Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

July 20, 2011

Through Eyes of Love

When we look at others through eyes of love we overlook their faults, addictions, insecurities, & failures. Love overcomes all; all means all.  Just a change in our perspective can make a world of difference.

We all have our issues, granted some seem to have more than others, but no one is exempt from them.  When we begin to give people a break, we are in essence leading them to their breakthrough.  By taking the time to understand that the person we used to hold contempt toward is really no different than anyone else in the fact that we all need to have someone give us a chance to succeed.  By using our eyes of love we can make a difference in the lives of others.  We don’t turn our back on people because of the issues of life have gotten the best of them for a season.  Be a difference maker today in someone’s life.  Look through your eyes of love and be an encourager.  

May 22, 2011

A Living Demonstration

It is amazing how when some people go through something in their life; how they treat others that are going through the same or something similar.  It is amazing sometimes how little grace, mercy and love they show.

We check our grace, mercy, and love at the door too often.  Why is it some feel like they are better or superior to those that are right where they were in life? We all have issues and stuff that we have to deal with.  So rather than being critical of others; we got to love others.  It is in the little things that we can show love.  We can do so much more in the lives of those around us when we demonstrate love, mercy, and grace.  Remember when you were in the same situation; how awesome it was or would have been if someone had shown you the love of God.  Be a walking, living, breathing demonstration of mercy, grace and love to someone today.

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