Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

August 3, 2021

Focus on the Positive

To be relentless you have to focus on the positive, what you want, rather than the negative, what you don’t want.

You will go toward what you are focused on. So by focusing on what you want rather than what you are trying to avoid will is best. What is going on in your mind today? Are you constantly thinking about the undesired outcome? Are you thinking about the problem instead of the solution? Determine what needs to be done and then go do it. A Champion mindset is one that is always solution oriented. By staying keyed into what you do want you also eliminate worry and stress. Both of which only tear you down. There is no need to worry or to be stressed over a situation. Know that there are some things you can control and somethings you can’t. The things you can’t control you let go of. Get your mind and focus on the result that you want. Stop letting your mind go toward the undesired or negative outcome. When you do this you will see better results. You won’t be stressed out and worrying about things anymore. Have a Champion mindset today. Are you thinking about the desired outcome today?

July 22, 2021

Being Relentless

You can’t be relentless if you can’t take discomfort, and you can’t be unstoppable if you only deal with pressure when you have no choice.

Being a Champion is not easy. It takes hard work, dedication, and discipline. People that are Champions never try to just get by or find the easy way out. However, once you make being unstoppable and being relentless a lifestyle you will be surprised how much easier it does get. You will have days that you don’t want to go the extra mile. There will be times when things go wrong. These are the days when you face adversity and back it down. I see people, especially parents, that don’t want their kids to have to deal with any adversity. They want life to be all smooth and easy. This will only make their adulthood that much harder. I’m no parent expert, but I do know that we all have to handle adversity in life. How we handle being uncomfortable and deal with pressure will determine how far you go in life. Are you comfortable being uncomfortable?

July 10, 2021

Being Relentless

Being relentless is what separates the good and great from the unstoppable.

What do you want to be good, great or unstoppable? First, don’t settle for good or even great, go for unstoppable. You may have settled in the past, but you don’t have to now. You have what it takes to be unstoppable, but you have to be relentless. Your purpose is too big and your destiny too awesome not to be unstoppable. Being relentless is not ever giving up, performing at your best at all times, operating in excellence in what you do. When everyone around is complaining and talking about everything being unfair; you keep moving forward. You are positive even in the middle of hell you are not distracted by what others are saying and doing. You are focused on the task at hand. Being relentless is going to put you in a small group. When you become relentless you are in rare air. Most people never go there, some don’t even want to. Be willing to pay the price and then go do it. Are you relentless?

March 12, 2018

Limits and Lids

Staying safe means being limited, and you can’t be limited if you’re going to be relentless.

Being unstoppable means playing with reckless abandon, but being controlled. When I say staying safe means you are limited; I don’t mean that you are careless. A Champion definitely has a plan; that’s your process. To live with destiny and purpose though means you can’t stay safe. It’s time to take the limits off your life. John Maxwell talks about the Law of the Lid. Being safe, being limited is having a lid. Being unstoppable means being unlimited, not playing if safe all the time. Take the lid off today, remove the limits from your life. Be the unstoppable Champion that you were created to be. Others may decide to put a self imposed ceiling on their performance but not you. Also, never allow anyone else to limit you. Be careful, but care free. Have a process that you follow, but don’t play it safe. Play and live your life to the fullest. Make a difference that is felt in generations to come. Are you limitless, lidless and relentless today?

February 5, 2018

Being Relentless

Champions understand they don’t have to love the work to be successful, they just have to be relentless about achieving it.

To be a Champion you don’t have love the work, just the end result. There will be a tremendous amount of hard work in becoming the best. Never let anyone else out work you in what you do. That is why being relentless is a must. There will be a lot of people at the starting line, but few will actually do the work to finish. You have to have the mentality to be a finisher. It’s not about loving the work necessary, but loving where the work gets you. Getting to the top will require you to stay the course. It has been said; it’s hard to beat someone that won’t quit. That’s what it takes to be a Champion. It’s great to love what you do. That is a bonus. I love what I do each day, but there are parts of what I do that I don’t love. However, I want to be the best, therefore, I am unstoppable in doing what I do. You can do the same. Be your absolute best every day. Are you ready to be relentless today?

January 15, 2018

Being Relentless

Relentless is about never being satisfied, always driving to be the best, and then getting even better.

I tell people to go their highest and then keep going. When you get the top keep raising the bar. There is no limit to how good you can be. There is no lid on your purpose and where it can and will take you. Don’t let fear hold you down. You were built for greatness. You were created to be the very best. So few ever reach their destined place. They let fear, cares, and doubt stop them. Don’t be that person. Be the example for others to follow. Be the difference. Set the standard. Never allow yourself to think you have arrived. There is no finish line in your purpose. When you reach your determined point in life then you will step over into your afterlife, which never ends either. That’s a entire different story. While you are here it is your purpose to live with purpose. Be your very best every day all day. Never take a day off from your purpose. Do something every day to get better. Are you being relentless today?

August 12, 2017

Limited or Relentless

Staying safe means being limited, and you can’t be limited if you’re going to be relentless.

Being unstoppable means playing with reckless abandon, but being controlled. When I say staying safe means you are limited; I don’t mean that you are careless. A Champion definitely has a plan; that’s your process. To live with destiny and purpose though means you can’t stay safe. It’s time to take the limits off your life. John Maxwell talks about the Law of the Lid. Being safe, being limited is having a lid. Being unstoppable means being unlimited, not playing if safe all the time. Take the lid off today, remove the limits from your life. Be the unstoppable Champion that you were created to be. Others may decide to put a self imposed ceiling on their performance but not you. Also, never allow anyone else to limit you. Be careful, but care free. Have a process that you follow, but don’t play it safe. Play and live your life to the fullest. Make a difference that is felt in generations to come. Are you limitless, lidless and relentless today?

August 9, 2017

Being Relentless

Being relentless is what separates the good and great from the unstoppable.

What do you want to be good, great or unstoppable? First, don’t settle for good or even great, go for unstoppable. You may have settled in the past, but you don’t have to now. You have what it takes to be unstoppable, but you have to be relentless. Your purpose is too big and your destiny too awesome not to be unstoppable. Being relentless is not ever giving up, performing at your best at all times, operating in excellence in what you do. When everyone around is complaining and talking about everything being unfair; you keep moving forward. You are positive even in the middle of hell you are not distracted by what others are saying and doing. You are focused on the task at hand. Being relentless is going to put you in a small group. When you become relentless you are in rare air. Most people never go there, some don’t even want to. Be willing to pay the price and then go do it. Are you relentless?

September 9, 2015

Air Time

Being relentless is what separates the good and great from the unstoppable.

What do you want to be good, great or unstoppable? First, don’t settle for good or even great, go for unstoppable. You may have settled in the past, but you don’t have to now. You have what it takes to be unstoppable, but you have to be relentless. Your purpose is too big and your destiny too awesome not to be unstoppable. Being relentless is not ever giving up, performing at your best at all times, operating in excellence in what you do. When everyone around is complaining and talking about everything being unfair; you keep moving forward. You are positive even in the middle of hell you are not distracted by what others are saying and doing. You are focused on the task at hand. Being relentless is going to put you in a small group. When you become relentless you are in rare air. Most people never go there, some don’t even want to. Be willing to pay the price and then go do it. Are you relentless?

August 5, 2015

Be Relentless!

Champions understand they don’t have to love the work to be successful, they just have to be relentless about achieving it.

To be a Champion you don’t have love the work, just the end result. There will be a tremendous amount of hard work in becoming the best. Never let anyone else out work you in what you do. That is why being relentless is a must. There will be a lot of people at the starting line, but few will actually do the work to finish. You have to have the mentality to be a finisher. It’s not about loving the work necessary, but loving where the work gets you. Getting to the top will require you to stay the course. It has been said; it’s hard to beat someone that won’t quit. That’s what it takes to be a Champion. It’s great to love what you do. That is a bonus. I love what I do each day, but there are parts of what I do that I don’t love. However, I want to be the best, therefore, I am unstoppable in doing what I do. You can do the same. Be your absolute best every day. Are you ready to be relentless today?

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