September 2, 2023
Body Speak
A Champion has no need to announce his presence; you’ll know he’s there by the way he carries himself, always cool and confident.
Body language tells the tale. You can tell a lot, I mean a whole lot, about someone by their body language. Someone who is not confident will show it by their body language. The same goes true for someone who is supremely confident, a Champion. When a Champion is on board, he doesn’t have to announce his presence. You will be able to tell by the way he carry’s himself. There is an air of confidence. A Champion stands tall at all times. A person who is unstoppable acts like it. There is no hollering or acting out of control. This is because a Champion is always in control of their emotions. They know there is a job to get done and they do it. If you wonder if you’re a Champion or not; just check your body language. Do you slump your shoulders, eyes and head down? Do you shuffle your feet? Do you slump down in your chair? Scared to make eye contact? A Champion is secure in who they are. They know they own this! No slumping, no slouching. You’re not arrogant or conceded, but confident. You know who you are and what you can do. What is your body language saying today?