Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

June 7, 2011

Difference Maker

There is success, significance, greatness, & awesomeness inside of you right now! You have the goods to be a world changer & a positive difference maker!

Today you may be having some self doubts, but let me remind you that you are a person of destiny.  “What does that mean,” you ask? Good question.  You have a purpose and are very, very valuable.  We need you in this world.  You are cared about and cared for.  You have a reason for being alive right now.  There is so much inside of you that this world needs today.  One reason the world is in the shape it is in right now could very well be that you haven’t stepped into your destiny.  You could be the one that turns this thing around.  You are a world changer and a positive difference maker today.  Take your place in history today!

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