Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

August 4, 2014

Being Relentless

If you’re relentless, there is no halfway, no could or should or maybe.

A person of purpose is relentless. You are a finisher. No try; do–Yoda. Yoda was relentless. He is a finisher. So as a person of destiny you have to be like Yoda. There can be no quit or give up in you. There is only do. Being relentless is not easy, but a person of purpose doesn’t look for easy. However, being relentless is very satisfying and fulfilling. Once you have committed to living a life of purpose you will see life in a whole new perspective. You look at life as a challenge, an adventure. Even if your purpose seems small and insignificant; live it to the fullest. There are no insignificant and small purposes or destinies. Be relentless today. Are you like Yoda?

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