Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

March 21, 2014

Your Daily Process

To be consistent over time, you must be able to describe your routines as a process.

Your life is made up of small daily routines. Who you are and become will be determined by these routines. Your routines collectively make up your process. Your life is basically a sum of your routines; your process. If you want to to be successful you have to repeat your process each and every day. Consistency is the key here. You have to have a process that is simple enough that you can repeat it without giving it much thought. Your process will determine the level of success you will have. Develop your daily routines today. Make sure your process is positive and productive. Never day a take off from your process. There are somethings that you need to do everyday.  Never take your process for granted. It will make a difference in your life. As a member of several National Championship teams I have experienced the benefits of a well thought out but yet simple to repeat personal process. What is your daily process?


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