Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: July 2012

July 6, 2012

In the Now

Someone not long ago asked me how I did all the stuff I was doing. My answer; “I worked while ignoring my family, had no peace, no rest and no joy.”

There will be a day when we have to give an answer for all our actions. You may have be doing a lot of awesome stuff. However, is all that awesome stuff coming at a cost? Would your family agree that the cost of all the awesome stuff done was worth it? I would think, no. There is nothing wrong with doing what you were created to do, but how much time are you spending at it. Are you working so much that your family never see’s you. Are you spending so much time doing anything that your family is an after thought. You may be doing what you do for your family, but they need you too. Don’t sacrifice your family to get things done. When you are with your family be there in the moment, be present with them. I am learning this very thing. I am seeing how much more my family is than getting stuff done. I know you love your family just as I do. It is time to show them with our being there. Providing is very important, but being there is far more important today. Are you spending quality time with your family today? Are you present, in the now, when you are with them?

July 5, 2012

Roadmap to Your Destiny


July 5, 2012

How Did I Get Here

Have you ever found yourself with your head in your hands, tears flowing, wondering how did I get here in this mess, what was I thinking?

Most all of us have found ourselves in this position at least once in life. You may be wiping the tears away right now. The question isn’t what was I thinking, but ‘what was I seeking’? What were you looking for when you made the series of decisions that landed you where you are now. When you look deep inside your psyche you will find the root to what it is you want or wanted. What made you keep using that credit card and now you are maxed out? What was the underlying reason that you decided to have that affair? What is the major reason you keep eating when you know it is doing harm? Why do you really watch TV, play on the computer or stay on your phone? There are many more questions that you could ask yourself to find the truth, the real reason you are sitting there with your head in your hands. I have been there and had the tough questions asked of me. I know first had what it is like to have to dig deep inside and get to the truth of the reason. You won’t like what you find most of the time. However, once you find it, by all means deal with the root issue. Don’t keep going through this crazy cycle any longer. Today is your day to break free. Begin by asking and answering, truthfully, the question to ‘what is it I was looking for that landed me here.’  That will get you started and keep you busy for a while. Are you ready to ask yourself the tough questions? Are you tired of head in hands, tears flowing position?

July 4, 2012

Freedom From Fear Podcast/Blog

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Staying with the theme from yesterday’s blog; True Love, we can be free from fear. There is no fear in God’s love. In true love there is trust, when we trust we have no fear. When we trust in God and the love that God is, then we can be free from fear. God is not out to hurt you, even when we mess up, He isn’t waiting to bust you in the head. God doesn’t hurt you to teach you stuff. We do that enough to ourselves, then we turn to God and He uses that situation to teach us. All good and perfect gifts come from Him, because of His love. In this we are able to trust Him, because He cares about you. God loves you! No matter where you are, where you been or where you are heading He loves you unconditional. We have been taught so many wrong things about His love that it does make it hard to receive from Him. I have began asking Him to show me His love in ways that I can understand, He already is doing in ways I don’t understand. I want to get a hold of His love and be free from all fear, worry and anxiety. Even when things are going crazy all around me and my family, we are grooving in His love. God loves me! He loves you too!


July 3, 2012

True Love

There is no love that is like God’s love. True godly love will never fail because it never quits.

When we put true love at the front, at the top of everything we do; you will have peace in your life. When we have human love as the deciding factor then we will have to deal guilt and shame. When we live with true love there is no hiding what we have done or said. True love covers us completely. This is something that I have to develop in my life. I am wanting to experience true godly love not just every day, but every second of every day. See, I have made bad decisions, wrong choices and some mistakes in my life. All because I didn’t put true love at the forefront of my mind and heart. The more I desire God’s love, the less I see of it in the world. That would be because the world doesn’t know this kind of love. It is sad to say that most Christians aren’t operating in this type of love either. I am not being critical, judgmental, or mean, but it is true. The only way that most people will see and experience true love is through those are that desire it. True love is tough and yet soothing. It is a complete love. To say it is complete is saying that it is never ending. This is my desire for you that you see this type of love through and in me. It is always appropriate, never selfish, never mean or rude. I got a long way to go, but I got my seat belt buckled and ready for the ride. Is it time you let go of the imperfect and fallible human love and accepted and received God’s true love?

July 2, 2012

Peace is Yours

You may be in a very difficult place today, but know that just as the sun did come up that God has His hand on you.

His mercies are new and fresh each and every morning. However, you have to be willing to accept and receive from Him. Your situation may be unfair, unjust and not of your doing, but you are still there none the less. When you change your perspective and know that God is on your side and you can still have peace in the middle of your own personal storm. He may not change the situation but He can change you so that you aren’t worried and anxious about it any longer. It may not be easy, but that’s why it’s called faith. If it were easy everyone would be doing it. Be still and know today that God is God and He is on control. Today would be the perfect day to realize that no matter what’s going on in and around you, that you can have a peace about it. God loves you and is right there with you. Is there a situation that you need to turn over to God today? Would you trust Him to handle all your care, worry and anxiety about it?

July 1, 2012

Be an Encourager

Our words can be what keeps a person going; our compliments can put a spring back into their step. Now more than ever, we need to automatically let the encouragement flow. We need to tell others how much we love them, how we value them, and tell them that they are talented and creative. Always remember, with your words you carry life-giving water. You carry hope, healing, encouragement and new beginnings, and you can pour it out everywhere you go. Choose to speak encouragement. Choose to speak victory and faith. Instead of telling people what they’re doing wrong, instead of pointing out all their faults, find what they are doing right. Focus on the good. There are already enough critical, judgmental people in the world. Let’s be people who lift up others and restore them. Let’s be the light of Jesus in the world.

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