Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

May 19, 2014

Attitude Change

A lot of the time when something doesn’t go the way we expect, we make the mistake of telling ourselves, “It’s not fair. It’s not right. When that changes, when it improves, then I’ll have a better attitude.”

No, you’ve got to make the first move. You do your part and God will do His part. Quit worrying about God changing another person, and allow God to change you first. Is there something you’re letting overwhelm you? Maybe you think it’s too much. Why don’t you get up every morning and make this simple declaration, “I can handle anything that comes my way today. I can handle a difficult boss. I can handle getting stuck in traffic. I can handle my plans not working out. I’ll have a good attitude wherever I am.” Decide ahead of time that you are going to stay in an attitude of faith and expectancy. Is your attitude good when things don’t go your way?

April 22, 2013

One More Day

When the people of Israel were in slavery to Pharaoh, God sent different plagues to try to convince him to let them go.

One of the plagues was a plague of frogs! The people were so miserable that Pharaoh finally said, “Moses, we’ve learned our lesson. The Israelites may go. Please ask your God to take away these frogs.” Moses said, “I’ll do it, Pharaoh. When do you want it to happen?” You would think Pharaoh would say, “Right now!” But no, Pharaoh said, “Take them away tomorrow.” He was saying, “We can put up with these frogs just one more night.” How many times do we do the same thing? “Scott, I’m going to forgive, but I’m going to do it tomorrow. I’m going to have a better attitude. I’m going to quit worrying…tomorrow.” We’re saying like Pharaoh, “I can put up with this addiction, this mediocrity one more day.” No, our attitude should be, “I’m not going to spend one more night with the frogs, putting up with things that are not God’s best.” Why don’t you start today? Today, make the change. Today, choose to forgive. Today, stop worrying. Today, get in shape. Today, take a step of faith. Shake off passivity and procrastination and get rid of anything that would hold you back! Are you holding on to the frogs another day?


February 24, 2013

Your Perspective

I’ve disciplined myself to always see the positive in life. That perspective has become my way of life. Problem comes; then positive perspective follows.

Are you going through a difficult time today? We all experience setbacks and obstacles in this life, but don’t make the mistake of allowing those challenges to change your perspective. You can’t go around thinking that those problems are insurmountable because negative thinking will keep you all messed up. Did you know that when you’re negative, you’re in agreement with the enemy? But when you have a positive attitude, then you’re in agreement with God.  Today, instead of going around thinking about your problems, put down those thoughts and start focusing on the fact that God is on your side. Declare today that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Declare that He is fighting your battles. Declare that victory is on its way. Get into agreement with God and pave the way for His supernatural blessing in your life. What is your perspective like today?


February 23, 2013

Mind Training

Many people today don’t realize that the reason they’re not happy, the reason they’re not enjoying life is simply because they’ve trained their minds in the wrong direction.

They’ve trained their minds to worry. They’ve trained their minds to complain. They’ve trained their minds to see the negative. But just as you can form these negative mindsets, you can retrain your mind according to the truth and form godly mindsets. I believe one of the main keys to retraining your mind and developing a positive attitude is by learning to stay grateful. When you stay grateful, you are focusing on what’s right rather than what’s wrong. The seed of the truth takes root in the good ground of your heart. This doesn’t happen automatically, you have to discipline yourself. You have to make a conscious effort every single day until a good habit is formed. The seeds of discouragement cannot take root in a grateful heart. Neither can bitterness, envy or strife. So today, retrain your mind and be empowered with His strength to overcome in every area of your life. Are you training your mind in the right way today?


February 16, 2013

Deliberate Attitude

Your attitude toward life should be deliberate, not circumstantial.
Transforming something in your life whether it’s your attitude, mindset, financial situation or bringing change into a relationship can seem like an overwhelming task. But as the old saying goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Likewise, the way you change your life is one thought at a time. Your thoughts set the direction of your life. If you need to change the direction you are headed, you simply need to change your thoughts in that area. When a thought comes to your mind that “you’re never going to get well; this is your lot in life,” don’t dwell on that. Don’t sit around and have a pity party. No, immediately reject it and replace it with the truth, not the facts. I encourage you to be aggressive in taking every single thought and making it line up with your process. Stay determined, stay focused and keep speaking truth because you can change your life, one thought at a time. Is your attitude deliberate today?

February 15, 2013

Right Perspective

Our perspective directly affects our attitude and more specifically, our default settings.

It’s easy to get focused on what’s wrong in life, what we don’t have, and how big our obstacles are. If we’re not careful, we’ll lose sight of all the good things God has done. We’ll take for granted our family, friends, health and the opportunities God has blessed us with. We’ll get so busy and stressed out that we won’t appreciate the gift of today. What’s happened? Our perspective has gotten off. Perspective is all about how we see a situation. There’s power in your perspective because you will draw into your life what you constantly meditate on. Business may be slow. The economy may be down. The wrong perspective is, “I’ll never make it. It’s just too much.” The right perspective is, “I know I have a purpose and reason for being here. I just need to keep working my process.” I encourage you to evaluate your perspective. Choose a good attitude no matter what is happening in your circumstances. Remember, as you set your perspective in the right direction, your life will follow. Do you have the right perspective and attitude today toward your future?


September 20, 2012

Attitude and Perspective

Two things you can always control your attitude and perspective.

There are so many things that people want to control that they have no right to control.  You can’t control how others act or think. You have no control of the weather. You can’t control the conditions around you. However, there are two things that you can control; your attitude and perspective. When you stop trying to control all the other things and focus on these two things; you won’t have the desire to control all the other stuff. When you control your attitude and determine to have a good attitude no matter is going on; then you will overcome every obstacle. When you control your perspective and see people the they should be; then you will not have issues with others.  All the problems you were having before will still be there, but now they won’t have control over you. When you try to control stuff outside your domain; then you will be the one that ends up being controlled.  Take control of your attitude and perspective today. Get your attitude set by having the right perspective. You can be a difference maker when you have control of your attitude and perspective. Do you need to make some attitude and perspective adjustments today?


June 2, 2012

Attitude Adjustment

There’s an old saying “attitude determines altitude.” A positive, faith-filled attitude will cause you to rise higher in life, but a negative, self-critical attitude will only drag you down.

When we face adversity, our attitude affects the outcome. Are we going to treat people right even when we’re being mistreated? Are we going to stay full of joy even when the bottom falls out? So many people get all bent out of shape and start complaining when things don’t go their way, but that kind of attitude only closes the door to God’s miracle-working power. The Bible says that faith is what pleases God. Understand that He’s trying to work in your life. He’s trying to get you prepared for promotion, but you’ve got to stay on His side. You’ve got to stand strong and fight that good fight of faith! If you are going through a difficult time today, I encourage you to keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. Start thanking God for bringing you through to the other side. As you stand strong, I believe you’ll rise higher. I believe you’ll come out stronger and wiser, and you will continue moving forward in the abundant life God has for you!


December 28, 2011

Mistaken Identity

Are you down on yourself today because of past mistakes you’ve made or because you’re not where you want to be in life? God knows every poor choice, every difficulty, every wrong turn you may have made, and He’s already planned your comeback! 

Know today that failure is not final. God always has the final say. Mistakes don’t have to keep you from your destiny. God’s plan can override every setback. Your world may be in turmoil today in a relationship, in your finances or health. But know this: not only will God rescue you; He will set your feet on a rock and lead you to your final destination in life. Remember, the promise He placed on the inside of you didn’t go away because you had some personal failures. No, that failure is only temporary but His Word remains forever! Keep hoping, keep believing because He will move you into the blessing and victory He has prepared for you!

December 15, 2011

Tis the Season

This time of year there are more depressed people than any other time.  People tend to be more depressed during Thanksgiving and Christmas; the most festive time of the year. 

During the Holidays make it a point to reach to those around you that don’t have someone in their life.  Make those in your life know that you are thankful for them.  Show them the appreciation, the love, the generosity that we all desire.  There should be no one you are close to that is depressed; at least not because you didn’t do your part to help them.  By helping others, we too are helped.  If you tend to have depression this time of year; then by reaching out to others we get our mind on them and not on our own situation.  Take time to give the present of hope today and everyday.  You can make a difference in someone’s life and at the same time you will be making a difference in your own life.  Be a giver of hope!

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