Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

September 13, 2017

Your Daily Attitude

I truly believe that it is attitude that will ultimately determine the altitude of success reached in life and that attitude is a decision.

Every day, we have opportunities to get upset, frustrated or offended. Maybe you had plans that didn’t work out, or someone was rude to you at the office. Maybe you were doing something that should have taken one hour and ended up taking three. Life is full of inconveniences. Even though we can’t always control our circumstances, we can control our reaction. They say, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond.”We should always go out each day with a positive attitude, full of hope. But at the same time, we should recognize that most days are not going to go exactly as we planned. However, we are created to live in peace. Peace is our position of power. If you get stressed because you got off schedule, or upset because your child wouldn’t eat his breakfast, or frustrated because somebody offended you, you are giving away your power. Instead, use good sense! Make the decision to release those offenses and disappointments so you live in peace. Overlook offense, release offense and move forward in power and victory. What is your attitude today?

August 7, 2017

Own It

A Champion’s attitude can be summed up in three words: ‘I own this’.

When you’re a Champion you don’t back down from a challenge. You know that no matter what happens you will find a way to win. You have the confident, borderline cocky attitude of ‘I own this.’ An unstoppable person is very confident but humble at the same time. There is a fine line there, but you are willing to walk it. You have to know that you have what it takes to get the job done. Whether it’s athletics, business world, or school; you know that you are going to get it done. There is no question that when you get knocked down that you will be back up. You have a destiny to fulfill. Too many people don’t ever get started living their destiny. This makes it even more important for you to live out your purpose. If you’re down, get back up today. ‘You own this.’ We are in this together.Are you ready to be mentally tougher today than you were yesterday?

September 10, 2015

Extra Mile

Good enough is never good enough.

A Champion doesn’t do just god enough. Many people today want to do just enough to get by. Fewer and fewer are willing to go the extra mile. It’s getting tougher to find someone to simply go the first mile. I want to encourage you to have a; ‘and then some,’ attitude. Use your gift/talent to take you to a higher and new level of life. There is nothing like the adventure of walking in your destiny every day. Don’t settle for getting by or good enough. Don’t take your life for granted. You are here for a reason, you do have a purpose in the world. There is a specific reason for your being here. I am excited about your future. You are going to make a difference in the world. You have what it takes to be a world changer. You ready to go the extra mile today?

July 21, 2015

Champion’s Attitude

There’s an old saying, “attitude determines altitude.”

In other words, a positive, Champion attitude will cause you to rise higher in life, but a negative, self-defeated attitude will only drag you down. When we face adversity, our attitude affects the outcome. Are we going to treat people right even when we’re being mistreated? Are we going to stay strong even when the bottom falls out? So many people get all bent out of shape and start complaining when things don’t go their way, but that kind of attitude only closes the door to your getting to the top. Keep an attitude of getting better. As you stand strong, you’ll rise higher. You’ll come out stronger and wiser, and you will experience the Champion life you were created for. This is your time to be at your best. Don’t wait another day! Let’s get started. Are you ready to develop a Champion attitude?

June 12, 2015

You’re Amazing

Most of us think, “There’s nothing amazing about me.

Nothing wonderful. I’m just average. I’m just ordinary.” No, the fact is there is nothing at all ordinary about you! You have a fingerprint that nobody else has. There will never be another you. Even if you have a twin, they don’t have your same personality, your same goals, or your same fingerprints. You are an original. When God made you, He threw away the mold. When you say, “I am wonderful, I am attractive, I am vibrant, I am a Champion,” not only does strength, purpose and success start coming your way, but on the inside rises up. Your self-image begins to improve, and you start carrying yourself like you’re someone special. You no longer drag through the day feeling inferior. You have that spring in your step, that “go after it” attitude. Be the Champion you were designed to be today. Be the difference in someone’s life. Do you believe you are amazing?

April 13, 2015

Attitude of Success

I truly believe that it is attitude that will ultimately determine the altitude of success reached in life and that attitude is a decision.

Every day, we have opportunities to get upset, frustrated or offended. Maybe you had plans that didn’t work out, or someone was rude to you at the office. Maybe you were doing something that should have taken one hour and ended up taking three. Life is full of inconveniences. Even though we can’t always control our circumstances, we can control our reaction. They say, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond.”We should always go out each day with a positive attitude, full of hope. But at the same time, we should recognize that most days are not going to go exactly as we planned. However, we are created to live in peace. Peace is our position of power. If you get stressed because you got off schedule, or upset because your child wouldn’t eat his breakfast, or frustrated because somebody offended you, you are giving away your power. Instead, use good sense! Make the decision to release those offenses and disappointments so you live in peace. Overlook offense, release offense and move forward in power and victory. What is your attitude today?

January 21, 2015

Champion Attitude

There’s an old saying, “attitude determines altitude.”

In other words, a positive, Champion attitude will cause you to rise higher in life, but a negative, self-defeated attitude will only drag you down. When we face adversity, our attitude affects the outcome. Are we going to treat people right even when we’re being mistreated? Are we going to stay strong even when the bottom falls out? So many people get all bent out of shape and start complaining when things don’t go their way, but that kind of attitude only closes the door to your getting to the top. Keep an attitude of getting better. As you stand strong, you’ll rise higher. You’ll come out stronger and wiser, and you will experience the Champion life you were created for. This is your time to be at your best. Don’t wait another day! Let’s get started. Are you ready to develop a Champion attitude?

October 11, 2014

Altitude Attitude

I truly believe that it is attitude that will ultimately determine the altitude of success reached in life and that attitude is a decision.

Every day, we have opportunities to get upset, frustrated or offended. Maybe you had plans that didn’t work out, or someone was rude to you at the office. Maybe you were doing something that should have taken one hour and ended up taking three. Life is full of inconveniences. Even though we can’t always control our circumstances, we can control our reaction. They say, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond.”We should always go out each day with a positive attitude, full of hope. But at the same time, we should recognize that most days are not going to go exactly as we planned. However, we are created to live in peace. Peace is our position of power. If you get stressed because you got off schedule, or upset because your child wouldn’t eat his breakfast, or frustrated because somebody offended you, you are giving away your power. Instead, use good sense! Make the decision to release those offenses and disappointments so you live in peace. Overlook offense, release offense and move forward in power and victory. What is your attitude today?

October 8, 2014

Walk and Talk

By watching the way a person walks and listening to their talk tells you a lot about that person’s belief in getting the job done.

How a person carries himself and talks will give you a major clue as to how they will perform. A Champion walks tall and big, no matter their physical size or ability. I have seen people in wheelchairs that still “walked tall.” It can be a presence of mind is what I mean by this. Also, the way a Champion talks sets them apart. Nothing arrogant or conceded about their behavior or words, but confident. Doesn’t mean that a relentless person has it all together all the time, but you will never know any different. Being confident is a lifestyle. It doesn’t come overnight, but it does come. Being unstoppable is something that is attainable, but you have to walk the walk while talking the talk. While at the same time, those that don’t want to put in the work are trying to bring you down. Their walk and talk is all negative and what you have not succeeded at. Their talk is about where you have made mistakes and failed. Never stoop to their level. Stay tall and talk the talk of a Champion. Are you walking and talking the Champion way today?

August 18, 2014

I Own This

A Champion’s attitude can be summed up in three words: ‘I own this’.

When you’re a Champion you don’t back down from a challenge. You know that no matter what happens you will find a way to win. You have the confident, borderline cocky attitude of ‘I own this.’ An unstoppable person is very confident but humble at the same time. There is a fine line there, but you are willing to walk it. You have to know that you have what it takes to get the job done. Whether it’s athletics, business world, or school; you know that you are going to get it done. There is no question that when you get knocked down that you will be back up. You have a destiny to fulfill. Too many people don’t ever get started living their destiny. This makes it even more important for you to live out your purpose. If you’re down, get back up today. ‘You own this.’ We are in this together.Are you ready to be mentally tougher today than you were yesterday?

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