Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

September 6, 2022


The drive to get to the top and stay there year after year? The Champion inside of you.

Every Champion has an internal drive to be at the top. That drive is what makes them relentless. However, Champions not only get to the top, set the standard, but they stay there. It’s one thing to get to be number one, but it’s much more difficult to stay there. Don’t listen to those telling you that you can’t make it. Then when you do make it, they tell you that you can’t stay there. Eliminate the negative voices from your life. Being a Champion means that you have to be determined. Nothing can stop you, no one can stop you. Check your internal drive today and make get ready to go to the next level. I am excited about what lies ahead for you. I want to hear about your Champion experiences. Share your story! Are you ready to get your drive on today?

September 5, 2022

Showing Up

The ability to show up every day and do what no one else is willing to do, that comes from the Champion inside you.

Champions do what others only talk about. There are a lot of people today that want to, but are not willing to pay the price. That is what makes a Champion a Champion. I have never met anyone that didn’t want to be a Champion, but wouldn’t do the work. If you desire to bring out the Champion in you, then just be consistent in showing up each and every day. Then do the work that is required and do it with excellence. Someone who keeps showing up can’t be stopped. Being unstoppable isn’t easy, that’s why so few actually follow through. However, I encourage you to be relentless in your pursuit of being a Champion. You have what it takes. God created you to be a Champion, but it’s up to you to become a Champion. Nike has it right; ‘Just do it.’ Get going today. Get your process established and then work your plan. Are you ready to show up and get it done?

September 3, 2022


Staying safe means being limited, and you can’t be limited if you’re going to be relentless.

Being unstoppable means playing with reckless abandon, but being controlled. When I say staying safe means you are limited; I don’t mean that you are careless. A Champion definitely has a plan; that’s your process. To live with destiny and purpose though means you can’t stay safe. It’s time to take the limits off your life. John Maxwell talks about the Law of the Lid. Being safe, being limited is having a lid. Being unstoppable means being unlimited, not playing if safe all the time. Take the lid off today, remove the limits from your life. Be the unstoppable Champion that you were created to be. Others may decide to put a self imposed ceiling on their performance but not you. Also, never allow anyone else to limit you. Be careful, but care free. Have a process that you follow, but don’t play it safe. Play and live your life to the fullest. Make a difference that is felt in generations to come. Are you limitless, lidless and relentless today?

September 2, 2022


An addiction is anything that creates a private challenge and tests you to control it before it controls you.

We all have to deal with an addiction of some kind. Some are more notable such as; alcohol, drugs, or sex. However, a sugar addiction, or control addiction can be as bad in its on way. However, I’m not here to discuss what the addiction does to a person. I have dealt with an addictive personality all my life. I know the results all too well. As a Champion, you will have to deal with any addiction you may have. Because an addiction is something that wants to control you. You have to control it before it can control you. Being unstoppable means you have to be able to pass the test of addiction control. If you have an addiction of any kind I encourage you today to get help. Find someone that has overcome that behavior and learn from them. No matter how small or insignificant it may seem, any addiction is harmful and will in time try to destroy you. Don’t take it for granted that you have it under control. Be sure with good counsel and accountability that you have it defeated. If I’m talking to you today, then let me know. I may not can help you, but together we will find someone who can. Be the Champion you were created to be today. Are you battling with addiction right now?

September 1, 2022


The satisfaction doesn’t come from the risk, but rather it comes from accomplishing the goal.

For a Champion, the thrill doesn’t come from the doing, but from the have done. There is a satisfaction that comes from having mastering the challenge. The accomplishing of your goal is what gives you the sense of satisfaction. The work itself is just the ways to a means. A Champion doesn’t get caught up in the emotions of the doing. The satisfaction is a result of having overcome the adversity of the challenge. From all we have talked about being a Champion, unstoppable, and relentless; you can tell it’s not easy. However, if it were easy everyone would do it. I want to encourage you to do what it takes in your area to be a Champion. It doesn’t matter what it is you’re destiny is, be a Champion. Are you loving the risk or the accomplishment today?

August 31, 2022


Physical dominance can make you great. Mental dominance is what ultimately will make you unstoppable, a Champion. Champions don’t accept failure, they know there’s more than one way to get it done.

Now days everyone has talent. The difference maker then is; mental dominance. The mental game is what will enable you to be the Champion you want to be. All the talent in the world will only get you so far and will only keep you for so long. Talent levels will start to decrease in time. However, the mental conditioning will make you stronger than your opponent. When others are falling by the side, you will continue going higher. Why do we neglect to train our minds? I encourage you today to begin a mental conditioning program. You will see results faster than you may even expect. There is such a demand today for excellence in every field, not just sports. Take your game, whatever it may be, to the next level. It is a must if you really want to be the Champion God created you to be. To be unstoppable you must have mental toughness. If you truly desire the highest level of your destiny and purpose; mental dominance has to be there. Are you mentally dominant today?

August 30, 2022


Champions don’t accept failure, they know there’s more than one way to get it done.

I have failed more times than I can remember, but I never accepted the label of a failure. I know that I have just found the way not to get the job done. That means there is another way of accomplishing the goal. I see far too many people today that after one or two times of failing at something; just giving up. Then and only then are you a failure. Failing does not make one a failure; giving up makes one a failure. Nobody gets it right the first time, every time. Failing from time to time, gives you an opportunity to grow, to learn, to mature. A Champion fails, but because a Champion is unstoppable and relentless, they never give up. A Champion is measured by how many times they get back up and keep fighting the fight. If you are working toward being a Champion today, then never let failing turn you into a failure. Get back up, and finish the race. Never, never, never, never give up. Are you learning from failing today?

August 29, 2022


Champions make decisions, not suggestions, they know the answer while everyone else is still asking questions.

If you want to be a Champion you have to be prepared. The Boy Scouts say; ‘Be Prepared.’ Well, a Champion is always prepared. You know what it is you do better than anyone else. For this to happen you have to study, listen and learn. Watch others that have gone before you see how they succeeded and failed along the way. See how they did it and then improve on it. When you do this, when others are asking questions about what to do, you already have the answers to the questions. This also helps you to be decisive. When you come to a crossroads you know the way to go. You have the information to make the decision before you get there. Therefore, a Champion is a person who makes informed decisions when others are still trying to figure out the questions. An unstoppable person is willing to learn in order to be a Champion. Are you in decision making mode today?

August 28, 2022


When everyone is hitting the “In Case of Emergency” button, they’re looking for a Champion.

How you respond to adversity determines if you’re a Champion or not. When those around you are caving in and are panicking; you remain calm and perform at a higher level. You are the one that they are looking for. You are the one that steps up to the plate and delivers more than anyone expects. A Champion does not have a panic button. There is no hysterical rant, finger pointing, head down, shoulders slumped. A Champion is poised even in the heat of battle. An unstoppable person is level headed. Champions are unstoppable and relentless because they know how to use their mental conditioning to control the physical. Champions in the physical are first Champions in the mental. They control the mind and then the mind controls the body. I see the opposite far too often. Watch those that lose it when the going gets tough. Those are the ones that are letting their mind control them and then the body follows suit. Are you in control of your mental game today? How do you respond when the ‘emergency” comes? Be the one who the others look for when the panic button is pressed. Are you a Champion today?

August 27, 2022


A Champion is never intimidated by pressure, they thrive on it.

As we continue talking about being a Champion, an unstoppable person, pressure is always a subject that comes up. Pressure is what you feel when you don’t know what you are doing or don’t feel confident in your skill to do it. Therefore, most people don’t like the feeling of pressure. Breathing shortens, difficulty in swallowing, and sweating are the usual signs of someone under pressure. Also, the performance suffers. However, for the Champion it’s just the opposite. Pressure isn’t looked at as negative. An unstoppable person takes pressure and uses it to their advantage. Instead of it holding them down and preventing maximum effort, it pushes them up. It’s like helium in a balloon. It raises the performance level of a Champion to another level. Pressure, to a Champion, separates them even farther from the rest. If you wanting to become unstoppable, relentless and a Champion, then adjust your response to pressure. Use it to make you better. How do you feel pressure today?

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