Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

April 2, 2011

Corrective Lens

The challenges we face in life will determine the champions in life.  There are many that see challenges as a reason to give up and others see them as a way to go up. Which are you?

Some people see their addictions as a reason to quit and throw in the towel.  Some see their spouse not loving them the way they should as a reason to walk away. Some people see their weaknesses as an excuse to not try anymore.  The challenges we face in life are not to stop us from living our destiny, but they are there to strengthen us.  Those that stay the course will be champions.  It is all in how we see the challenges of life.  What is your perspective of your life challenges? It may be that you just have to change your angle of view.  When we see our challenges for what they really are; then we will use them to our advantage and not let them cause us to give up.  Nobody said life would be easy, but when we see life from the right perspective it does get a lot easier.  Make the decision today to get your perspective corrected and become a champion.  Decide today to live your destiny and to never, never give up.  You are an awesome person. 

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