Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

October 13, 2013

Changing Up

I used to say, “I hope things will change.” Then I learned the only way things change of me is when I change.

Sometimes, in order to walk in your destiny, you have to be willing to make some changes in your life. You have to be willing to examine where you are and what you need to move forward. This may mean that you need to change some friends that you’re spending time with. Maybe they were fine for a season in your life, but now you’ve outgrown them. This is a new season, and in order for you to rise higher, you have to break away from relationships that are limiting you. You have to develop some new relationships with people who are going to pull you up and inspire you to rise higher. And, this doesn’t just mean separating yourself from people who are holding you back spiritually. I’ve found that if you’re the smartest one in your group, your group is too small. Find people who will challenge you to stretch to the next level and become everything God’s created you to be.  Choose your friends wisely and don’t be deceived. Surround yourself with people who will cause you to rise higher so you can live in the destiny God has in store for you. Are you ready to make some changes?


September 13, 2013

Be Smart

Be patient after failure, and be smart. Tweak your process, but drastic measures are rarely necessary.

Having a process that you use in life will not guarantee that you don’t experience failure. As long as you are making a difference, working toward your destiny, and climbing your personal mountain you will go through the valley of failure. When you experience failure that is a good time to make some changes in your process. Usually small changes are all that are necessary. Sometimes we want to make all kinds of major, drastic changes that we will never be able to maintain. I understand that there will be times when major changes are needed. However, when you take a good honest look at your life and your process; chances are you will see that only a few small adjustments are needed. I have had major failures in my life and changes were made. However, small incremental changes have made a major difference. You are making a difference in your world. Don’t let failure knock you out of the game permanently. Don’t let those who try to tell you that you are not good enough stop you. Keep getting back up, dust yourself off, tweak your process and get back in the game. Do you need to make some small changes in your life today?


August 28, 2013

Changing Things

Most changes offer a tremendous opportunity to gain knowledge and experience.

When you go through the process of change in your life there is a learning curve. Something new has been introduced into your life. Rather than fighting change and the effects of it, learn to grow from it. This time of change gives you the unique opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and experience. There are some things that you will only learn by going through a season of change. Change may be uncomfortable at first, but when you realize the good that is coming from it, it is less uncomfortable. It’s time to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Change can be your friend if you will embrace it for what it is. Get a new outlook, a new and better perspective of what change is all about. Get the knowledge and experience that can only be gotten from change. Everything you go through can have some positive results. Are you gaining knowledge and experience from change today?

August 26, 2013


For some change comes easy, and they are ready to go beyond their comfort zone.

When the people of Israel were in slavery to Pharaoh, God sent different plagues to try to convince him to let them go. One of the plagues was a plague of frogs! The people were so miserable that Pharaoh finally said, “Moses, we’ve learned our lesson. The Israelites may go. Please ask your God to take away these frogs.” Moses said, “I’ll do it, Pharaoh. When do you want it to happen?” You would think Pharaoh would say, “Right now!” But no, Pharaoh said, “Take them away tomorrow.” He was saying, “We can put up with these frogs just one more night.” How many times do we do the same thing? “Scott, I’m going to forgive, but I’m going to do it tomorrow. I’m going to have a better attitude. I’m going to quit worrying…tomorrow.” We’re saying like Pharaoh, “I can put up with this addiction, this mediocrity one more day.” No, our attitude should be, “I’m not going to spend one more night with the frogs, putting up with things that are not God’s best.” Why don’t you start today? Today, make the change. Today, choose to forgive. Today, stop worrying. Today, get in shape. Today, take a step of faith. Shake off passivity and procrastination and get rid of anything that would hold you back. You ready to get rid of the frogs today?


August 16, 2013


For the best, success does not lead to complacency, They are wired to handle the changes yet still maintain focus on the process.

If you watch television for any length of time, it won’t be long before you see products and pills advertised to make you thinner, smarter, younger looking, more successful and ultimately claim to change your life. But the truth is all you need in order to change your life is already in your hand. God has given you the ability and the power to be transformed into the person He created you to be. I heard somebody said, “Sight has to do with what we can see, but vision has to do with what we can be.” The reason some people are stuck at the same level is because their vision is limited. They don’t see themselves growing, increasing, being promoted or getting healthier. All they see is more of the same. More lack. More struggle. More defeat. They’re producing what they’re seeing. Don’t let that be you! Instead, let the truth wash over you and renew your thinking. See yourself the way God sees you.  See yourself becoming stronger, healthier and wiser. Change the picture you have of your life, and you will change your life. See yourself the way God sees you and receive the wonderful blessings He has in store for your future. Are you seeing yourself the way God sees you?


June 8, 2013


People need to change to grow, and can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles in order to live their lives to the fullest.

Change is one of the most difficult things for people to face; however, change is inevitable. In fact, Mark Twain once said, “The only person who likes change is a wet baby.” One reason people don’t like change is because they get comfortable with where they are in life. They get used to their friends, job or the place they live. And even if it’s not perfect, they accept it simply because it’s familiar. However, when we are not willing to change, we get stuck in life holding on to what God did in the past instead of growing and moving forward into what God wants to do in the future. Today, I encourage you to be open to the new things God has in store for you. Always remember that just because God has blessed you where you are doesn’t mean you can just sit back and settle there. God wants to do something new in you and through you. He wants to see you grow, prosper and flourish. Get ready and keep your heart focused on Him. Embrace change and see the blessing God has in store for you! Are you changing and growing today?


June 5, 2013


We could empty half the psychiatric wards in this country if we could eliminate shame.

It has documented that the effects of shame on the body and the mind are devastating. Shame is saying that because you did something bad or wrong; that you are a bad person. Shame cripples the mind. Shame will keep you trapped in a miserable world. Shame will drag you down, tear you down, and leave you for dead. Shame doesn’t want you to make changes in your life. Shame wants to lead you to depression. Shame wants you to hate yourself. Shame will lead you to despise who you are. Shame will attach itself to a wounded soul. The way to rid yourself of shame is to be healed. When you expose the shame you are infected with to the truth; you can be healed emotionally. You don’t have to let shame to control your life. Free your mind and body today of shame. Knowing the truth will rid you of shame today and forever. Are you battling shame today?


May 10, 2013


Change is not part if life; change IS life. If you accept change, and take advantage of it, you will develop your process.

In life, we all go through a pruning process. God will prune our lives so that we can bear much fruit. To “prune” means something is cut away, something is removed. In other words, maybe a good friend that you counted on moved to another city. Maybe a business shut down that you were connected to, or a relationship went a different direction. God knows what you need in your life in order to grow and flourish. Sometimes when things happen that we don’t understand, we have to just trust that He is working behind the scenes preparing you for increase, preparing you to go to another level. Don’t put a question mark where God has placed a period. When you’re going through transition, don’t get bitter. Don’t get down and think it’s the end. Don’t start thinking that you’re a failure. Have the attitude, “God, I let this go knowing that it was only temporary provision, and what You have in my future will be greater than what I’m letting go of.” If you will accept the change, God will open new doors. He will bring new opportunities, new friendships, and take you to another level. Are you accepting the changes in your life today?


April 9, 2013

Belief in Your Process

The single greatest difference between process, growing people and those who aren’t is the belief that they can learn, grow, and change.

Too often, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut, doing the same thing the same way over and over every day. But if we are going to live at our absolute best, we should constantly be growing and sharpening our skills. We should strive to learn and grow every single day because when you stop learning, you stop growing. When you stop growing, you stop living. What are you doing to stretch yourself? What are you doing to improve your skills? Don’t get trapped into thinking that “good enough” is good enough. You were created for more than just average. Today is a new day, and there are new heights for you to climb. Pursue what you love and keep developing that area of your life. Take a class or find a mentor that will help you live skillfully. As you do, you’ll rise up higher and higher. You will stand before leaders and rulers, and you’ll live the blessed life God has in store for you. Are you learning, growing and changing?


April 7, 2013

Making Some Changes

The difference between where we are and where we want to be is created by the changes we are willing to make in our lives.

It’s easy to get stuck in the trap of thinking that if only your circumstances would just change, then life would be better. You might think, “If I got a new job, or a new house or had better friends, then I would really be happy.” But I’ve learned that often times, God changes us before He changes our circumstances. We are thinking, “If only my circumstances would change,” when God may be thinking, “If only your attitude would change!” Today, if you’ve been thinking, “If only,” it’s time to turn your thoughts around. Don’t allow negative thinking to direct your attitude or affect how you treat others. Instead, begin to thank God for what He has planned for you. Bloom where you are planted. Tend to what God has placed in your hand. If you will focus on what you have instead of focusing on what you don’t have, then God can bless you and multiply you and lead you forward into the destiny He has in store for you. Are you changing today?


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