Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

April 22, 2014


We don’t have to be absorbed by our own feelings of insecurity.

We have areas of insecurity. There are many people that live their live according to their insecurities. They won’t start something new because they don’t think they can do it. They give up because they are controlled by insecurities. The way they treat and react to people are dictated by their insecurities. When you are controlled by insecurity you will not be able to treat people with respect and love. You will be more concerned with your own needs and desires. Insecurity will make you guarded and overprotective of yourself. You will think that everyone is against you and that no one wants to see you succeed. Insecurity will steal your joy and your peace. No relationship will be complete and whole as long as your insecurities are dominant. However, you don’t have to live this way. Find the source of your insecurity and destroy it. Mindsets established long ago may be the cause of the insecurity. Learn the truth of the matter and the situation. The truth will tear down the insecurity. Today is your day to begin living in the truth and not the lies of insecurity. Are you ready to deal with insecurity today?


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