Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: February 2022

February 8, 2022

Change Up

Do you have behaviors in your life that you want to change?

Maybe it’s a habit, a bad attitude, or even negative thoughts. No matter what you may want to change in your life, you have to start by changing your mind. You have to change your thinking so that your thoughts are in line with the truth. Remember, your life will go in the direction of your thoughts. You can’t just allow any old thought or image to play in your mind. You have to choose right thoughts. The easiest way to change your thoughts is by speaking the truth. When you say “orange,” you probably won’t start thinking about an apple. So line your thoughts up with your destiny. Your purpose in life is dependent on your thoughts and words. Stay positive. Stay strong. Stay at it. Don’t ever allow your thoughts to stop you from going higher. Are your behaviors helping or hurting you today?

February 7, 2022

Bar Exam

A Champion can’t even define success because they keep raising the bar on what that means.

Records where meant to be broken. What at one time was supposed to be success is now not even average. That is because those that are unstoppable keep changing the definition of success. To be the greatest of the greatest you have to keep raising the bar. You are never satisfied where you are at. When you become content and satisfied then you will not stay at the top for very long. I encourage you today to keep striving to be your best. Don’t compete against others but rather compete against yourself. When you find your true north, your purpose, your reason for being you will never have another boring, wasted, timing killing day. You will crave the end result of what you are doing. Keep raising your own personal bar. Being a Champion will mean you have to be relentless in your pursuit of being the best. Today you will change the definition of success in whatever it is you do. Are you ready to raise the bar?

February 6, 2022

Taking Responsibility

Taking on responsibility not looking for privileges is a mark of a Champion.

When you are given much, you tend to expect much. That is one of the issues with privilege. When you haven’t had to work hard for something, but have been given it, it’s not the same. Privilege over responsibility has hurt a lot of people. The better and higher a person goes they expect more and more privileges. However, a Champion knows that the higher they go, the more responsibility they have and the fewer privileges. It’s the upside down triangle image. The farther up you go the smaller the privilege point. I have seen many people fall because they couldn’t handle the privilege point. A Champion has to be take on more responsibility than those around. A relentless person is one who isn’t looking for privileges in the first place. Be the person in the room that takes the responsibility for making it happen. Don’t look for someone to hand it to you, but go do it. That’s a key point for a Champion. Be unstoppable by taking the responsibility of getting it done. Are you taking responsibility today?

February 5, 2022

Relentless Work

Champions understand they don’t have to love the work to be successful, they just have to be relentless about achieving it.

To be a Champion you don’t have love the work, just the end result. There will be a tremendous amount of hard work in becoming the best. Never let anyone else out work you in what you do. That is why being relentless is a must. There will be a lot of people at the starting line, but few will actually do the work to finish. You have to have the mentality to be a finisher. It’s not about loving the work necessary, but loving where the work gets you. Getting to the top will require you to stay the course. It has been said; it’s hard to beat someone that won’t quit. That’s what it takes to be a Champion. It’s great to love what you do. That is a bonus. I love what I do each day, but there are parts of what I do that I don’t love. However, I want to be the best, therefore, I am unstoppable in doing what I do. You can do the same. Be your absolute best every day. Are you ready to be relentless today?

February 4, 2022

Helping Out Others

You aren’t a Champion unless you are helping others become a Champion.

Your purpose isn’t about you; it’s about others. In order for you to be a Champion you have to be bringing others with you. A Champion will be a teacher/mentor/leader. To say it’s lonely at the top, means that you’re not at the top; you’re just alone. If you’re at the top there will be others there will you. The one’s that brought you up and the one’s you are bring up with you. A Champion isn’t afraid to reach out and help others. A Champion will teach and show what they have learned alone the way. It takes being secure in who you are to be a Champion. You’re not worried about the others being better than you because of what you have taught them. It is your purpose to make them better because of what you have taught them. Your legacy as a Champion is that you helped others become a Champion. Look around you. Are there others making the way to the top with you? It is the mark of a Champion. Are you helping others become a Champion today?

February 3, 2022

Self Encouragement

Some people are discouraged because they don’t know how to encourage themselves.

Don’t spend your life waiting for someone else to pick you up, encourage you and get you going. Be a self encourager. Learn to speak words of encouragement to yourself. Each day when you wake up, start the day by speaking positive, encouraging words to yourself. No one has to hear it, but you need to. You hear every word you say. You “hear” every thought you have too. Use your words and thoughts to help you in your daily life. As we get this new year started, let’s start it off right. Begin the new year by encouraging yourself. You will then see it spread to others. When you are encouraged you will be an example others will follow. Change your perspective and attitude about yourself, your family, your friends and see your complete life change for the better. Be a self encourager today. Are you speaking words of encouragement to yourself every day?

February 2, 2022

Great Expectations

Champions rarely congratulate you for doing your job; they just expect you to do it.

If you are a Champion you don’t hand out “you showed up” trophies. Relentless people expect you to do what you are supposed to do and to do it at your best. A Champion will not tolerate someone that takes plays off, doesn’t try to make every sell, doesn’t study their best for every test. Champion mindset is that if they are doing their absolute best every day; then you should too. It’s not about talent, it’s about the effort. It doesn’t take talent to show up and be unstoppable. It’s a mental thing more than a physical thing. So there is no excuse for you or me not to show up every day and be the best at what we do. Being relentless no more your talent level. Not looking for someone to tell you ‘good job’ when you do your job. You have Champion ability inside you. Today is your day to step up and be that Champion. Are you ready to dominate the day?

February 1, 2022

Rush of Winning

The most important thing about a Champion, the one thing that defines and separates him from the rest.

He’s’ addicted to the rush of winning. Nothing feels like winning, other than winning a lot. Being the best at what you do is addictive. You want to be better and then get even better. Helping others achieve their destiny and goals makes you better. There is no better feeling than knowing you made the difference in someone’s life. You made them believe in themselves. Being a Champion is more than winning games. Being a Champion is about winning in life. Helping others take their life to another level is winning in life. When you realize that your life is all about others, then you are on your way. When you focus on others you put yourself in a rare category. Most folk today are all about; ‘what about me.’ Unless they change their attitude they will never be a Champion. Today is the day to get your focus right and your attitude correct. Let’s be the difference in people’s life’s today. Are you ready to be a Champion?

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