Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

October 22, 2014

Truth Is

Truth is more important than facts.

Facts change all the time. Truth is always true. Doctor reports, bank statements, relationships, all are subject to change. Facts are not stable. Truth will never fail you. As a Champion you have to base your decisions on the truth, not facts. Facts can look attractive, but they are very deceiving. If you desire to be unstoppable then you will rely solely on the truth every time. When others are looking and basing their decisions on facts, you are the one who is different and going with truth. This is what sets you apart from the rest. You don’t go with what is comfortable you go with the truth, even when hurts. The pain of truth is far less then the pain of regret by going with the facts. Learn to go past the facts and go for the truth. Do the work necessary to uncover the truth about your situation. Are you going after the truth today?

June 6, 2014

Truth Perspective

The decision to adjust our perspective on a situation, seeing that its only purpose is to show us truth changes everything.

I have often said that no matter what I want to know the truth about a situation, especially about myself. I may not like it and it may make me mad, but it’s truth and you can stand on truth. That’s when it’s time to adjust our perspective. See the situation for what it really is and then make changes. When you see yourself in the perspective of truth; only then can you make the correct adjustments. Don’t run from truth that you don’t like. Facts change everyday, just like our feelings change. Facts and feelings are fickle, but truth is strong and will sustain you. Nothing can keep you going toward your purpose like knowing the truth. So today I encourage you to go on a quest for truth. Only perspective is the truth perspective from this moment forward. Do you have a truth perspective today?

January 4, 2014

Think On the Truth

The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.

Do you need more peace in your life today? Are you frustrated or upset over something or fighting off discouragement? The first question to ask yourself is “What am I thinking about?” If you’re thinking about your problems all the time or how impossible everything is, then your life is going to follow that negative direction. When you get your mind going in the right direction, when you focus your mind on the truth, then you are setting yourself in the direction of peace. Today, choose to keep your mind focused on God and He thinks about you. As you set your thoughts in the right direction, your life will head down the path of peace and victory that is in store for you. Are you thinking the right thoughts about yourself today?


October 31, 2013

The Right Thoughts

There is a battle going on in our minds.

Our thoughts dictate our actions. That’s why the enemy will do everything he can to get you thinking in the wrong direction. Sometimes, it’s not our own thoughts that are holding us back; sometimes it’s that we’ve believed the negative things that other people have spoken over us. Those words are like seeds. If you think about them long enough, they’ll take root and become a reality. In life, there will always be people telling you what cannot be done, speaking negative things. Too often we latch on to those negative words and develop what the scripture calls a “stronghold.” That’s a wrong thought or action that keeps us from God’s best. The way you break those negative strongholds is by rejecting the lie, forgiving the person, and embracing the truth of God’s Word. In other words, you have to choose to delete that negative file in your mind. Today, why don’t you take inventory of your thought life? Ask yourself, “Where did these thoughts come from? Do they line up with what God says about me?” Break the negative strongholds and embrace God’s truth so you can be all that God has called you to be. What thoughts are you holding on today?


October 22, 2013

Knock Knock

Attack what you fear, and the fear will eventually disappear.

Fear knocks at the door, selling you the worst case scenario. Fear tells you, “You’re going to lose your job. Your marriage is over. Your business is falling apart. Your child is done. It’s all downhill from here.” When those thoughts come, you don’t have to buy in. You don’t have to accept those thoughts. Here’s the key: when fear knocks, let truth answer the door. Don’t give those thoughts of fear the time of day. Don’t let them intimidate you. Answer back with truth. “God, You said the number of my days You would fulfill. God, You said Your plans for me are for good and not evil. God, You said what’s meant for my harm You would turn around and use to my advantage.” If you’ll keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, it’s like keeping the door locked on an intruder. Fear has no right in your life. Remember, the battle is in your mind. The enemy is after your thoughts. Don’t give him the time of day; and when fear knocks, let the truth answer the door. Who is answering your door when fear knocks?

September 2, 2013

The Truth

Today, I want to remind you of what God says about you.

No matter what’s happening in your life today, remember: you are not limited by your resources, your family or your background. God has equipped and empowered you. He has given you creativity, ideas, inventions, skills and talents. Don’t you dare settle for a mediocre life! Today, I call on the greatness inside of you. Today, I declare that your best days are yet to come That you are going to go further than anyone in your family ever did; that you are going to dream bigger and live higher. I declare that you are a leader, an influencer, a representative of reconciliation, and a healer. There is more to you than you probably realize. There are great things in your near future. Prepare today for the promotion that is coming to you. Don’t doubt in yourself another second. Take your purpose and let it led you to your destiny. Are you in tune with the truth about you?


August 12, 2013

Wrong Labels

Did you know that wrong labels can keep you from your destiny?

You are not who people say you are. You are who God says you are. People will label you not good enough, too slow, too old, too many mistakes. God labels you strong, talented, valuable, and loved. Make sure that you’re wearing the right labels. Don’t go the next 20 years allowing one negative comment to hold you back. Many people don’t know any better. They wear the negative labels like they’re the truth. They become so engrained in their thinking that they end up becoming what people say they are instead of what God says they are. Are there labels that are holding you back today? What a coach said? What a counselor said? Even negative comments spoken by your parents? This is the time to remove every negative label. People don’t determine your destiny; God does. The only power that label has over you is the power that you give it. If you will remove it; if you will forgive that person and quit dwelling on it, then that label will have no effect on you. Are you removing wrong labels today?


July 27, 2013

Adversity and Victory

There are “no victories in life without tremendous adversity.”

Anytime you are facing adversity or a tough situation, the first line of defense needs to be in your mind. If you allow fear to come in and take root in your thinking, it becomes a stronghold that affects every part of you. But when thoughts of fear come, you don’t have to “sign for the package,” so to speak. Instead of activating fear by meditating on it, believing it and speaking it, you can turn things around and use the truth. Instead of going through the day worried, thinking about how it’s not going to work out, start meditating and thinking on what God says. Activate the truth by speaking the Word of God. Let it sink down inside of you and transform your being. Always remember, His Word is alive, His Word is truth, His Word is your weapon. So take hold of His promises and find where it is written. Are you facing adversity today?


July 11, 2013

Keep Speaking Truth

People get discouraged because they wonder if they are doing the right thing when they face a challenge.

Everyone goes through seasons when the challenges of life feel overwhelming. During these times, it’s easy to be tempted to talk about how bad things are. Maybe you are facing a situation right now that looks impossible. Don’t get discouraged and give up because God wants to do something awesome in your life. Instead of talking to God about how big your problems are, talk to your problems about how big your God is. Be bold and start speaking the truth to that situation. Every day say, “God, thank You that Your Truth is turning this around. Thank You that Your Truth is making a way even though I don’t see a way. Lord, thank You that Your Truth is doing remarkable, astounding, overwhelming things.” When you release your faith like that, you’ll see God show up and do amazing things that you’ve never seen happen before! Remember, even if you don’t see how things could ever work out, God does. Just do your part and keep speaking to those mountains in your life. Declare favor over those situations and get ready to move forward in the victory and blessing God has prepared for you. Are you speaking truth into your situation today?


June 29, 2013


If you get to a place where your thoughts are concrete, simple, and focused, and you take deliberate action, then your thoughts become reality.

Transforming something in your life whether it’s your attitude, mindset, financial situation or bringing change into a relationship can seem like an overwhelming task. But as the old saying goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” The way you change your life is one thought at a time. Your thoughts set the direction of your life. If you need to change the direction you are headed, you simply need to change your thoughts in that area. When a thought comes to your mind that “you’re never going to get well; this is your lot in life,” don’t dwell on that. Don’t sit around and have a pity party. No, immediately reject it and replace it with the truth. I encourage you to be aggressive in taking every single thought and making it stand in truth. Stay determined, stay focused and keep stating the truth because you can change your life, one thought at a time. Are you shaping your thoughts by the truth today?


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