Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 18, 2017

Failed Experience

No one that has become a Champion has never failed.

The failures that you go through are what teach you what being unstoppable is about. A Champion is the person that keeps getting back up when knocked down. When people are talking about how you aren’t any good and you don’t have what it takes; you simply get back up. When no one else is believing in you; you get back up. There is no quit in a Champion. There is no give up in you. When you come back from a failed experience, a lost game, you are proving them all wrong. Not because you need to prove yourself, but because you’re a Champion. Don’t let failure define you, but let coming back from the failure define you. Be the overcoming, relentless, unstoppable Champion that you are. Failure is never final but it’s a fresh start. Are you bouncing back from a failed experience today?

December 6, 2017


Negative thoughts are the nails that build a prison of failure.

When you allow your mind to focus on the negative you will begin to fail at things that you used to succeed at. Never let your mind wander to the negative perspective. As a Champion you must focus on the positive side of the situation. This is especially true when it comes to thoughts about yourself. Always be positive in your self talk and thoughts. There are many people that have gotten so accustomed to negative thought patterns that they think that’s the norm. This is not true. No matter the situation there is a positive perspective. To be unstoppable you can’t be a negative thinker. You have to develop a positive mindset. Relentless competitors have the mental toughness to maintain a positive outlook at all times. Train your mind to stay in the positive thought pattern. You will see your failures turn into successes when you do. What is your thought pattern today?

October 18, 2017


If you didn’t fail, you wouldn’t become the Champion you were created to be.
No one that has become a Champion has never failed. The failures that you go through are what teach you what being unstoppable is about. A Champion is the person that keeps getting back up when knocked down. When people are talking about how you aren’t any good and you don’t have what it takes; you simply get back up. When no one else is believing in you; you get back up. There is no quit in a Champion. There is no give up in you. When you come back from a failed experience, a lost game, you are proving them all wrong. Not because you need to prove yourself, but because you’re a Champion. Don’t let failure define you, but let coming back from the failure define you. Be the overcoming, relentless, unstoppable Champion that you are. Failure is never final but it’s a fresh start. Are you bouncing back from a failed experience today?

August 30, 2015

Failing Isn’t Failure

Champions don’t accept failure, they know there’s more than one way to get it done.

I have failed more times than I can remember, but I never accepted the label of a failure. I know that I have just found the way not to get the job done. That means there is another way of accomplishing the goal. I see far too many people today that after one or two times of failing at something; just giving up. Then and only then are you a failure. Failing does not make one a failure; giving up makes one a failure. Nobody gets it right the first time, every time. Failing from time to time, gives you an opportunity to grow, to learn, to mature. A Champion fails, but because a Champion is unstoppable and relentless, they never give up. A Champion is measured by how many times they get back up and keep fighting the fight. If you are working toward being a Champion today, then never let failing turn you into a failure. Get back up, and finish the race. Never, never, never, never give up. Are you learning from failing today?

May 18, 2015

Never Over

If you didn’t fail, you wouldn’t become the Champion you were created to be.
No one that has become a Champion has never failed. The failures that you go through are what teach you what being unstoppable is about. A Champion is the person that keeps getting back up when knocked down. When people are talking about how you aren’t any good and you don’t have what it takes; you simply get back up. When no one else is believing in you; you get back up. There is no quit in a Champion. There is no give up in you. When you come back from a failed experience, a lost game, you are proving them all wrong. Not because you need to prove yourself, but because you’re a Champion. Don’t let failure define you, but let coming back from the failure define you. Be the overcoming, relentless, unstoppable Champion that you are. Failure is never final but it’s a fresh start. Are you bouncing back from a failed experience today?

November 18, 2014

Never Final

If you didn’t fail, you wouldn’t become the Champion you were created to be.

No one that has become a Champion has never failed. The failures that you go through are what teach you what being unstoppable is about. A Champion is the person that keeps getting back up when knocked down. When people are talking about how you aren’t any good and you don’t have what it takes; you simply get back up. When no one else is believing in you; you get back up. There is no quit in a Champion. There is no give up in you. When you come back from a failed experience, a lost game, you are proving them all wrong. Not because you need to prove yourself, but because you’re a Champion. Don’t let failure define you, but let coming back from the failure define you. Be the overcoming, relentless, unstoppable Champion that you are. Failure is never final but it’s a fresh start. Are you bouncing back from a failed experience today?


October 27, 2014

Let Go

It’s easy to go through life focused on what didn’t work out, who hurt us, or the mistakes we’ve made.

“If only I would have finished college. If only I would have spent more time with my children. If only that company wouldn’t have laid me off after 20 years. That’s just not right.” As long as you’re living in regret, focused on the negative things of the past, it’s going to keep you from the awesome destiny you have in store. You’ve got to let go of what didn’t work out. Let go of the hurts and pain. Let go of your disappointments and failures. You can’t do anything about the past, but you can do something about right now. Whether it happened 20 years ago or 20 minutes ago, let it go and move forward. If you keep bringing negative baggage from yesterday into today, it will poison your future. You may have had an unfair past, but you don’t have to have an unfair future. You may have gotten off to a rough start in life, but it’s not how you start that matters. It’s how you finish. Are you letting go of the negative?

August 30, 2014

Failing is Not Failure

Champions don’t accept failure, they know there’s more than one way to get it done.

I have failed more times than I can remember, but I never accepted the label of a failure. I know that I have just found the way not to get the job done. That means there is another way of accomplishing the goal. I see far too many people today that after one or two times of failing at something; just giving up. Then and only then are you a failure. Failing does not make one a failure; giving up makes one a failure. Nobody gets it right the first time, every time. Failing from time to time, gives you an opportunity to grow, to learn, to mature. A Champion fails, but because a Champion is unstoppable and relentless, they never give up. A Champion is measured by how many times they get back up and keep fighting the fight. If you are working toward being a Champion today, then never let failing turn you into a failure. Get back up, and finish the race. Never, never, never, never give up. Are you learning from failing today?

August 25, 2014

Climbing Higher

Most people are afraid to climb to the highest level, because if they fail, the fall is too far.

A Champion is never afraid of climbing to the highest level, they are afraid of failing or falling. There is no level to high or challenging for someone that is unstoppable. When you are destined to be a Champion, and you are, you know that the highest level is where are supposed to be in time. There will be seasons of failing, but that is part of the process that it takes to be unstoppable. If you are not at the highest level of your purpose and destiny, then keep climbing. Matter of fact, don’t ever stop climbing. People that are not on your level yet, need to see that they too can make it. A true Champion will make sure that others too are climbing. Then one day those will be on your shoulders going to a higher level. Don’t let the struggles stop you. Don’t ever stop anyone else from going higher either. Get ready to climb higher today and don’t be afraid to look down. Are you climber higher today?

March 9, 2014

Dealing With Failure

Failure is inevitable, embrace it.

Almost everyone knows that Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. But most don’t know that Walt Disney was once fired from a newspaper for a lack of ideas and his first cartoon production company went bankrupt. The fact is everyone fails in life but it is a gift if you don’t give up and are willing to learn, improve, and grow because of it. Failure often serves as a defining moment, a cross road on the journey of your life. It gives you a test designed to measure your courage, perseverance, commitment and dedication. Are you a pretender who gives up after a little adversity or a contender who keeps getting up after getting knocked down? Failure provides you with a great opportunity to decide how much you really want something. Will you give up? Or will you dig deeper, commit more, work harder, learn and get better? If you know that this is what you truly want you will be willing to pay the price that greatness requires. You will be willing to fail again and again in order to succeed. Sometimes we have to lose a goal to find our destiny. Sometimes a failure helps us see that we really don’t want it and we want something else. Whatever path failure guides you towards, it is always meant to give you a big serving of humble pie that builds your character, gives you perspective, grows your faith, and makes you appreciate your success later on. If you didn’t fail you wouldn’t become the kind of person who ultimately succeeds. So the next time you fail don’t let it keep you from the life you were born to live and the future you were meant to create. See failure as a test, a teacher, a detour to a better outcome and an event that builds a better you. Failure is not meant to be final and fatal. It is not meant to define you. It is meant to refine you to be all that you are meant to be. When you see failure as a blessing instead of a curse you will turn the gift of failure into a stepping stone that leads to the gift of success. Have you embraced the times you have failed?


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