Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

January 27, 2023

Never Be Defeated

All of us can look back at things that should have defeated us.

Maybe a divorce or bad break should have taken you down, but look — you’re still a Champion! That addiction, that partying lifestyle should have killed you, but because of you didn’t give up, you’re still standing and becoming better. Or, maybe you lost a loved one. You didn’t think you could go on. You thought you’d seen your best days, but you didn’t stop doing the word. You don’t fall apart because of a disappointment. You don’t get upset because people are talking about you. Never let circumstances cause you to give up. Be relentless today! Never, ever give up. If you’re down today get back up, don’t stay down there. Start fresh today. This is your time to be at your best. Are you ready to awesome today?

January 23, 2023

Never Content

Never satisfied, never content, always pushing higher and higher is the mark of a Champion.

Being unstoppable means you never let up. Always looking for ways to get better. A Champion is a Champion because they never give up. If you’re going to be the best at what you do then you can never be content where you are. You are learning and growing everyday. As we continue toward your goals, I want to encourage you to make the changes to be a Champion. There is something you do that no one can do like you do. You have a gift/talent that was given to you for a reason. To be the difference in someone’s life. Are you ready to be a Champion?

January 16, 2023

Next Gear

Relentless is about finding the next gear that gets you to the next level…even when the next level doesn’t yet exist.

As a Champion you are always pushing the envelope. You are creating new levels of greatness. There is nothing that can stop you. There is greatness inside of you. Just because something doesn’t exist yet, when it comes time you will create it. The next level is always there for you. A lot of times as a Champion you have to make the rules, because the rules for that level haven’t been made yet. You are in uncharted waters most of the time. This is a major reason that most never take their lives to the next level. They are afraid of the unknown. Fear is the biggest enemy to those that trying and not doing. You have to be able to move forward even when you haven’t been there before. It is exciting to know that you are exploring new territory. You have to be unstoppable in your purpose. Your destiny is one of greatness and truly exciting. Don’t stay in the same place forever. Take it to the next level. Be the Champion you were created to be. Start today if you haven’t already. Are you ready to go to the next level today?

January 5, 2023


Everything you need to be a Champion is already inside you.

You were born with greatness inside of you. We all were. However, so few ever tap into their inner greatness. The greatness you have to be unstoppable, to be a Champion. Never let anyone tell you that you don’t have what it takes to be the greatest at what you do. Those people that have decided not to be relentless don’t what you to be your best either. You have to be able to move past those people and be who you were created to be. There is far too much to be done for you to be held back by those that don’t want to do the work. Begin to find those that are great in what you want to be and learn from them. Read, listen to podcast, and study in your field. Sharpen the axe as the old saying goes. Bring out that inner greatness inside you. You are a Champion it’s time to be that Champion today. Are you ready to start today?

December 31, 2022

Ready for 2023

I hope that you have had a great year in 2022.

At the same time, I believe that 2023 is going to be your best year yet. Rebound from the tough situations that you have been in during the year. Grow from the good times and go to a higher level in the coming year. Your inner Champion is ready to come out. You are prime to be the difference in those around you. I am pumped about your future and what is going to take place in your life starting tomorrow. Don’t let another year pass by without being the Champion you were created to be. Be unstoppable and relentless in your purpose. Do what you do best! This is going to be your year! Are you ready for greatness in 2023?

November 24, 2022

A Champion’s Work

There is no privilege greater than the pressure to be a Champion, and no greater reward than earning the respect and awe of others.

I challenge you today to respond to the internal pressure to be a Champion. The price of being unstoppable is high, but the payoff is higher. We all want the rewards of being a Champion, but few are willing to put in the work. There are days when you just don’t feel like doing what it takes to be relentless. Those are the days when you have to double your effort. Do something that you don’t want to do. Champions don’t go by their feelings. Champions go by what has to be done and then do it. Remember, do or do not; there is no try. Determine today that you will do the work of a Champion. Whatever your field is, do your work with excellence. There is absolutely no reason or excuse for you not to be the best at what you do. You were created by God for this. This is your day. Be the Champion that you know you are supposed to be. Are you ready to do the work of a Champion?

May 30, 2022

Being a Champion

Physical dominance can make you great. Mental dominance is what ultimately will make you unstoppable, a Champion.

Now days everyone has talent. The difference maker then is; mental dominance. The mental game is what will enable you to be the Champion you want to be. All the talent in the world will only get you so far and will only keep you for so long. Talent levels will start to decrease in time. However, the mental conditioning will make you stronger than your opponent. When others are falling by the side, you will continue going higher. Why do we neglect to train our minds? I encourage you today to begin a mental conditioning program. You will see results faster than you may even expect. There is such a demand today for excellence in every field, not just sports. Take your game, whatever it may be, to the next level. It is a must if you really want to be the Champion you were created you to be. To be unstoppable you must have mental toughness. If you truly desire the highest level of your destiny and purpose; mental dominance has to be there. Are you mentally dominant today?

May 26, 2022

Helping Others

You aren’t a Champion unless you are helping others become a Champion.

Your purpose isn’t about you; it’s about others. In order for you to be a Champion you have to be bringing others with you. A Champion will be a teacher/mentor/leader. To say it’s lonely at the top, means that you’re not at the top; you’re just alone. If you’re at the top there will be others there will you. The one’s that brought you up and the one’s you are bring up with you. A Champion isn’t afraid to reach out and help others. A Champion will teach and show what they have learned alone the way. It takes being secure in who you are to be a Champion. You’re not worried about the others being better than you because of what you have taught them. It is your purpose to make them better because of what you have taught them. Your legacy as a Champion is that you helped others become a Champion. Look around you. Are there others making the way to the top with you? It is the mark of a Champion. Are you helping others become a Champion today?

May 19, 2022

How Far

Every struggle, every challenge, every failure is meant to help show us who we are in this moment and how far we have to go to be a Champion.

Every thing in life happens for a reason. You may not like the reason at the time, but know that it all works in your favor. It’s all in your perspective. A Champion takes the worst of days to build the best of days. Being relentless and unstoppable requires you to take every day and make it your best. Some of the worse days of my life have been my best. As a Champion being your best at your lowest point is a necessity. There is no time for pity parties, blaming others or looking for a way out. Go through the tough times and learn. A Champion never stops learning, it’s a daily process. Take inventory of your life today. Where are you at in life? Are in a good season or a tough season? Know that every tough day is a good day. Be the Champion that you were created to be today. You ready to be a Champion?

February 20, 2022

Being a Champion

A Champion is never going to stand up in front waving a towel; he’s down at the end alone, focused and unemotional.

When you are the greatest of the great you aren’t showing off. You aren’t all rah rah, but you are already preparing for the next play. There isn’t time for all the theatrics. There are other people that have that responsibility. It’s not to say that you never show emotion, but only when you have finished the job. Then it’s not all the jumping around and screaming and hollering. You acknowledge that you have won and start preparing for the next level, Being a Champion is not like being like everyone else. To be at that level requires you to stay intensely focused, staying cool, and doing work. It is your place to be the one who stays in the game and keeps others there too. I hear all the time, ‘I can’t do it, it’s too hard.’ Yeah, it’s going to be hard but you welcome it. You are relentless at what you do. Practice keeping your cool and focus in the heat of the battle. When others are getting all emotional, you are at your best and getting the job done. Are you focused in the midst of chaos today?

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