Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

March 8, 2022


If you want to be unstoppable, you have to face who you really are and make it work for you, not against you.

People pretend to be something that they aren’t, whether for the worse or for the better. Either way it won’t work if you want to be unstoppable. To be unstoppable you have to know you are in all reality. Once you know the true you, you then make it work in your favor. You were created to be a difference maker. You were created to be unique and specifically you. Being unstoppable doesn’t mean that you are perfect. However, if you are living in your purpose zone then you are perfect. Your imperfections are what make you perfect for your destiny. Be comfortable with yourself. Being unstoppable also means that you don’t stop yourself. Don’t wait another day. It’s time for you to step up to unstoppable. You have too much living to do not to be unstoppable. Are you ready to face the reality of who you are today?

August 11, 2021

Live in the Present

People that perform at their best when their best is needed have learned to live in the present moment and are know they are unstoppable.

Everybody is good at the beginning of the game. However, it is the ones that are relentless the entire game, especially when it’s on the line. Whatever your game is you have to be able to come through at crunch time. Whether its closing a major deal, passing that test, or whatever it is you do. Being a Champion means you are the best when the situation is the toughest. You don’t get too far ahead in thinking nor do you stay in the past. Being a Champion means you are in the now. Be where your feet are. You are unstoppable when others are stopping. Be consistent and steady. Show others that you are the best, you don’t have to tell them. Be the last one standing at the end of the day. You have what it takes to be the best today. Are you in the now and unstoppable?

July 9, 2021

Make It Work

If you want to be unstoppable, you have to face who you really are and make it work for you, not against you.

People pretend to be something that they aren’t, whether for the worse or for the better. Either way it won’t work if you want to be unstoppable. To be unstoppable you have to know you are in all reality. Once you know the true you, you then make it work in your favor. You were created to be a difference maker. You were created to be unique and specifically you. Being unstoppable doesn’t mean that you are perfect. However, if you are living in your purpose zone then you are perfect. Your imperfections are what make you perfect for your destiny. Be comfortable with yourself. Being unstoppable also means that you don’t stop yourself. Don’t wait another day. It’s time for you to step up to unstoppable. You have too much living to do not to be unstoppable. Are you ready to face the reality of who you are today?

April 11, 2018

In the Now

People that perform at their best when their best is needed have learned to live in the present moment and are know they are unstoppable.

Everybody is good at the beginning of the game. However, it is the ones that are relentless the entire game, especially when it’s on the line. Whatever your game is you have to be able to come through at crunch time. Whether its closing a major deal, passing that test, or whatever it is you do. Being a Champion means you are the best when the situation is the toughest. You don’t get too far ahead in thinking nor do you stay in the past. Being a Champion means you are in the now. Be where your feet are. You are unstoppable when others are stopping. Be consistent and steady. Show others that you are the best, you don’t have to tell them. Be the last one standing at the end of the day. You have what it takes to be the best today. Are you in the now and unstoppable?

March 9, 2018

Good to Great

Being relentless is what separates the good and great from the unstoppable.

What do you want to be good, great or unstoppable? First, don’t settle for good or even great, go for unstoppable. You may have settled in the past, but you don’t have to now. You have what it takes to be unstoppable, but you have to be relentless. Your purpose is too big and your destiny too awesome not to be unstoppable. Being relentless is not ever giving up, performing at your best at all times, operating in excellence in what you do. When everyone around is complaining and talking about everything being unfair; you keep moving forward. You are positive even in the middle of hell you are not distracted by what others are saying and doing. You are focused on the task at hand. Being relentless is going to put you in a small group. When you become relentless you are in rare air. Most people never go there, some don’t even want to. Be willing to pay the price and then go do it. Are you relentless?

January 20, 2018


If you’re good, it means you don’t stop until you’re great.

If you’re great, it means you fight until you’re unstoppable. Be a Champion.If you are going to be a Champion you have to be unstoppable. There is no top because you keep raising the standard. You never stop learning and growing. You work at what you do every day. There are no days off from improving. Keep looking for ways to get better. Never satisfied. Not content with the level that you’re at. There is always something new to be discovered. When others think thy have made it and stop working, you pass them up. Being a Champion means you are in it for the long run. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. Don’t let those around you discourage you. Everyone isn’t going to do what it takes to be their best. You have what it takes. You have Champion material inside you. Do the work to bring it out. Are you ready to be unstoppable today?

September 8, 2015


If you want to be unstoppable, you have to face who you really are and make it work for you, not against you.

People pretend to be something that they aren’t, whether for the worse or for the better. Either way it won’t work if you want to be unstoppable. To be unstoppable you have to know you are in all reality. Once you know the true you, you then make it work in your favor. You were created to be a difference maker. God created you to be unique and specifically you. Being unstoppable doesn’t mean that you are perfect. However, if you are living in your purpose zone then you are perfect. Your imperfections are what make you perfect for your destiny. Be comfortable with yourself. Being unstoppable also means that you don’t stop yourself. Don’t wait another day. It’s time for you to step up to unstoppable. You have too much living to do not to be unstoppable. Are you ready to face the reality of who you are today?

September 7, 2015

You Own This!

A Champion’s attitude can be summed up in three words: ‘I own this’.

When you’re a Champion you don’t back down from a challenge. You know that no matter what happens you will find a way to win. You have the confident, borderline cocky attitude of ‘I own this.’ An unstoppable person is very confident but humble at the same time. There is a fine line there, but you are willing to walk it. You have to know that you have what it takes to get the job done. Whether it’s athletics, business world, or school; you know that you are going to get it done. There is no question that when you get knocked down that you will be back up. You have a destiny to fulfill. Too many people don’t ever get started living their destiny. This makes it even more important for you to live out your purpose. If you’re down, get back up today. ‘You own this.’ We are in this together.Are you ready to be mentally tougher today than you were yesterday?

September 6, 2015

Are You Determined

A Champion will decide how to get the job done, and then they do whatever is necessary to make it happen.

There is no giving up in a Champion. Every Champion I have ever met is unstoppable. They see the situation in question, then devise a process to get the done completed. Then they do whatever has to be done to get it done. Once you have decided to take on the task, don’t stop until it is done. There are many who start the process but very few that actually finish. If you desire to be a Champion, that is the simple process. The process may be simple, however, the working of the process is the hard part. It is hard work being unstoppable. A lot of that comes from those that aren’t unstoppable, that don’t want you to be either. People that stop, give up and quit do not want you to keep going, not give up and finish. That is why you have to be determined when you are unstoppable. You have what it takes to be the Champion you have dreamed about being. Are you determined today?

July 10, 2015

Another Level

Your strategy is to make everyone else get on your level; you’re not going down to theirs.

As a Champion you are always wanting to bring others up. However, there will be those that want you to come down to theirs. Not everyone will go to the next level. They will try to convince you to settle where they are at. This is not you though. You are unstoppable, there is no settling in you. A Champion never is complacent with where they are in life. You will help others to come up to your level though. As you are working in your purpose take time to bring others up to your level. A Champion never settles. Being unstoppable means you are always looking for ways to get better and to help those around you. Don’t allow those that don’t want to be the best discourage you from being your best. Being a Champion is a special thing. Don’t take it for granted ever. Everyone has the ability but so few go to that level. You are one that will go to that level and keep on going. Are you bringing others up to your level today?

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