Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

September 13, 2013

Be Smart

Be patient after failure, and be smart. Tweak your process, but drastic measures are rarely necessary.

Having a process that you use in life will not guarantee that you don’t experience failure. As long as you are making a difference, working toward your destiny, and climbing your personal mountain you will go through the valley of failure. When you experience failure that is a good time to make some changes in your process. Usually small changes are all that are necessary. Sometimes we want to make all kinds of major, drastic changes that we will never be able to maintain. I understand that there will be times when major changes are needed. However, when you take a good honest look at your life and your process; chances are you will see that only a few small adjustments are needed. I have had major failures in my life and changes were made. However, small incremental changes have made a major difference. You are making a difference in your world. Don’t let failure knock you out of the game permanently. Don’t let those who try to tell you that you are not good enough stop you. Keep getting back up, dust yourself off, tweak your process and get back in the game. Do you need to make some small changes in your life today?


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