Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

August 9, 2013


You shouldn’t be satisfied with success–someone is always waiting to challenge that success.

Never get to a place where you are too comfortable. The only place you should be comfortable is in being uncomfortable. When you are living your life on purpose and making a difference in others lives; you will have success. When you add value to other people; success will come to you. However, never get too comfortable with your success because someone is always wanting to challenge you. Working with National Championship athletes in several sports this has never been more true. I not only express to them not to be satisfied in what they have done both in their sport but in their life. It’s easy at times to think we have arrived and stop pressing. That is when we get knocked off by our challengers. Keep pressing toward your goals. “Don’t stop til the whistle blows twice.” Keep focused on whatever it is you are doing in life. When success comes don’t let up. You are adding value and making a difference. Stay sharp and may the force be with you. Are you avoiding the satisfied success syndrome?


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