September 16, 2022
A Champion steps out of his comfort zone and challenges himself to get to the next level.
To be unstoppable you have to be relentless in doing what it takes. Far too many people lack the ‘whatever it takes’ attitude. Getting to the next level is one of the things that being a Champion is all about. You have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Another reason that most people don’t go to Champion status. You will never know how high you can go if you don’t push yourself past your limits. We place limits on ourselves that are far lower than they should be. Today would be a great day to step out of your comfort zone to see how far you can go. To be live with full purpose this is a must. Don’t stop short of your true destiny, because you didn’t want to move past comfort. I don’t think you can be comfortable knowing that you aren’t doing all you can do. Take your life to the next level and see just how exciting it will be. Being a Champion is the adventure of a lifetime. Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone today and become a Champion?