Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

May 5, 2014

Champion Mind

Anyone can develop a world champion state of mind.

We constantly have private conversations with ourselves, and now and then we listen in on them. These thoughts determine much of our world. A thought will pop into our head, we don’t know why or where it came from, and yet at that point it directs what we do. These entire acts are initiated almost as soon as the thoughts pop up, accidental thoughts. Eat that; buy this, say that. And so, people will sit down, and without any consciousness, clear out the food in front of them, and then wonder what it tasted like and maybe even who ate it: unconscious living. A key to living effectively is being conscious; don’t let your mind run wild like a young child in a toy store. The key is higher consciousness, being aware of the workings of your mind; think about what you are thinking about. Instead of walking around being controlled without awareness, actually start a conversation with you, even externalize the conversation, talking to yourself as if you are two people. Ask “What am I saying to myself?” “Am I saying, ‘I have to have that pizza”. “That person offended me,” “This is awful,” or even “Please hit that person with lighting” At this time, have a positive argument with yourself (“Is it really awful?”) or (“Do I have to have that pizza or do I want it?”). We have to become alert to control ourselves and to ask questions of ourselves. Healthy people ask themselves questions and they align their personal truths with facts. For example, a healthy person asks, “Did that person really offend me or in some way did I give him permission?” “Why is their opinion so important?” “Is this person’s opinion reality or just a person’s opinion?” “Why should I surrender my well-being to someone else?” What are you saying to yourself today?


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