Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: September 2022

September 19, 2022

Small Things

A Champion’s internal pressure is getting on yourself for something no one else would even notice and challenge yourself to get it right.

An unstoppable person is one who notices the small things we didn’t do right and then making the corrections. Many people, those who have decided to be average, don’t even notice these things any longer. Being a Champion means you do take notice of the small things. I have heard that we are not supposed to sweat the small things. People who don’t take notice of the small things can be good, but they will never be unstoppable. Not unless they do correct the little things that aren’t right. Even some of the people who are great notice the small things that aren’t right, but they don’t take the time to correct them. Again, it’s the Champion that challenges himself to make the correction. You can see why there are not many Champions in the world today. You have to be willing to do what others won’t do. Then when you reach the top, you raise the top even higher. Are you correcting the small things in your life today?

September 18, 2022


Create your own process to succeed, don’t allow others to create it for you. Have the confidence to trust that you can handle anything.

Deep down you know what your purpose in life is. We all are to the difference in other people’s lives. We do that in different ways. You use your gift to be the difference. Therefore, you have to develop your own process. You have to be the one to create your process. You have to trust in your ability to handle everything that comes your way. Your process is what is going to get you to your destiny. Because your destiny and purpose are God-given; there is nothing that can come against you that you can’t overcome. You have to believe in yourself and your process. Know that God has a plan for you and nothing can stop it; but you. You have to know that you got this! Don’t let it concern you when you are different than others. You don’t want to be like everyone else. A Champion is different! Being unstoppable and relentless will cause you to be unique. Are you believing in your process today?

September 17, 2022


A trademark of a Champion; he doesn’t have to know what’s coming because whatever you throw at him, he’s ready.

To be unstoppable you have to be ready for what comes at you. The world is going to be unfair, cruel and down right mean at times. A Champion is ready for it. Mentally, you have to be prepared for what is happening. There can be no panicking, whining or pity parties. A Champion is a person that welcomes extreme challenges without backing down. You can’t spend time trying to find fault or blaming others. You are ready for the adversity. You grow during these times of adversity. As a person, family, team, community. Take time every day to work on being mentally prepared and mentally tough. This is the way that you will be ready when hard times comes. Grow spiritually every day so that you know what God is telling you to do in every situation. He created you for this time, this place, this assignment. You have a specific purpose and duty to carry out. Use the gift that He gave you to live in purpose and destiny. Are you ready to live your life to the fullest? Are you ready for the greatest adventure of your life?

September 16, 2022


A Champion steps out of his comfort zone and challenges himself to get to the next level.

To be unstoppable you have to be relentless in doing what it takes. Far too many people lack the ‘whatever it takes’ attitude. Getting to the next level is one of the things that being a Champion is all about. You have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Another reason that most people don’t go to Champion status. You will never know how high you can go if you don’t push yourself past your limits. We place limits on ourselves that are far lower than they should be. Today would be a great day to step out of your comfort zone to see how far you can go. To be live with full purpose this is a must. Don’t stop short of your true destiny, because you didn’t want to move past comfort. I don’t think you can be comfortable knowing that you aren’t doing all you can do. Take your life to the next level and see just how exciting it will be. Being a Champion is the adventure of a lifetime. Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone today and become a Champion?

September 15, 2022

Internal Beliefs

Champions never believe external forces; they only believe what’s inside them.

To be unstoppable you must have an excellent internal belief system. You can’t allow the outward to affect the inward. A Champion has to be inside-outward, not outside-inward. I encourage you today to begin building your internal Champion belief system. In order to be unstoppable what you believe about yourself is a major key. You can never reach Championship status if you allow what others say to stop you. You can’t be relying on what others think all the time. You have to take charge and be in control of your thoughts and what you believe. Be careful who you listen to and what you allow to influence your belief system. You have to think like a Champion to become a Champion. Take charge of your thoughts today and start becoming a Champion. Are you in charge of your internal beliefs today?

September 14, 2022


You can’t be relentless if you can’t take discomfort, and you can’t be unstoppable if you only deal with pressure when you have no choice.

Being a Champion is not easy. It takes hard work, dedication, and discipline. People that are Champions never try to just get by or find the easy way out. However, once you make being unstoppable and being relentless a lifestyle you will be surprised how much easier it does get. You will have days that you don’t want to go the extra mile. There will be times when things go wrong. These are the days when you face adversity and back it down. I see people, especially parents, that don’t want their kids to have to deal with any adversity. They want life to be all smooth and easy. This will only make their adulthood that much harder. I’m no parent expert, but I do know that we all have to handle adversity in life. How we handle being uncomfortable and deal with pressure will determine how far you go in life. A Are you comfortable being uncomfortable?

September 13, 2022


Your level of success is defined by how well you look at pressure and deal with it.

One of the major things that determines who is a Champion is their perspective of pressure and then how they deal with that pressure. We have talked in the past about how Champions use pressure. Champions take pressure and ride it to the top. Pressure is like helium to a someone who is unstoppable. They use pressure to rise. Others allow pressure to take them down. We all have to deal with pressure, so why not use it to your benefit. When you feel the symptoms of pressure coming on; stop and change your perspective of the pressure. You are in control of the pressure, not the other way around. Take your game to the next level by riding on the pressure. So you can see that pressure is under control. Never again allow it to hold you down. You are relentless and unstoppable; therefore, pressure has no control over you. What is your perspective of pressure?

September 12, 2022


Minimal expectations, minimal pressure….minimal rewards.

You will get out of it; what you put into it. Have you been disappointed to the point that you don’t expect much anymore? If I don’t expect much then I won’t be disappointed. However, a Champion isn’t like this. A Champion knows that with high expectations, high pressure; there will be high reward. Nothing worth doing has low expectations or minimal pressure. High stakes, high risk, high payoff. It all goes to say that; Champions like the thrill of pressure situations. Don’t ever look for the easy job or situations. Never let the fear of the power of situation cause you to step back. Be the one that has the expectation of being a Champion. Be the one that uses the pressure to bring out the best. The reward then is being unstoppable and relentless. There is nothing like being the one who goes against the odds and wins time and time again. Expectations, pressure, rewards anyone?

September 11, 2022


Clutch is about the last minute. Relentless is about every minute.

There are some that can come through at the last minute at times. However, why not come through every minute. That way when it is last minute, it is just another minute for you. Relentless and unstoppable people don’t wait until the last minute to act. They are working their process at all times. Play every play with full intensity. Don’t ever take a play off. This relates to sports, school, business, stay at home mom. Never take for granted that this minute may be the last minute you get to do what you’re doing. A Champion is clutch every minute of every day. That’s one of the major factors that separates a Champion from the rest of the pack. We all have the capability to be clutch every minute. It does take strict mental conditioning and training. It does take practice every day. Are you ready to be relentless and clutch every minute?

September 10, 2022


A Champion intentionally creates situations to jack up the pressure even higher, challenging yourself to prove what you’re capable of.

We have talked in other blogs about how a Champion uses pressure like helium, to rise above those that pressure is like an anvil. With that being said, an unstoppable, relentless Champion will create pressure situations in order to rise to the top of their game. The only way to truly see what you are made of and what you are capable of is to perform at the highest level. What makes others give up and quit; is what takes a Champion to the very top. They don’t give the honor of being Champion to those that can’t handle the pressure. Honestly, a Champion isn’t usually one that can just handle the pressure. The Champion is the one who isn’t willing or wanting to, but does create the pressure. Control the pressure, control the situation. Pressure makes people make mistakes and get careless because they don’t like pressure. If you fear pressure then you won’t perform well. That’s why to be a Champion you have to welcome pressure, perform at your best under the most pressure, and then finally create the pressure. Are you creating pressure to take you to the top today?

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