Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: July 2013

July 13, 2013

Being Successful

Becoming successful is not an easy process, by focusing on what it takes to get there, and not getting there.

You have been equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your destiny. That means you are well able to do what you have been called you to do. You can accomplish your goals. You can fulfill your dreams! You have the ideas, the creativity, and talent to be successful. You can overcome any obstacle. You’ve been armed with strength for every battle. Not only has God equipped you, but He is also working on your behalf. He has already gone before you and lined up the right people and the right opportunities. You have everything you need to live a successful life.  You may not have seen it in the past, but if you’ll keep working your process, it’s just a matter of time. Don’t settle where you are. Don’t have a weak, defeated mentality. Have the attitude, “I can accomplish my dreams. I can overcome any obstacle and I am thoroughly equipped for every good work that God has called me to!” You ready to be successful?


July 12, 2013


Align your expectations with reality; do your part and watch God do His.

God wants to exceed your expectations! He has amazing things stored up for you. He wants to take you places that you’ve never dreamed and do things in your life that you’ve never imagined. Things are going to fall into place so that you can accomplish what God has placed in your heart. Even the hidden dreams that you’ve given up on, God has not given up on. He is going to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all you could ask, think or imagine. Your mind may try to talk you out of it, but if you’ll listen with your heart, it will resonate on the inside of you. Don’t let discouragement hold you back or keep you down. Are your expectations lining up with God’s?


July 11, 2013

Keep Speaking Truth

People get discouraged because they wonder if they are doing the right thing when they face a challenge.

Everyone goes through seasons when the challenges of life feel overwhelming. During these times, it’s easy to be tempted to talk about how bad things are. Maybe you are facing a situation right now that looks impossible. Don’t get discouraged and give up because God wants to do something awesome in your life. Instead of talking to God about how big your problems are, talk to your problems about how big your God is. Be bold and start speaking the truth to that situation. Every day say, “God, thank You that Your Truth is turning this around. Thank You that Your Truth is making a way even though I don’t see a way. Lord, thank You that Your Truth is doing remarkable, astounding, overwhelming things.” When you release your faith like that, you’ll see God show up and do amazing things that you’ve never seen happen before! Remember, even if you don’t see how things could ever work out, God does. Just do your part and keep speaking to those mountains in your life. Declare favor over those situations and get ready to move forward in the victory and blessing God has prepared for you. Are you speaking truth into your situation today?


July 10, 2013


By my perseverance and patient endurance, I will receive what God has promised.

What are you believing God for today? Promotion? Healing? Stronger relationships? Deliverance? God has promised all these things to you in His Word because it’s His heart for you to live in blessing and wholeness. When you follow the will of God by obeying His Word it opens the door for His promises to be fulfilled in your life. You may be doing all the right things today — don’t give up! Perseverance will carry you to the promise. Perseverance means that you are focused, that you are believing what God says about your situation. It’s looking away from distractions and any negative, defeating thoughts. Perseverance looks away from discouragement and looks to the truth. Perseverance has a voice, and it says things like, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper! If God is for me, who can be against me! I am more than a conqueror!” Whatever you are believing for today, keep believing! Stand strong and fight the good fight of faith. Ask God to give you endurance, perseverance and patience so that you can see His promises fulfilled in every area of your life. Are you being patient in your life today?


July 9, 2013

Self Pity

I do not surrender to the greatest temptation–self pity. With self-pity you are not thinking it is hard, but that it is too hard.

We all go through disappointments, setbacks and things that we don’t understand. Maybe you prayed for a loved one, but they didn’t get well. Or maybe you worked hard for a promotion, but you didn’t get it. You stood in faith for a relationship, but it didn’t work out. One of the best things you can do is release it. Let it go. Don’t think about it anymore. If you go around wondering why things didn’t work out, all that’s going to do is lead to bitterness, resentment and self-pity. Before long, you’ll be blaming others, blaming yourself, or even God. You may not have understood what happened. It may not have been fair. But when you release it, You’re saying, “God, I trust You. I know You’re in control. And even though it didn’t work out my way, You said, ‘All things are going to work together for my good.’ So I believe You still have something good in my future.” There is power in letting go of the past and the frustration of trying to figure everything out. When you release your questions, you are saying, “God, You are in control. I trust You.” And when you put your hope in God, that’s when He can heal your heart and lead you forward into His path of healing and destiny. Are you dealing with self-pity today?


July 8, 2013


I expect there to be challenges, so I will bring the best in me every day.

It may seem like others around you have no problems. As you look at their lives, you may wonder why things are always so good for them. They seem to move from one great experience to the next, while you’re struggling to get by and keep your head above water. From a distance you start thinking things like, It’s not fair. Why can’t I get a break? When is it going to be my turn? If you’ve ever had these thoughts, I want to let you in on a little secret. We all face challenges and problems! We all face obstacles that tempt us to be discouraged, to settle for less or to give up hope. But the important thing is what we do when those challenges come our way. With every problem, we have a choice: Will I still believe God is a good God and that He has great things in store for me, or will I settle for less than God’s best?  When you face challenges, especially really significant ones, it’s easy to slide into survival mode, but we’re not supposed to stay there! Even in your most difficult season, there is still opportunity. God has given you everything you need to succeed. He wants you to do more than survive; He wants you to thrive! I want to encourage you to choose to fill your mind with God’s promises and His expectations for your life. This is really the key to thriving! Don’t let your problems shape your expectations. You can live with confidence knowing that great things are coming your way! This is your moment to break through. I believe that you can start new and fresh today. Remember, if you’ve slid into a survival mentality, don’t stay there.  It all comes back to a simple choice: believe in who you are and what is in store for your life? Are you ready to face your challenges with your best effort today?

July 7, 2013

Time Will Tell

Remember that a vision is not a vision until it is tested by time.

The Bible says, “The vision is for an appointed time.” That means there is a specific time already determined for the fulfillment of the desires God has placed in your heart. The appointed time is the best time! We have to trust that God can see the big picture for our lives. He knows what’s up ahead. He knows what we’re going to need, who we’re going to need, and when they need to show up. If God did everything we ask on our timetable, it would limit us because sometimes, what we’re asking for is too small. Sometimes the person we think we can’t live without, God knows in ten years they’re not going to be good for us. So He is closing the door right now. Sometimes the promotion we want so badly, if God gave it to us right now, He knows it would keep us from a much bigger promotion that He has three years down the road. Remember, God has the advantage of seeing it all. The longer I live, the more I trust Him. The more I see His hand of faithfulness, the more I know that His plan is better than my plan. Today, trust that He knows what He’s doing. Trust that He has an appointed time, and it is the best time to bring to pass His promises in your life. Are you vision minded today?


July 6, 2013

Speaking Vision

To speak your vision takes courage, boldness, and a little wildness, because your tongue is the “pen” you need to write with on your heart.

God has an appointed time to fulfill the visions, dreams and desires in your heart. Just because it has taken a long time or because you’ve tried and failed doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. Don’t give up on those dreams! Don’t be complacent about pursuing what God has placed in your heart. God is a faithful God. No matter how long it’s been, no matter how impossible things looks, if you’ll stay in faith, your appointed time is coming. Remember, every dream that’s in your heart, every promise that has taken root, God put it in there. And not only that, but He has every intention of bringing it to pass. Hold on to that vision today by saying, “My time is coming. God is working behind the scenes on my behalf. I will fulfill my destiny!” As you continue to hold on to that vision and speak life over your dreams, you’ll see them begin to take shape. You’ll see your faith grow, you’ll see your hope strengthen, and you’ll see yourself step into the destiny God has prepared for you. Are you speaking life into your vision and destiny?


July 5, 2013


When you say something out loud, everything in your stops to listen to what you are saying. Make your words positive and uplifting.

There’s an old saying “attitude determines altitude.” In other words, a positive, truth-filled attitude will cause you to rise higher in life, but a negative, self-critical attitude will only drag you down. When we face adversity, our attitude affects the outcome. Are we going to treat people right even when we’re being mistreated? Are we going to stay full of joy even when the bottom falls out? So many people get all bent out of shape and start complaining when things don’t go their way, but that kind of attitude only closes the door to your answer. If you are going through a difficult time today, I encourage you to keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. Start thanking God for bringing you through to the other side. As you stand strong, I believe you’ll rise higher. I believe you’ll come out stronger and wiser, and you will continue moving forward in your destiny. Are your words positive and uplifting today?


July 4, 2013

Old Dream

Can you remember the time when you first discovered a big dream in your heart?

Maybe you were determined to excel in your career, or as a parent, or maybe you were focused on deepening your walk with the Lord. You probably started out with enthusiasm, but maybe things got a little difficult or didn’t happen as quickly as you would have liked. A lot of the time, when things don’t go as planned, people decide, “I’m just going to settle here. It’s not exactly what I wanted, but at least it’s good enough.” This is a fresh new season, recognize that you were made for more than “good enough.” You were made to increase, to excel, to grow and stretch. Why don’t you take a step of faith this year and embrace the new life He came to give you.  Why don’t you pick up those dreams and be determined to see them through. It’s a new day, and He is making everything new in your life. Do you remember those old dreams?


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