Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

July 11, 2012


A major aspect of self-discipline is accountability. That makes self-discipline about others too.

A good friend of mine, who is also one of my accountability partners, tells me all the time; “I do what is inspected more often than what is expected.” Accountability is a major part of the self-discipline plan. You can try as hard as you want, but a majority of the time, if someone else isn’t aware of what you are doing; you won’t do it. Accountability then, in the process, is a major cog. We must keep ourselves accountable to those that will be open and honest with us. Don’t get “yes” people to be accountable to. Get those that will tell you the truth, because they want to see you succeed. Don’t get people that aren’t accountable to others. If they aren’t being held accountable, then they will not be a good influence on you. Self-discipline isn’t all inclusive, it includes others. Being accountable too means you have to be truthful and honest. When you are sincerely wanting to change then the pain of self-discipline will be less than the pain of staying where you are at. It has been said, the pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret. Is there an area you need to change in your life today? Will you find that person to keep you accountable in that area?

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