Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: March 2014

March 11, 2014

Winning Mentality

If you do not exercise a winning mentality, you are bound to lose.

I don’t  you to live with a “barely-get-by” attitude. Sometimes when things seem difficult, it’s easy to slip into “survival mode.” When times get tough, it’s tempting to just “hunker down” and settle where we are. If you’re not careful, you’ll develop a survival mentality that will keep you from growing and reaching your potential. You’ll be happy just to “break even.” Make up your mind today that no matter how difficult things seem, you are going to win every day. There is no just average, get by in you. You are a champion, a winner. Choose to have a winning thought process each day. Focus on what you do and don’t let other stuff distract you. Stay in the now, not too far ahead and definitely not behind. Do you have a winning mentality?


March 10, 2014

Compare No More

Did you know that when you compare yourself to others or wish you were like someone else, it’s like saying God just didn’t do a good job?

It’s actually like saying, “God, why did You make me subpar? Why did You make me less than?” Realize today, God didn’t make anyone inferior. He didn’t make any person second class. No, you are a masterpiece! You are fully loaded and totally equipped for the race that’s been designed for you! Today, let your attitude be, “I may not look like someone else or have the job that someone else has. That’s okay. Nobody will ever be a better me. There will never be another person like me!” Remember, it’s easy to do what you are equipped to do. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to be like someone else. Have you been comparing yourself to others?


March 9, 2014

Dealing With Failure

Failure is inevitable, embrace it.

Almost everyone knows that Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. But most don’t know that Walt Disney was once fired from a newspaper for a lack of ideas and his first cartoon production company went bankrupt. The fact is everyone fails in life but it is a gift if you don’t give up and are willing to learn, improve, and grow because of it. Failure often serves as a defining moment, a cross road on the journey of your life. It gives you a test designed to measure your courage, perseverance, commitment and dedication. Are you a pretender who gives up after a little adversity or a contender who keeps getting up after getting knocked down? Failure provides you with a great opportunity to decide how much you really want something. Will you give up? Or will you dig deeper, commit more, work harder, learn and get better? If you know that this is what you truly want you will be willing to pay the price that greatness requires. You will be willing to fail again and again in order to succeed. Sometimes we have to lose a goal to find our destiny. Sometimes a failure helps us see that we really don’t want it and we want something else. Whatever path failure guides you towards, it is always meant to give you a big serving of humble pie that builds your character, gives you perspective, grows your faith, and makes you appreciate your success later on. If you didn’t fail you wouldn’t become the kind of person who ultimately succeeds. So the next time you fail don’t let it keep you from the life you were born to live and the future you were meant to create. See failure as a test, a teacher, a detour to a better outcome and an event that builds a better you. Failure is not meant to be final and fatal. It is not meant to define you. It is meant to refine you to be all that you are meant to be. When you see failure as a blessing instead of a curse you will turn the gift of failure into a stepping stone that leads to the gift of success. Have you embraced the times you have failed?


March 8, 2014

Fear and Frustration

So many people today are living uptight, worried and anxious about the future, filled with frustration and fear.

In their mind there may be good reason, but understand, living that way is not how you were created. You shouldn’t be filled with anxiety and frustration; you were designed to live in peace. The next time you’re tempted to worry or be anxious about something, remember to choose peace. Don’t let fear control your life. There will be all kinds of things that will attack your mind, but stand strong. It may just be that you need to change your perspective. Look at that situation from a different angle. Also, always find the truth of the matter, not the facts, but the truth. The truth will always over ride the facts. Fill your mind with peace and truth. Guard what goes into your mind at all times. Be diligent in your thought process. You have an awesome mind, don’t let it work against you. Are you guarding your mind today?


March 7, 2014

Happiness is a Choice

Happiness isn’t just a random feeling; happiness is a choice.

It’s a decision that we have to make by an act of our will. All throughout life, you’re going to have plenty of opportunities to lose your joy. We all go through disappointments. We all have times when things don’t go our way. It’s very easy to let the circumstances of life make us sour and dejected until we just go through the motions of day-to-day living. But if you’re going to live in victory, if you’re going to live the way God intends, you’ve got to make the decision that you’re going to enjoy your life. You’ve got to choose to be happy in spite of your circumstances, every single day. Are you choosing to be happy today?


March 6, 2014

Desires and Dreams

We all have dreams and desires in our heart.

However most times, there’s a season of waiting involved. Maybe you’re waiting for a relationship to improve; waiting to get married; waiting for the right job, or waiting to overcome an illness. Much of life is spent waiting. But there’s a right way to wait and a wrong way to wait. Too often, when things don’t happen on our timetable, we get down and discouraged or anxious and fretful. That’s because we’re not waiting the right way. The fact is that we’re all going to wait. We’re not supposed to sit around and be discouraged; we’re supposed to be hopeful, positive and full of expectancy! No matter what you are waiting for, expect things to change in your favor. Today could be the day that it all turns around. As you wait with patience and expectancy, you’ll open the door for all possibilities. Be encouraged today to see your dreams and desires start happening right before your eyes. Are you ready to start believing today?


March 5, 2014

Challenges Will Come

I want you to become fascinated at the prospect of a challenge as opposed to frustrated.

Today’s life can be very noisy. If we allow it, all of us can live stressed, uptight, in a hurry and on edge. In the midst of the whirlwind of activity going on around us, we’ve got to learn to not let the busyness, the frustration and stress get on the inside of us. It may be hectic on the outside, but in your mind and spirit you can have peace. When life is coming at you from all directions I want you to be excited about the challenge. Frustration only leads to more frustration, which becomes a distraction, which will cause you to fail. Welcome the challenge. Get excited about it. Look at it as an opportunity for growth. See it as your time to show what you are made of. Champions love a challenge and you are a champion. Are you fascinated about challenges facing you today?


March 4, 2014

Welcome Adversity

I want you to become encouraged instead of discouraged by adversity.

You are going to face adversity in your life. You may be in the middle of an adverse situation right now. Most people curse and try to avoid all adversity that comes their way. However, you aren’t most people. You have come to realize that the only way to test your growth and even to grow is face adversity. How you handle the adversity in your life will determine the person you become. With this in mind I want you to welcome the adversity that comes your way. It’s coming no matter; so let’s take it and turn it around and use it for our good. When every time you are faced with a difficult situation and you learn from it, grow from it, and become better because of it, then you will be encouraged. Change your perspective from discouraged to encouraged. Your entire life will change if you adopt this mindset and make it your own. You will never look at adversity from a negative stand point again. Are you encouraged by adversity today?

March 3, 2014


Are you comfortable in your own skin?

In other words, do you recognize yourself as you really are; or are you constantly looking for approval and comparing yourself to those around you? Do you try to out-dress them or out-perform them? Are you always looking for ways to one-up them? It’s time to let all of that go. Comparison is a distraction. Comparison is a thief. It steals your time, energy, focus and joy. You aren’t here to impress anybody; you don’t have to prove anything because you have a specific destiny. You were created with a purpose for a purpose. You are empowered and equipped to do everything you are supposed to do. If you will choose to stay free from the thoughts of competition and just run your own race, not only will you enjoy your life more, but you’ll see your gifts and talents come out to the full. Are you ready to be the real you today?


March 2, 2014

Perspective Change

A fundamental principle of human psychology and loving others is learning to change your perspective.

A change in your perspective will change your life. When you are able to see situations in a different way, you will make a difference in your life and others. Take the time to look at things from others point of view. See through their eyes for a change. I have always been told that things aren’t always as they seem. When you change your perspective you will know that too. Seeing through other’s eyes will enable you to see their pain, their struggles. When you take the focus off your stuff and focus on loving others, you will help them heal. There is no way to love others if you don’t look from their perspective. There are hurting people all around you everyday. Many times they will never express their pain with words. But by a change in your perspective you will see their hurts and wounds. Help others heal by seeing through their eyes today. Change your perspective and change your life. Are you ready for a different perspective today?


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