Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

September 17, 2022


A trademark of a Champion; he doesn’t have to know what’s coming because whatever you throw at him, he’s ready.

To be unstoppable you have to be ready for what comes at you. The world is going to be unfair, cruel and down right mean at times. A Champion is ready for it. Mentally, you have to be prepared for what is happening. There can be no panicking, whining or pity parties. A Champion is a person that welcomes extreme challenges without backing down. You can’t spend time trying to find fault or blaming others. You are ready for the adversity. You grow during these times of adversity. As a person, family, team, community. Take time every day to work on being mentally prepared and mentally tough. This is the way that you will be ready when hard times comes. Grow spiritually every day so that you know what God is telling you to do in every situation. He created you for this time, this place, this assignment. You have a specific purpose and duty to carry out. Use the gift that He gave you to live in purpose and destiny. Are you ready to live your life to the fullest? Are you ready for the greatest adventure of your life?

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