Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

May 31, 2015

Be Relentless

God has an appointed time to fulfill the visions, dreams and desires in your heart.

Just because it has taken a long time or because you’ve tried and failed doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. Don’t give up on those dreams! Don’t be complacent about pursuing your destiny dream. You have to be unstoppable and relentless. No matter how long it’s been, no matter how impossible things look, if you’ll keep moving forward, your set time is coming. Remember, every dream that’s in your heart, every promise that has taken root, God put it there. Not only that, but He has every intention of making it happen. Hold on to that vision today. Make the declaration, “My time is coming. I will fulfill my destiny!” As you continue to hold on to that vision and speak life over your dreams, it won’t be long before you see them begin to take shape. You’ll see your faith grow, you’ll see your hope strengthen, and you’ll see yourself step into the destiny God has prepared for you. Are you being relentless moving toward your dream today?

March 9, 2015

Rarified Air

Being relentless is what separates the good and great from the unstoppable.

What do you want to be good, great or unstoppable? First, don’t settle for good or even great, go for unstoppable. You may have settled in the past, but you don’t have to now. You have what it takes to be unstoppable, but you have to be relentless. Your purpose is too big and your destiny too awesome not to be unstoppable. Being relentless is not ever giving up, performing at your best at all times, operating in excellence in what you do. When everyone around is complaining and talking about everything being unfair; you keep moving forward. You are positive even in the middle of hell you are not distracted by what others are saying and doing. You are focused on the task at hand. Being relentless is going to put you in a small group. When you become relentless you are in rare air. Most people never go there, some don’t even want to. Be willing to pay the price and then go do it. Are you relentless?

February 25, 2015

Every Moment

Every movement has a purpose, and you know exactly what that purpose is; you’re never killing time or going through the motions.

Every day should be a full, great and fulfilling day. The choice is up to you. If you are relentless then you make every day something special. There are goals to reach. There should be no killing time or lost time. A Champion doesn’t waste time. You make the absolute most out of every minute. Even your rest is used to make you better. You are in constant learning and growing mode. This will only happen when you have discovered your purpose. That is when every day is full. No matter what it is you do, you do it with full energy. If you’re bored or not happy with your life. Then it is time to learn your purpose and become unstoppable. You may have thought that you had no reason for being here, you have no purpose or you were just a mistake. Nothing is farther from the truth. You have purpose, reason and there are no mistakes. You have Champion material inside you. Make the most out of every moment of every day. Are you ready for a purpose filled life?

August 4, 2014

Being Relentless

If you’re relentless, there is no halfway, no could or should or maybe.

A person of purpose is relentless. You are a finisher. No try; do–Yoda. Yoda was relentless. He is a finisher. So as a person of destiny you have to be like Yoda. There can be no quit or give up in you. There is only do. Being relentless is not easy, but a person of purpose doesn’t look for easy. However, being relentless is very satisfying and fulfilling. Once you have committed to living a life of purpose you will see life in a whole new perspective. You look at life as a challenge, an adventure. Even if your purpose seems small and insignificant; live it to the fullest. There are no insignificant and small purposes or destinies. Be relentless today. Are you like Yoda?

March 12, 0022

No More Lids

Staying safe means being limited, and you can’t be limited if you’re going to be relentless.22

Being unstoppable means playing with reckless abandon, but being controlled. When I say staying safe means you are limited; I don’t mean that you are careless. A Champion definitely has a plan; that’s your process. To live with destiny and purpose though means you can’t stay safe. It’s time to take the limits off your life. John Maxwell talks about the Law of the Lid. Being safe, being limited is having a lid. Being unstoppable means being unlimited, not playing if safe all the time. Take the lid off today, remove the limits from your life. Be the unstoppable Champion that you were created to be. Others may decide to put a self imposed ceiling on their performance but not you. Also, never allow anyone else to limit you. Be careful, but care free. Have a process that you follow, but don’t play it safe. Play and live your life to the fullest. Make a difference that is felt in generations to come. Are you limitless, lidless and relentless today?

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