrace the truth and the victory He has in store for your future.  Are you overcoming a fear of failure mentality?


June 14, 2013


If you hold onto fear, then that worrisome, awful vision is clearly and consistently established in your mind, and it will occur.

We all face situations in life that feel out of control. During times like these, it’s easy to get discouraged and allow fear to creep in; but instead, why don’t you focus on the fact that God loves you and has your best interests in mind. There is nothing too difficult for Him; nothing’s impossible; nothing is beyond His ability. When God holds you in His hand, you are safe; you are cared for. In His hand, there is victory. In His hand, there is strength. In His hand, there is provision. In His hand is everything you need. No matter what you may be going through today, you can trust that God is for you. Instead of getting down and depressed over your circumstances, look up and get a vision of God turning that situation around. Let faith arise in your heart and focus on His favor, promotion and blessing. As you keep your heart and mind focused on Him and choose to obey His Word, you’ll see those supernatural breaks that will launch you further ahead than you ever thought possible because He holds you with His hands. Are you looking toward the truth today?


February 25, 2013

Love Overcoming Fear

God’s desire is that we continually progress, that we reach higher heights and go to new levels.

A lot of the time, as soon as we make the decision to step out in faith and obey God, the enemy brings in fear to try to stop us. He’ll bring thoughts like, “What if you fail? What are other people going to think? You don’t have what it takes.” He’ll do his best to use fear to try to convince us to step back and stay where we are. The Bible says that fear is a spirit. It plays on our emotions and holds us back. But the good news is that we have power over fear! Perfect love will kick out all fear. When we receive God’s perfect love, we will have confidence about the future because we know His plans are for our good. I’ve heard it said that fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Understand that fear is a lie. Today, choose to believe God’s Word and receive His love so that you can overcome fear and move forward into the good life He has prepared for you. Are you experiencing the love that kicks out fear today?


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