Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 2, 2011

All Broke Up

I used to think that I could inspire others by my having it all together & all that. Now I know that my inspiring/motivating others will come from my brokeness, restoration, and reconciliation. I am proof God does restore one to their destiny and purpose.

Everybody likes to hear about people who are successful. However, everybody loves to hear about a person’s failures and how they overcome them.  When I realized that that my failures and mistakes didn’t disqualify me from inspiring others, but it qualified me.  The same is for you too.  Your past does not negate you from reaching your destiny.  We all have made mistakes and have things in our past that we wish weren’t there.  Well, they are always going to be there.  It is the overcoming our past and using it to push us up and forward that counts.  If your past is not pushing you up and forward, but holding you down and back, then you have to make peace with your past.  If there are areas of your past that are still haunting you, then today is your day to confront and make peace with it.  Take the negative power away from your past.  Make the negative a positive.  Today is your greatest day and tomorrow looks even better.  

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