Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 15, 2013

Game Time

Find your passion and make it happen. Be on a mission and live your life on purpose. Be motivated by your desire to achieve.

It’s easy to have a good attitude and pursue our dreams as long as everything is going our way. That doesn’t take a lot determination. But what about the difficult times — when a relationship doesn’t work out, or you get a bad health report, or a friend does you wrong? It’s easy to lose your passion when you’re hurt. Too many people are sitting on the sidelines of life because they’re injured. Now they’re nursing their wounds, not moving forward because of what they’ve been through. You may have a reason to feel sorry for yourself, but you don’t have a right. God promised He will give you beauty for those ashes. He said He would pay you back double for the wrongs, but you have to do your part. If you’re going to see the beauty, you have to shake off the ashes of self-pity. You’ve got to shake off the discouragement and get back in the game. Every person has injuries. We all have wounds, but you can’t let a loss, a health issue, a divorce or a hurt be an excuse to sit on the sidelines. Today, get back in the game. Know that your best days are ahead. Know that He is working things together for your good, and He has victory in store for your future. Are you ready to get back in the game today?


October 14, 2013

Still Passionate

Anything can become routine if we let it.

Anything can feel mundane after a while. Not long ago, I was talking to a professional baseball player. He has been in the big leagues about fifteen years. His life seems so exciting, far from routine, far from ordinary. He said, “No, Scott, it’s not what you think. We travel all the time. We’re always on the road, in hotels, eating out and away from our family.” The truth is that I’m sure he was excited about it all when he first started. There are probably things in your life that you were once excited about. When God opened the door and gave you that new job, that promotion, you were so excited. You called your friends. You knew it was God’s plan. Well, don’t let the passion wear off just because you’ve had it five years! When you met that person and fell in love you were on cloud nine. You knew it was God’s goodness. Don’t take it for granted. Are you still passionate about what God has done for you?


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