Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

August 2, 2012

Being Present

One gift we all have is the gift of time. More than your money, cards, emails, or texts is the giving of yourself.

Sometimes life gets really busy. It’s easy to put off connecting with those we love or show appreciation to others because we don’t have the time. Life is too short and we don’t know what tomorrow holds for us and for those we love. Thats why we need to make of the most of each day. If we will learn to give the best of ourself consistently, we will live our life with no regrets.  There are people in your life right now that are starving for someone to just talk to them, to spend some time with them. When we let our day to day cares get in the way of caring for others, we are in the wrong. This is something that I must work on starting right now. I have been convicted of not being present when I am physically present. Make it a point, a lifestyle to be there for others. Be there physically when at all possible. Don’t let money, a text, an email or call stop you from going that extra mile to visit with them in person. You may be the one that encourages them to get them back up and going again. Is there someone in your life today you need to go see? Have you been guilty of not being present even when you are there?

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