Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: September 2022

September 9, 2022


Weakness, to a Champion, would mean giving up what he craved because he was afraid of getting beat.

The definition of weakness to a Champion you can tell is different than what others think. To someone that is unstoppable, weakness is the thought of getting beat. So, that’s why we say, it would be giving up what he/she craved would be weakness. What does a Champion crave? Being the unstoppable, relentless at what he does. Weakness would be not living with purpose or living in your destiny. Weakness would be not making a difference in those around you. Weakness would be not making the world a better place. This is why even momentary failures are devastating to a Champion. This is why someone that is unstoppable never stays down long. Weakness would be having a pity party when things go wrong. Weakness is feeling sorry for yourself when someone hurts your feelings. Weakness would be blaming others when something goes wrong. So you can see that being a Champion means changing your perspective about adversity. Are you ready to be a Champion?

September 8, 2022


A Champion doesn’t want to give up the thing others aren’t willing to do.

Being a Champion is tough work. Doing what others aren’t willing to do is one thing that separates the best from the unstoppable. The best are really, really good, but a Champion is a stop above the best. Being a Champion means you aren’t just the best, but you are relentless and unstoppable. You have to do the unthinkable. You have to do what can’t be done. A Champion doesn’t see anything as being impossible. They see the impossible as necessary. I want to encourage you today to step up to the plate and do the impossible. Do what others aren’t willing to do. Take your purpose in life to the next level. Be the Champion! Be relentless and unstoppable. Are you willing to do the thing others aren’t willing to do?

September 7, 2022


A Champion shuts down the desire to give up and allows themselves to discover what you’re really made of, what you’re capable of doing.

The only way you will ever truly know what you are made out of is to shut down the desire to give up. You are able to do more than you think you are. We have to push ourselves past the outer limits. When the first desire to give up comes, don’t give in to it. There is far more out there for you; if you will just continue to push on. Most people never really go past the first pains of the desire to give up. To be unstoppable you have to do just that; don’t stop. Take the next step and move past average. Become the Champion you were created to be. It’s exciting to discover what you’re made of and just what all you’re really capable of doing. Are shutting down the desire to give up today?

September 6, 2022


The drive to get to the top and stay there year after year? The Champion inside of you.

Every Champion has an internal drive to be at the top. That drive is what makes them relentless. However, Champions not only get to the top, set the standard, but they stay there. It’s one thing to get to be number one, but it’s much more difficult to stay there. Don’t listen to those telling you that you can’t make it. Then when you do make it, they tell you that you can’t stay there. Eliminate the negative voices from your life. Being a Champion means that you have to be determined. Nothing can stop you, no one can stop you. Check your internal drive today and make get ready to go to the next level. I am excited about what lies ahead for you. I want to hear about your Champion experiences. Share your story! Are you ready to get your drive on today?

September 5, 2022

Showing Up

The ability to show up every day and do what no one else is willing to do, that comes from the Champion inside you.

Champions do what others only talk about. There are a lot of people today that want to, but are not willing to pay the price. That is what makes a Champion a Champion. I have never met anyone that didn’t want to be a Champion, but wouldn’t do the work. If you desire to bring out the Champion in you, then just be consistent in showing up each and every day. Then do the work that is required and do it with excellence. Someone who keeps showing up can’t be stopped. Being unstoppable isn’t easy, that’s why so few actually follow through. However, I encourage you to be relentless in your pursuit of being a Champion. You have what it takes. God created you to be a Champion, but it’s up to you to become a Champion. Nike has it right; ‘Just do it.’ Get going today. Get your process established and then work your plan. Are you ready to show up and get it done?

September 3, 2022


Staying safe means being limited, and you can’t be limited if you’re going to be relentless.

Being unstoppable means playing with reckless abandon, but being controlled. When I say staying safe means you are limited; I don’t mean that you are careless. A Champion definitely has a plan; that’s your process. To live with destiny and purpose though means you can’t stay safe. It’s time to take the limits off your life. John Maxwell talks about the Law of the Lid. Being safe, being limited is having a lid. Being unstoppable means being unlimited, not playing if safe all the time. Take the lid off today, remove the limits from your life. Be the unstoppable Champion that you were created to be. Others may decide to put a self imposed ceiling on their performance but not you. Also, never allow anyone else to limit you. Be careful, but care free. Have a process that you follow, but don’t play it safe. Play and live your life to the fullest. Make a difference that is felt in generations to come. Are you limitless, lidless and relentless today?

September 2, 2022


An addiction is anything that creates a private challenge and tests you to control it before it controls you.

We all have to deal with an addiction of some kind. Some are more notable such as; alcohol, drugs, or sex. However, a sugar addiction, or control addiction can be as bad in its on way. However, I’m not here to discuss what the addiction does to a person. I have dealt with an addictive personality all my life. I know the results all too well. As a Champion, you will have to deal with any addiction you may have. Because an addiction is something that wants to control you. You have to control it before it can control you. Being unstoppable means you have to be able to pass the test of addiction control. If you have an addiction of any kind I encourage you today to get help. Find someone that has overcome that behavior and learn from them. No matter how small or insignificant it may seem, any addiction is harmful and will in time try to destroy you. Don’t take it for granted that you have it under control. Be sure with good counsel and accountability that you have it defeated. If I’m talking to you today, then let me know. I may not can help you, but together we will find someone who can. Be the Champion you were created to be today. Are you battling with addiction right now?

September 1, 2022


The satisfaction doesn’t come from the risk, but rather it comes from accomplishing the goal.

For a Champion, the thrill doesn’t come from the doing, but from the have done. There is a satisfaction that comes from having mastering the challenge. The accomplishing of your goal is what gives you the sense of satisfaction. The work itself is just the ways to a means. A Champion doesn’t get caught up in the emotions of the doing. The satisfaction is a result of having overcome the adversity of the challenge. From all we have talked about being a Champion, unstoppable, and relentless; you can tell it’s not easy. However, if it were easy everyone would do it. I want to encourage you to do what it takes in your area to be a Champion. It doesn’t matter what it is you’re destiny is, be a Champion. Are you loving the risk or the accomplishment today?

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