Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

October 15, 2012

Back Against the Wall

When your back is against the wall, there is only one person that can help you. It’s you. You have to look on the inside.

Many people today are looking for a handout, a bailout, or a way out. However, when your back is up against the wall, there is only one person that can do anything about it. That person is you. You have what it takes inside to find a solution and work your way out of the situation. Don’t look for someone to blame, don’t make excuses or give up. Look inside yourself and determine in your mind that you are going to make it. You will find a way to win. You can make a difference. You don’t have to have someone do it for you. You don’t have to look for outside help in every situation. You are more than able. God has given you everything you need to find a solution. You have to be willing to work the plan and then actually work the plan. You can’t have a victim mentality any longer. No more whining about the way the things are in life. You are a winner, a champion, a difference maker. You have the goods. You are able! Go out today determined to work it out. Make it a great day! A victorious day! Is there a situation in your life right now that has your back is up against the wall?

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