Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

May 7, 2023

Your Purpose and Challenges

Our purpose is greater than our challenges.

I could not write anymore and enough would have been said. In your life you will face some serious challenges but know that your purpose is far greater. Always know that your purpose will be defined by your challenges. Many think that once they have discovered their purpose they won’t have challenges. Nothing could be farther from the truth. When you discover your purpose you will see an increase in your challenges. Welcome the challenges that come your way. Learn how to overcome them. You will gain in your destiny and purpose each time you come up against a challenge in life. To be a Champion you will have to know your purpose in higher than any challenge. No challenge that comes up against you will be able to stop you because you are unstoppable. A relentless person will attack the challenge until they have won. It’s time to get serious about your purpose. What is your purpose?

May 4, 2023

Monday Monday

I expect great things to happen today!
You get what you expect. I am one those people that love Monday’s! It’s a fresh start to a new week. I love it! I am believing that today will be the greatest day of my life and of yours. The truth is, it is up to you and me if it will be the greatest day or not. Make the choice right now that today and each day from now on will be the most awesome day ever. It’s not dependent on the circumstances or what you are facing that determines it. What makes today the greatest day ever is your perspective and attitude toward it. How you handle and deal with the adversity you face today. Don’t let others determine whether you have a great day or not. Never give another person that much control and power over your life. You have the mental toughness to be in charge of your outlook and perspective on your day. I encourage you today to expect great things to happen today. Make today the greatest ever! How do you approach each day?

April 24, 2023

No Floor or Ceiling

Champions don’t worry about hitting the ceiling or the floor. There is no ceiling. There is no floor.

When you are striving to be unstoppable you don’t think about a ceiling or a floor. A Champion focuses on getting better each day. You never focus on the destination, but rather the journey. You will know when you have arrived and then you keep going. Being a Champion at what you do is a lifestyle not a goal. There will be goals along the way, but they are not the end. Goals are only mile markers along the way. You keep moving even if it looks like you have bottomed out or you have hit the ceiling. Those only exist in the lives of those that desire to be average. I encourage you to keep up the fight to be the greatest. Never let up in your process. If you have questions about how to be your best let me know. We are in this together! Be great today! Are you ready to be your best today?

April 17, 2023

Accomplish Your Purpose

When you look inward, ask yourself why you do what you do and what your mission is, you can find a motivation that be created any other way.

You have a purpose, a mission for your life. Don’t let the issues, the day-to-day grind of life stop you from accomplishing your mission. I encourage you to take a good look at your life and determine to life it to the fullest. Make every effort to fulfill your destiny. You have been given a gift, even before your birth, use that gift. There is something that you do, that no one else on the planet can do just like you. When you do this, you will find the inner motivation to do this. You will need to be motivated each day. Being unstoppable is not easy, therefore, motivation is a key part. Too much depends on you fulfilling you being the person you were created to be. You are a valuable person, never let anyone tell you otherwise. Find the motivation to be a Champion, the difference maker. Have you found the motivation to accomplish your purpose?

April 15, 2023

Your Right Place

Remember that winning is a byproduct of being where you need to be when you need to be there.

I have learned that being where you are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing will make life much simpler for you. Champions know this. Being unstoppable, you know your place. You understand how to work in your purpose. You know where you need to be at and what you need to be doing. You do what you do and let others do what they do. It’s very simple in fact. Stop trying to do other people’s job and do your own. This will assure that you are where you are supposed to be. You are able to more in less time because you are in your strength zone. If you desire to be a Champion then find where you belong. Determine your place in life. Then go do what you were created to do. Are you where you are supposed to be today?

March 20, 2023

The Drive

The drive to get to the top and stay there year after year? The Champion inside of you.

Every Champion has an internal drive to be at the top. That drive is what makes them relentless. However, Champions not only get to the top, set the standard, but they stay there. It’s one thing to get to be number one, but it’s much more difficult to stay there. Don’t listen to those telling you that you can’t make it. Then when you do make it, they tell you that you can’t stay there. Eliminate the negative voices from your life. Being a Champion means that you have to be determined. Nothing can stop you, no one can stop you. Check your internal drive today and make get ready to go to the next level. I am excited about what lies ahead for you. I want to hear about your Champion experiences. Share your story! Are you ready to get your drive on today?

March 13, 2023

Do It Daily

The ability to show up every day and do what no one else is willing to do, that comes from the Champion inside you.

Champions do what others only talk about. There are a lot of people today that want to, but are not willing to pay the price. That is what makes a Champion a Champion. I have never met anyone that didn’t want to be a Champion, but wouldn’t do the work. If you desire to bring out the Champion in you, then just be consistent in showing up each and every day. Then do the work that is required and do it with excellence. Someone who keeps showing up can’t be stopped. Being unstoppable isn’t easy, that’s why so few actually follow through. However, I encourage you to be relentless in your pursuit of being a Champion. You have what it takes. God created you to be a Champion, but it’s up to you to become a Champion. Nike has it right; ‘Just do it.’ Get going today. Get your process established and then work your plan. Are you ready to show up and get it done?

February 27, 2023

Your Repsonses

You have very little control of what goes on around you, but total control of how you respond to it.

Stuff going to happen in your life. Not all is good and not all is bad. There is nothing you can do about what comes into your life. What we can control is how we deal with it. We have total power over how our attitude is toward what happens. By allowing circumstances to dictate your response, you are being controlled by life. It’s time to take control of your emotions. It’s time to be in charge of how you respond to the issues of life. When you accept responsibility for your responses; then you start living with purpose and destiny. As long as you allow life to determine how you respond there will be no growth. As you begin to do this, you will grow and begin to get stronger emotionally. You can do this! Don’t let others and circumstances control you another minute. Take charge and control of your life! Are you controlling your responses today?

February 25, 2023

Purpose Motion

Every movement has a purpose, and you know exactly what that purpose is; you’re never killing time or going through the motions.

Every day should be a full, great and fulfilling day. The choice is up to you. If you are relentless then you make every day something special. There are goals to reach. There should be no killing time or lost time. A Champion doesn’t waste time. You make the absolute most out of every minute. Even your rest is used to make you better. You are in constant learning and growing mode. This will only happen when you have discovered your purpose. That is when every day is full. No matter what it is you do, you do it with full energy. If you’re bored or not happy with your life. Then it is time to learn your purpose and become unstoppable. You may have thought that you had no reason for being here, you have no purpose or you were just a mistake. Nothing is farther from the truth. You have purpose, reason and there are no mistakes. You have Champion material inside you. Make the most out of every moment of every day. Are you ready for a purpose filled life?

February 23, 2023

The Champion’s Zone

When you’re a Champion in the zone, you operate with no wasted motion, no chaos, no warning.

When you are the greatest of the best you don’t have to let anyone know what you are about to do. You just get the job done. There is no going out of your way to let others know your plan. You just execute the plan and move on. Those that haven’t reached Champion level may need to talk about what they are going to do. Not you! There are no warning shots, just you doing what you do. Next. There is no panic in your life. A Champion never panics or whines or makes excuses. Being unstoppable means you finish the job at hand. You start strong; finish stronger. To some all this sounds strange or impossible. For someone who is relentless it makes perfect sense. Do what you do best and do it better than anyone else ever has and then go higher. Demand excellence from yourself and those around you. Nothing wasted nothing left undone. Have a Champion mindset today. You have what it takes to be unstoppable, relentless, a Champion. Are you ready to be in the zone today?

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