Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: January 2015

January 10, 2015

Next Level

Your strategy is to make everyone else get on your level; you’re not going down to theirs.

As a Champion you are always wanting to bring others up. However, there will be those that want you to come down to theirs. Not everyone will go to the next level. They will try to convince you to settle where they are at. This is not you though. You are unstoppable, there is no settling in you. A Champion never is complacent with where they are in life. You will help others to come up to your level though. As you are working in your purpose take time to bring others up to your level. A Champion never settles. Being unstoppable means you are always looking for ways to get better and to help those around you. Don’t allow those that don’t want to be the best discourage you from being your best. Being a Champion is a special thing. Don’t take it for granted ever. Everyone has the ability but so few go to that level. You are one that will go to that level and keep on going. Are you bringing others up to your level today?

January 10, 2015

On Your Level

Your strategy is to make everyone else get on your level; you’re not going down to theirs.

As a Champion you are always wanting to bring others up. However, there will be those that want you to come down to theirs. Not everyone will go to the next level. They will try to convince you to settle where they are at. This is not you though. You are unstoppable, there is no settling in you. A Champion never is complacent with where they are in life. You will help others to come up to your level though. As you are working in your purpose take time to bring others up to your level. A Champion never settles. Being unstoppable means you are always looking for ways to get better and to help those around you. Don’t allow those that don’t want to be the best discourage you from being your best. Being a Champion is a special thing. Don’t take it for granted ever. Everyone has the ability but so few go to that level. You are one that will go to that level and keep on going. Are you bringing others up to your level today?

January 9, 2015

Accomplishing Goals

We all have goals that we want to accomplish and situations we’re believing will turn around.

But so often when it’s taking a long time, the negative thoughts come that say, “It’s never going to change.” “You’re never going to get well.” “You’re never going to get out of debt.” “That child is never going to straighten up.” If we’re not careful, we’ll get discouraged and end up just settling where we are. Many times, we miss out on the best because we gave up too soon. Just another few days of believing, another few weeks of doing the right thing, or another few months of standing strong. Don’t get discouraged. Your day is coming. When you’re tempted to get down and things are not going your way, you need to keep telling yourself, “This may be hard. It may be taking a long time, but I know I got this, and I’m going to keep believing, knowing that my day is on its way!” Never give up on yourself. You have Champion qualities inside you. Are you ready to accomplish your goals today?

January 8, 2015

Dark Side

Truly relentless people–Champions–are unstoppable, with dark sides that refuse to be taught to be good.

When we talk about a Champion’s dark side, we don’t mean they are evil. But there is a side to every great person that I have ever known that could be described as their dark side. This is the side of them that you never see. This is the place that they go that no one else knows about. It is their greatness. That is what we mean by they refuse to be taught good. Not good and bad, but good and great. But to a Champion, good is bad because they are striving for greatness. To be the best isn’t good enough. They desire to be the greatest ever at what they do and who they are. So to be taught to be only good is not going to happen. They want to be taught to be relentless, unstoppable, a Champion. If you wonder if you are a Champion in the making, check and see if you are developing a dark side. Do you have a dark side today?

January 7, 2015

Remove the Limits

You become unstoppable–by placing no limits on yourself.

I believe in having boundaries. I don’t believe in having limits. People put a lid on how high they can go in life. To be a Champion you have to take the limits, the lid off. You may have allowed other people in your past to put limits on you. Never allow others opinion of you to hold you down. You have greatness inside you, no matter your past. Overcome the mistakes of your past and go higher. There are many that place limits on themselves. Refresh and refocus your mind on your purpose and destiny. It is time for you to take your place in life. It is time that you start be the difference you were born to be. Remove the limits that have been placed on your life. You can rise to the highest level. You can be unstoppable. It is your decision to make. I encourage you today to be a Champion. Have you taken the limits off of your life today?

January 5, 2015

Inner Champion

Everything you need to be a Champion is already inside you.

You were born with greatness inside of you. We all were. However, so few ever tap into their inner greatness. The greatness you have to be unstoppable, to be a Champion. Never let anyone tell you that you don’t have what it takes to be the greatest at what you do. Those people that have decided not to be relentless don’t what you to be your best either. You have to be able to move past those people and be who you were created to be. There is far too much to be done for you to be held back by those that don’t want to do the work. Begin to find those that are great in what you want to be and learn from them. Read, listen to podcast, and study in your field. Sharpen the axe as the old saying goes. Bring out that inner greatness inside you. You are a Champion it’s time to be that Champion today. Are you ready to start today?

January 3, 2015

Want To

Wanting something won’t get you anywhere.

People are always wanting, but far too few are actually doing something. I have heard it said that, people need more backbone not wishbone. There is no doubt about it. The thing that often stops people is the start. You have to start in order to finish. Also, your start is important. How you start will have a major impact on how you finish. As we get started in the new year, let’s move from wanting to doing. There is still so much to be done in making a difference in the world, we can’t afford to wait any longer. It’s time to begin now. Don’t waste anymore of your life. It’s time to start living the life you were created to live. No more sitting on the sidelines, time to get in the game. Are you ready to go from wanting to doing?

January 2, 2015


You can read clever motivational quotes all day and still have no idea how to get where you want to be.

I see people posting and liking motivational posts on Facebook and Twitter every day. I am one of those people myself. However, if all you do is post and like but never put the quote into action you will never get where you are wanting to be. It’s not enough to have the clever quotes. If you are going to be a Champion you have to use the information. You have to develop a plan and then work the process. Everyone likes to talk a good game, but it’s the one who is willing to do the work that wins the game. As the year 2015 is getting started, there is no better time to develop your process and become unstoppable. Get rid of the excess baggage that is slowing you down. It’s your time to be relentless in your pursuit of your goal. Set the bar high and then keep pushing it higher. Never satisfied, always striving for excellence. Don’t put it off another day. It’s time! Are you ready to go from post/like to becoming the best?

January 1, 2015

2015 Goal

Being the best means engineering your life so you never stop until you get what you want, and then you keep going until you get what’s next.

As we kickoff 2015, I want to encourage you to set your goal to be unstoppable. Whatever it is that you are going for this year, don’t stop until you get it. Then set your sights even higher. Never stop climbing, striving for to be the best. 2015 is your year to become the Champion you were created to be. Nothing can stop you. Nothing can prevent you from reaching the top. However, it is up to you to make the sacrifice to be relentless. No matter what adversity you face this year, you will overcome it. I am excited about this year! This is going to be a life changing year for you and for me. Set your sights for the top and then go higher. Let me know what you are going to be Champion of, I want to walk it out with you starting today. What are your goals to be the best of this year?

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