Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

February 3, 2014

Forgive and Heal

The only way to heal your wounds is through forgiveness.

Forgiveness is an ultimate act of love. It is not the act of “forgetting” an incident or upset. It is the remembering and the choice to “give away” the hurt we have attached to the experience. Forgiveness is the living of love or the application of love to our lives. It is remembering that we are capable of loving ourselves and others in a greater way. The Law of Forgiveness states that certain ideas must be dissolved and cleared from the mind in order that other new ideas of a different character may replace them. Through forgiveness, we create new realities that allow us to experience greater love and freedom. Forgiveness sets the stage for a new act in our lives to begin. Holding on to judgments about experiences and people keeps us in limitation. When we allow ourselves the experience of forgiveness, we turn the key to open the cell of humanness and release the divinity that resides in us and in others, and allow that divinity to reign. Are you being healed through forgiveness today?


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