Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: September 2012

September 11, 2012

Get Rid of Guilt and Shame Podcast/Blog

Guilt and shame are self imposed feelings that will keep you in your past. Let those feelings go and live in the truth.

Click here to listen to Podcast

Far too many people spend their entire live weighted down with guilt and shame. It is so bad that they never get out from under the condemnation of these feelings. They never live the life that God had planned for them to live. When these feelings control your life, you will never be able to live your destiny. Guilt and shame are not positive, life filled, healthy feelings. Rather they are placed on you by the enemy to your life. They are there to keep you bottled up and quiet. However, when you receive forgiveness for your mistakes and sins, then you can break these chains. You can live free of guilt and shame. They don’t have to control you any longer. The truth is you are no longer guilty. The shame is not real it is not who you are. You do have purpose and destiny. You can have a full life. You can hold your head up and make a huge difference in the world today. Have you been living in guilt and shame for way too long?

September 10, 2012

Not Disqualified

You have not been disqualified by your past. Your past is what does qualify you.

You have greatness inside of you. No matter what your past record may say. You don’t have to sit in the background because don’t feel qualified. The truth is this; your past is what qualifies you. The fact that you have overcome that addiction. The fact that you did reconcile that relationship. The point is you may have been knocked down in life, may be even multiple times, but you have always gotten back up. You didn’t let life may you bitter, but you have gotten better. You have taken responsibility for your past mistakes. You have made the changes in your life. You have not accepted defeat and failure. You are qualified to help others reach their destiny because you are walking out your destiny. Stay with it today. Don’t give up. You have what it takes to make a huge difference in the world. Have you doubted your being qualified in life?

September 9, 2012

Peace Out

When you have peace there is nothing that can bring you down or stop you. Peace is a major key to living your life to the fullest.

You should always follow peace, it will never lead you wrong. People take peace for granted, but it is one of the most valuable things you can have. Protect peace, never go against peace. There is nothing that can take the place of your peace. Even in the middle of the worst day of your life, if you have peace it’s all good. Go where peace leads you. It may not look like the thing to do, but peace will never mislead you.  Today choose to go with peace, you will be glad you did.


September 8, 2012

Rhyme or Reason

Realizing that you are in control of your destiny, your purpose is in your hands is a life changing experience.

Do you feel like your life is out of control? Nothing is making sense, there is no rhyme or reason to the things happening around you and to you? As long as you are not in control of your destiny and your purpose in life, then nothing will make sense. You will continue to go through the motions. You will never seem to get anything done. You may seem to only be able to get stuff done when it comes to those around you. Taking your kids from one place to another, keeping the house in order and going to work each does not constitute your destiny and purpose. Your destiny and purpose will make than likely include your family, but it is much more than just that. Don’t sell yourself short, don’t think you don’t have a destiny or purpose outside your house. Do you feel like you don’t have a destiny or purpose today?


September 7, 2012

Focus on the Process Segment

You’ve heard a lot about the process, but do you know how to keep your focus? Motivational speaker and author Scott Wimberly explains the importance of focus, and how to maintain it.

September 7, 2012

Road Maps and Hiccups

It’s one thing to not like some things you do, but it’s not good to not like who you are.

You will do things in your life that you will not be happy about, but don’t let those isolated incidences determine who you are. Many people that say they don’t like who they are say so because they don’t like some of things they do. Never let your mistakes and bad choices define who you really are. There are so many things that you are doing right, but never take notice of. There will always be days when you do something that you are not proud of, but don’t dwell on those days. Ask forgiveness, learn from it and move on toward your destiny. Consider it a hiccup along the way, just a minor bump in the road. You will never be perfect but you can be the best you that you can be. Start today on being the person that you were created to be. Not trying to be something you are not. Not trying to make up for all the mistakes and things you don’t like that you have done. Get past that right now. This is the time that you were created to step out and into your purpose in life. Are there things in your life that you need to flush away and forget about? Are you ready to move forward toward your purpose and destiny today?

September 6, 2012

How We Treat Others

That moment you realize that when I treat others the way I want to be treated; forgive people, offer hope, mercy, grace, a smile.

Most people judge others by their actions, but they judge themselves by their intentions. You are quick to give yourself the benefit of the doubt, a break, a Mulligan. If you have this standard for yourself then lets have the same standard for everyone else too. Be quick to forgive that person that disappointed you. Offer hope to that person that just got a bad report from the doctor. Be a giver of mercy, grace and always a smile. You have no idea what that person may be going through. They may even tell you some of it, but not the whole story. You may very well be the lifeline that gets them through this situation, and you may never realize it. Don’t take other people and their situations for granted. Just because you overcome that addiction doesn’t mean they have yet. Even though you never had that addiction doesn’t mean you should criticize them for not being able to conquer it yet. Be the person that enjoys, what goes around comes around. When we sow good seed, we get good crops. Is there someone in your mind right now that you need to give some hope, mercy, and grace to?

September 5, 2012

Getting the Treatment

Why do we treat people so dirty when they come clean? Don’t be so quick to throw someone under the bus, you could be next in line.

I asked the question in my book Aggie; “why do people treat you so dirty when you come clean”? When some has their sins, issues, lifestyle, or past exposed how do you treat them? Do you gossip, I mean talk to everyone except them about what they did? Do you ‘make an example’ of them? How do you treat those that have come clean about all their mess? How would you want to be treated if you were that person? How do you expect to be treated? Big difference in those questions. You want to be treated with mercy and grace, but do you really expect to be? How you treat others is how you will be treated. The same measure you dish is out is the same measure you will get it back. When someone makes the step to come clean, don’t treat them harshly. There will be consequences to their actions, but make sure you handle it correctly. Show kindness, mercy, grace, and love. Never put the light on someone else’s stuff, so that you can keep yours hidden. Is there someone you know today that you need to show mercy and kindness? Are there areas in your life that you need to come clean about, but are scared to because of how you expect to be treated?


September 4, 2012

Knocked Down Podcast/Blog


Life isn’t about how hard you get hit. It’s about how many times you get back up and how hard you’re willing to keep fighting for your dreams.

Click here to listen to podcast

The best advice that anyone can give you about life is; never give up. I tell people all the time to never give up, no matter how bad it may be right now. If you are striving to be above average and to make a difference with your life; then you are going to have tough times. You are going to get hit hard, but keep getting up. Don’t stop fighting the enemy to your destiny. When it’s all said and done it will be great for you to be able to say; “I fought the good fight.” A good fight is the fight you win. I am excited about your future and your destiny. I believe there are great things in store for you. Don’t give up today, tomorrow could very well be your breakthrough day. If you are down, get back up, don’t stay down. Your dreams are calling you now. Live your life to the fullest. Have you been knocked down and not sure if you will get back up?


September 3, 2012

Forgive or Not

Working on some forgiveness thoughts. If you have prayed the Lord’s Prayer; you asked God to forgive you the same way you forgive others.

Forgiveness seems to be an issue with everyone. If you don’t forgive others; can you expect God to forgive you? Does God use the same measure of forgiveness with you as you do with others? If God tells us to forgive others then He has given us all that it takes to forgive. There seems to be two things that prevent people from forgiving; pride and trust issues. Pride is a major obstacle when it comes to forgiving others.  When you let pride get in the way then you won’t forgive those that have wronged you. The other is trust. Many times people confuse trust with forgiveness. When you forgive someone does not mean that you have to instantly trust them. Forgiveness is to be given away freely, but trust I agree has to be earned. So, if your being forgiven by God is in direct proportion to your forgiving others; where do you stand today?


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