Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

January 30, 2013

Changing Mindsets

Circumstances don’t determine your value, your worth. If you think you’re not good enough, your world will confirm that in your mind.

I have often said, “You are more than good enough.” However, if you look at your situation, listen to what the world is saying, or what you sometimes feel about yourself, then you will believe the lie. The lie being, ‘you are not good enough.’ There are many voices today that will try to convince you that you will never amount to anything, that you are a failure, a mistake, a waste of time. This is a lie, yet if not careful, you will believe it. When we are in a situation when things are not going right, we start to slip back into those negative mindsets. Reverse the negative thoughts, you are more than good enough, you have what it takes, you are valuable, you are cared about, you are a winner. Don’t let the circumstances determine your value or worth. Know the truth about yourself. Even if its hard to believe, the truth will begin you out of that negative mindset. Be a champion today! Are you needing to change some mindsets today?


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