Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

January 19, 2014

Love in the Lead

Love leads us to serve, to forgive, and to hope.

Love is others minded at all times. When we are living with love as our decision making director we will make good decisions. Love in its truest form will lead you to serve others.  We will put others first in our thinking. We will consider their needs and find ways to serve them.  One of the greatest gifts that love offers us is forgiveness. When you love with conditions then you will live a lifestyle of forgiveness. Forgiving others is more for you than it is them, but requires love to carry it through. Hope is one of the strongest aspects of love. Hope can keep you going through the darkest of times. Hope gets its strength from love. I have been at the point in my life when hope was all that was keeping me alive. Undying love will enable hope to do miraculous things. Love should be at the center of our life. Nothing should ever be done without love being the reason. Are you allowing love to lead you today?


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