Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

October 1, 2022

Your Words and Actions

Let them know you are a Champion by your actions, not your words or emotions.

A Champion allows their actions to speak for them. Pretenders and contenders use words and hype to get attention. A Champion knows that won’t work. People get tired of all the hollering and acting out. Just go do work. Do what you do best and let people see your results. Being unstoppable means you don’t have to do much talking. Your actions speak for you. You know what to do and you go do it. Be the leader that shows others you will do what needs to be done. Be the difference in the world around you with your actions. Today it seems like people like to do talk more about how great they are and what they can do. However, all that doesn’t mean anything unless you are unstoppable and relentless. A Champion knows that if you have to do a lot of talking then you aren’t there yet. Take your game to the next level by being a person of little talk but strong actions. What is speaking for you today?

May 3, 2022

Say Huh

Don’t focus on your circumstances. Focus on the right beliefs that will help you build your success.

Are you ready to see something new in your life? The question is what have you been saying? Are you saying what you see in your circumstances? Are you talking your worries and frustrations to others, or are you declaring the truth over your life? The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. That means we set our future according to what we choose to say. If you need to see change in your circumstances, then start by changing your words. Don’t use your words to describe your situation; use your words to change your situation. Start declaring new things in order to start seeing new things! Speak blessing, speak peace, speak wholeness — declare the truth and watch your future change for the best. What are you speaking over your life today?

April 22, 2022


Words are seeds. What are you planting in people?

There was a report about children who had been bullied in school. It talked about how years later, those negative words were still having an effect on many of them. They interviewed this one man. He was in his 40’s. He looked to be a bright, intelligent man, but he had not been able to hold down a good job, struggled in his relationships, and couldn’t seem to get on course. He said as a child, he was overweight. He was chubby, and some of the other children made fun of him and called him names like “loser” and “failure.” He made the mistake of letting those words take root. Now they were keeping him in mediocrity. When somebody calls you something, either good or bad, that seed is planted in your mind. Now you get to determine whether or not that seed takes root and grows. When you dwell on what was said, you are watering the seed. You’re giving it a right to become a reality. That’s why it’s so important that we’re disciplined in our thought life. It’s great when people tell you, “You’re blessed. You’re talented. You’re going to do great things.” Meditate on those throughout the day. Water those seeds and watch the truth become your reality. What seeds are you planting today?

April 1, 2022

Your Language

Let them know you are a Champion by your actions, not your words or emotions.

A Champion allows their actions to speak for them. Pretenders and contenders use words and hype to get attention. A Champion knows that won’t work. People get tired of all the hollering and acting out. Just go do work. Do what you do best and let people see your results. Being unstoppable means you don’t have to do much talking. Your actions speak for you. You know what to do and you go do it. Be the leader that shows others you will do what needs to be done. Be the difference in the world around you with your actions. Today it seems like people like to do talk more about how great they are and what they can do. However, all that doesn’t mean anything unless you are unstoppable and relentless. A Champion knows that if you have to do a lot of talking then you aren’t there yet. Take your game to the next level by being a person of little talk but strong actions. What is speaking for you today?

August 22, 2021

Words are Seeds

Words are seeds. What are you planting in people?

There was a report about children who had been bullied in school. It talked about how years later, those negative words were still having an effect on many of them. They interviewed this one man. He was in his 40’s. He looked to be a bright, intelligent man, but he had not been able to hold down a good job, struggled in his relationships, and couldn’t seem to get on course. He said as a child, he was overweight. He was chubby, and some of the other children made fun of him and called him names like “loser” and “failure.” He made the mistake of letting those words take root. Now they were keeping him in mediocrity. When somebody calls you something, either good or bad, that seed is planted in your mind. Now you get to determine whether or not that seed takes root and grows. When you dwell on what was said, you are watering the seed. You’re giving it a right to become a reality. That’s why it’s so important that we’re disciplined in our thought life. It’s great when people tell you, “You’re blessed. You’re talented. You’re going to do great things.” Meditate on those throughout the day. Water those seeds and watch the truth become your reality. What seeds are you planting today?

June 6, 2021

Your Pep Talk

We’ve all had seasons when the challenges of life feel overwhelming.

During those times, it’s tempting to talk about how bad things are. Maybe you received a bad medical report, or maybe you’re facing a financial situation. But the more you talk about something, the bigger it becomes in your mind. Instead, you’ve got to dig your heels in and say, “No, I am not going to give life to that defeat. I am not going to speak sickness over myself. I’m not going to speak lack. I’m not going to speak fear. I’m choosing a different report. I believe the truth about my life. I am a Champion. I am relentless. I am unstoppable!” Remember, even if you don’t see how things could ever work out, don’t quit. You’ve got to speak to those situations in your life. You got this! Start today speaking the Champion truth about your life. Take charge of your destiny. You only have one shot in your life, make it count. What are you speaking over your life today?

January 3, 2021

A Good Word

Some people are discouraged because they don’t know how to encourage themselves.

Don’t spend your life waiting for someone else to pick you up, encourage you and get you going. Be a self encourager. Learn to speak words of encouragement to yourself. Each day when you wake up, start the day by speaking positive, encouraging words to yourself. No one has to hear it, but you need to. You hear every word you say. You “hear” every thought you have too. Use your words and thoughts to help you in your daily life. As we get this new year started, let’s start it off right. Begin the new year by encouraging yourself. You will then see it spread to others. When you are encouraged you will be an example others will follow. Change your perspective and attitude about yourself, your family, your friends and see your complete life change for the better. Be a self encourager today. Are you speaking words of encouragement to yourself every day?


April 22, 2018

Words Are Seeds

Words are seeds. What are you planting in people?

There was a report about children who had been bullied in school. It talked about how years later, those negative words were still having an effect on many of them. They interviewed this one man. He was in his 40’s. He looked to be a bright, intelligent man, but he had not been able to hold down a good job, struggled in his relationships, and couldn’t seem to get on course. He said as a child, he was overweight. He was chubby, and some of the other children made fun of him and called him names like “loser” and “failure.” He made the mistake of letting those words take root. Now they were keeping him in mediocrity. When somebody calls you something, either good or bad, that seed is planted in your mind. Now you get to determine whether or not that seed takes root and grows. When you dwell on what was said, you are watering the seed. You’re giving it a right to become a reality. That’s why it’s so important that we’re disciplined in our thought life. It’s great when people tell you, “You’re blessed. You’re talented. You’re going to do great things.” Meditate on those throughout the day. Water those seeds and watch the truth become your reality. What seeds are you planting today?

December 3, 2017

Right Beliefs

Don’t focus on your circumstances. Focus on the right beliefs that will help you build your success.

Are you ready to see something new in your life? The question is what have you been saying? Are you saying what you see in your circumstances? Are you talking your worries and frustrations to others, or are you declaring the truth over your life? The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. That means we set our future according to what we choose to say. If you need to see change in your circumstances, then start by changing your words. Don’t use your words to describe your situation; use your words to change your situation. Start declaring new things in order to start seeing new things! Speak blessing, speak peace, speak wholeness — declare the truth and watch your future change for the best. What are you speaking over your life today?

October 3, 2017

Speak It

Don’t focus on your circumstances. Focus on the right beliefs that will help you build your success.

Are you ready to see something new in your life? The question is what have you been saying? Are you saying what you see in your circumstances? Are you talking your worries and frustrations to others, or are you declaring the truth over your life? The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. That means we set our future according to what we choose to say. If you need to see change in your circumstances, then start by changing your words. Don’t use your words to describe your situation; use your words to change your situation. Start declaring new things in order to start seeing new things! Speak blessing, speak peace, speak wholeness — declare the truth and watch your future change for the best. What are you speaking over your life today?

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