February 11, 2025
In Charge
Champions don’t have to show you who’s in charge–everyone already knows.
The person that refuses to give up, is relentless is the one that will be in charge. They may not start out in charge, but in time they will be. The people that are unstoppable always make their way to the top. Some take longer than others, but they make it and then they stay there. They don’t go around telling everyone how great they are and how that they run the show. Champions let their actions do the majority of the talking. When it’s time to talk they talk. Most of the time, though, they let what they do speak for them. Watch those that are Champions in what you do. Learn from them. A true Champion will take the time to help you on becoming the best. They know it’s not all about them, but how they can help others. Being the best at whatever you do will mean you will be the one in charge one day. So learn today how to be humble and great at the same time. Are you ready to be in charge today?
February 4, 2025
Helping Out Others
You aren’t a Champion unless you are helping others become a Champion.
Your purpose isn’t about you; it’s about others. In order for you to be a Champion you have to be bringing others with you. A Champion will be a teacher/mentor/leader. To say it’s lonely at the top, means that you’re not at the top; you’re just alone. If you’re at the top there will be others there will you. The one’s that brought you up and the one’s you are bring up with you. A Champion isn’t afraid to reach out and help others. A Champion will teach and show what they have learned alone the way. It takes being secure in who you are to be a Champion. You’re not worried about the others being better than you because of what you have taught them. It is your purpose to make them better because of what you have taught them. Your legacy as a Champion is that you helped others become a Champion. Look around you. Are there others making the way to the top with you? It is the mark of a Champion. Are you helping others become a Champion today?
January 26, 2025
A Higher Mark
Never satisfied, never content, always pushing higher and higher is the mark of a Champion.
Being unstoppable means you never let up. Always looking for ways to get better. A Champion is a Champion because they never give up. If you’re going to be the best at what you do then you can never be content where you are. You are learning and growing everyday. As we continue toward your goals, I want to encourage you to make the changes to be a Champion. There is something you do that no one can do like you do. You have a gift/talent that was given to you for a reason. To be the difference in someone’s life. Are you ready to be a Champion?
January 23, 2025
Higher and Higher
Never satisfied, never content, always pushing higher and higher is the mark of a Champion.
Being unstoppable means you never let up. Always looking for ways to get better. A Champion is a Champion because they never give up. If you’re going to be the best at what you do then you can never be content where you are. You are learning and growing everyday. As we continue toward your goals, I want to encourage you to make the changes to be a Champion. There is something you do that no one can do like you do. You have a gift/talent that was given to you for a reason. To be the difference in someone’s life. Are you ready to be a Champion?
January 19, 2025
Being a Champion
Being a Champion is being feared and respected for your mental strength and toughness, not just your physical abilities.
The higher you go in whatever you do, the less the physical talent has to do with you staying there. At the highest levels everyone is talented. However, the major difference comes in the form of mental toughness. Whoever has prepared mentally has the edge, the advantage. Mental conditioning is a must if you are going to be a Champion. People take it for granted how important their mental training is. It is not an add-on or an extra. It is part of the process. A huge part of the process. If you aren’t working on your mental game today, then I encourage you to start. Don’t come up short in your destiny because you didn’t prepare mentally. Train your mind to be unstoppable. When your body is wanting to quit, your mind says we are just getting started. Be relentless mentally and you will be unstoppable physically. Your mind is what will enable you to be a Champion or keep you from being one. Are you training your mind today?
January 14, 2025
No Problem
When When everyone else is panicking and chocking, and you say; “No problem.” You step up and finish the job.
This is what Champion’s do. They don’t let the pressure of the situation get to them. People that are relentless are the ones that cause the pressure. When you are a Champion you are the one that ramps up the pressure because you thrive on it. When others are cracking up and giving up; you are just getting started. Let those that aren’t going to go the distance get out of the way. Then you will have more room to perform in. A Champion is a finisher. There is no quit in a person that is unstoppable. You welcome the challenge that others run away from. This is what makes being a Champion fun. Knowing that no matter the situation; you can handle it. No what is going on; you will win. Are you ready to be the greatest of the best today? everyone else is panicking and chocking, and you say; “No problem.” You step up and finish the job. This is what Champion’s do. They don’t let the pressure of the situation get to them. People that are relentless are the ones that cause the pressure. When you are a Champion you are the one that ramps up the pressure because you thrive on it. When others are cracking up and giving up; you are just getting started. Let those that aren’t going to go the distance get out of the way. Then you will have more room to perform in. A Champion is a finisher. There is no quit in a person that is unstoppable. You welcome the challenge that others run away from. This is what makes being a Champion fun. Knowing that no matter the situation; you can handle it. No what is going on; you will win. Are you ready to be the greatest of the best today?
January 13, 2025
To Be a Champion
Want to be a Champion? Then you ignore the pain, exhaustion and the pressure to be the greatest.
On the journey to be the best people fall by the side because it’s “too hard.” They make various excuses as to why they “couldn’t” make it. However, a Champion ignore the pain, the exhaustion, the pressure and become the greatest. Listen, being unstoppable, a Champion isn’t easy, I understand that. Many people talk about being a Champion, but that is as far as it goes. It takes a special and unique person to be able to push through all the adversity. However, each of you have the qualities necessary to be relentless, a Champion. Be special and unique in whatever it is you do. I want to see you rise to the top. I want to see you be the greatest person you can be. Push through the adversity, be an overcomer, be the difference today! Be the person others look to when the game is one the line. This is your time to step up and be who you were created to be. Push past the pain, brush off the exhaustion, step up to the pressure. You can do this. Like we have said, it doesn’t matter what it is you have been called to do; Do It! Be the best ever at it. Are you ready to push through today?
January 11, 2025
Getting Close
Whenever life gets difficult and it seems like the intensity has been turned up, that’s a sign you are closer to being a Champion.
When those lies are in your mind, when you’re tempted to get discouraged or feel like throwing in the towel, that’s not the time to back down. That’s the time to dig your heels in and put on a new attitude because you are closer to your victory. Maybe you’ve had a lot of things come against you. It seems like the more you try the worse it gets. You’re doing the right thing, but the wrong thing is happening. The easy thing is to say, “Forget it. I don’t have to put up with this.” “This marriage is never going to work.” “I’ll never be able to raise this child.” Or, “I don’t like this job.” No, instead of getting discouraged, instead of going around sour and bitter, you need to say, “I’ve come too far to stop now. I’ve been through too much to back down. I realize the reason the intensity has been turned up is because I’m about to experience my victory!” Keep standing, keep believing, keep hoping and stay strong even when the intensity gets turned up! How intense is your life today?
December 26, 2024
Becoming a Champion
You aren’t a Champion unless you are helping others become a Champion.
Your purpose isn’t about you; it’s about others. In order for you to be a Champion you have to be bringing others with you. A Champion will be a teacher/mentor/leader. To say it’s lonely at the top, means that you’re not at the top; you’re just alone. If you’re at the top there will be others there will you. The one’s that brought you up and the one’s you are bring up with you. A Champion isn’t afraid to reach out and help others. A Champion will teach and show what they have learned alone the way. It takes being secure in who you are to be a Champion. You’re not worried about the others being better than you because of what you have taught them. It is your purpose to make them better because of what you have taught them. Your legacy as a Champion is that you helped others become a Champion. Look around you. Are there others making the way to the top with you? It is the mark of a Champion. Are you helping others become a Champion today?
December 18, 2024
Becoming a Champion
It is inevitable, as you become a Champion, that you will face adversity that will try to stop you.
I don’t think we can exhaust the subject of facing adversity. Everyone, the Champions and those that have decided to be average will face adversity. If you are breathing adversity is in your life. It is how you deal with that determines which group you are in. Champions, of course, face the adversity in their life. Turn it to their advantage. Champions learn, grow and become stronger because of the adversity. Average people try to avoid the adversity, ignore it, or just give in to it. That is why they have decided to remain average. Being average is a choice that people make. Those that are unstoppable, don’t let adversity stop them, they use it to move them up and forward. That is a key factor in being a Champion. When things don’t go your way, you don’t sit down, complain, blame and give up. Adversity is just a part of life no matter who you are. How are you handling adversity today?