Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

July 22, 2012

Being Thankful

Be thankful today; even if things in your life are going haywire. Take time to find something to be thankful for right now.

At the beginning of 2012 I started a thankful journal; actually two of them. I write in them each day, one for my wife and one for my daughter. I write a few sentences telling them how thankful I am for them. I have to think of something each day that I appreciate them for. This has kept me in a thankful, grateful mindset for this year. Not only do I find things about them, but also about others. It’s hard to argue with someone when you are thinking about how thankful you are for them. I will give them the journals at the end of the year for Christmas. When you are thankful it will change your mindset. You may not want to do a thankful journal, but find someone every day and tell them you are thankful for them. Also, tell them why. It’s not enough just to tell someone you are thankful, tell them why. Be sincere and mean it too. Empty compliments are just that, empty. Is there someone you need to tell right now how thankful you are for them? Can you find someone every day and thank them for who they are?


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