Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

September 29, 2013

Emotional Healing

I think healing our planet, one person at a time, is a noble cause to be involved in.

I don’t consider myself a healer, per se, what I try to do is to create a space where it’s simply ok for me and you to just admit that we are human and totally accept what that means. It means we are flawed. It means we have emotions. It means that all we really want is connection and to belong. And it also means that we make mistakes. I believe that we are all emotional beings. If we really think about it and admit it, we are all sensitive. And we can feel things. But – just because we feel things doesn’t mean that we are aware of what we are feeling or that we allow ourselves to feel fully without repression, disassociation or some kind of self-judgment. This is a complicated issue with many different angles. I’ve come to believe that if we can begin to liberate emotions that are trapped, afraid to come out – that we can take a giant step towards healing. It’s a journey, not a one-time thing, but slowly over time these things can change. Are you in need of emotional healing today?


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